
Chapter 1

I felt the warmth of the fireplace behind my back, it crackled matching my anger. The anger slipped through the cracks of father's usual calm and cool manner.

"If you are to one day be the pack alpha-"

"I don't want to go into the details of this." I growled as I cut him off.

"Sometimes you do things, even when you don't want to do it." He snarled back at me. I waited for him to come over to me, maybe fight me, or anything related, no, he would never do that. I was slightly stronger than him, stronger than the pack alpha.

I was somehow different even though it wouldn't be me fighting my father, it would be my "instinct" as he called it, he always helped me through it.

I was younger when I changed for the very first time, I ended up giving my father a large scar, in the shape of a slash, down his back permanently.

"Sometimes you let others figure things out on their own without babying them through their shit." I snapped.

We had tension between us ever since this morning when the blood wind had started,

"Julia? " Father muttered, calmness seeping through his words, "I'm sorry. "

"Sorry's not good enough" I growled my hands were shaking all i wanted to do was ball and let him hold me like a little kid, but im not a kid anymore, im 16 he should treat me like such. "Im going" i demanded rushin to my room only to get ready for the blood wind not because i was weak, I tried convincing myself. My room was kind of small in a way but it held my rock collection, my shells, and my-

"I have your supplies for the night.'' I saw a lamb come into the room. It looked at me scared. My face softened. My dad looked at me a bit more. He wanted to know what I was thinking but I got back the normal blank face.

After seeing no reaction he ended up leaving and locked my door. I went over to my makeup and decided to distract myself by mindlessly looking through my makeup drawer which held blush, chapstick, lip gloss, moisturizer and even mascara.

I put some blush on the overly pale skin. Some eye shadow on the exhausted eyes. They were purple no matter if I slept or if I stayed up all night. I looked at the sheep which was so scared it peed on my rug. I sympathize with the poor creature. Maybe I wasn't trapped until people were ready to eat me ,but I was trapped until I was old enough to get some proper training for my wolf.

The blood wind was relative to the vampire thing, it heightened our senses and made us go completely insane sometimes. Some of the others have learned to control it enough to not kill but the blood wind made us crave fresh meat. I was stronger i had almost killed somoene the last time the blood wind came. I looked over at the lamb. I guess the blood wind and the blood moon were something the werewolves and vamps had in common at least.

I knew what to expect. I've always known, first the fur shoots up along my back then the teeth shoot out from my gums that always itches and was sore days after.. I can't forget about the blood rushing around my body.

the lamb looked at me. That's when I felt the first sign. The coldness around me chilled my skin, making the goosebumps come up from there. I ended up curling up in a ball on my bed, waiting silently for everything finish.

I filled with fear, as the fur came up as well as it grew around me while my teeth grew longer and I got bigger. I grew a muzzle. Pain engulfed me. I closed my eyes, which was the last action I would be able to do with consciousness. because now my wolf instincts came in. I was now on four paws and looking around the rooms she saw the lamb. She jumped and dug my teeth through its thick wooly fur. I snapped its limb even though it was trying to fight back. It seemed a bit old, by the way, it walked and smelled.

She was the essence inside urging me to do the things i did. I tried to fight, like I told dad I would on nights like tonight. Like all nights however it failed and I ended up not able to control a whisker. She was a monster, she was a beast.

She ate with vigor, and murder filled my brain. The scent of a new prey in another room. She slammed herself into the door. Again, and again, bruising my sides as she did, until finally, exhaustion filled her.

I was able to take control with her weakness and I curled up on the bed, that was all I remembered.


Confusion filled my brain. I looked at the bloodied mess that was my carpet, a tear fell from my eyes and I heard the birds sing. I looked around a pain blistered through as a reminder of the terrifying night of the blood wind.

My sides hurt like hell almost everything did but my sides felt broken i felt a gash on my shoulder and quickly got it bandaged

I went out to see that my dad gone. He must've been with the pack tonight. sadly I could not join them. I looked at the note on the door.

Be safe little pup, the note read. I looked at the blood of the sheep. I sat down on the porch to watch our sheep.

It was early morning so I must have slept all night after collapsing on the floor. That usually happens anyway.

"Julia, what are you doing out here?" my dad let out, lugging some things up the porch steps. His advisor looked at me with a slight smile and then backed off. Dad was respected. me, not so much.

"just waiting for you to return"

"Sorry I was with the pack.." he muttered going inside. I followed him and helped him unload. They had a big hunt tonight. "How bad was it last night?" he worried, looking at me to make sure I wasn't hurt by the lamb. Our lambs couldn't hurt us when we were in wolf form and he knew that. "Did you leave the room changed?"

"No and dad it wasn't at all that bad i swear" i reassured and as i assured and to that only he finally took a deep calming sigh.

"Good then you didn't kill anyone besides the lamb" he yelled out loud. I uncomfortably nodded my head waiting for him to say something else.

A bunch of howls came from the pack entrance. Dad froze the hair on his neck raised.

"Julia, go to the safe spot!" Dad yelled changing as he howled for the pack, the howl was an alarm,

As i went, running down the steps to the basement. Many people came in. I sat there stunned until I was shoved by a pack member into the safe house. They had pups and put them with me in the basement. They cried for help, I looked at them. I knew I would not be able to help anything. everything has happened so fast as if none of this was important, it slowed a bit, however.

I waited for what seemed like hours. It felt like death was seeping through the cracks of the latch.

"Mommy?" one of the pups whined and I cuddled him up in my arms and stroked his hair to give him the sense of what his mother would have done.

All of a sudden a big boom came from the door. I smelled the men and they had a dark smell. a young boy was with them for some reason. He smelled about my age 17 maybe? They searched the house above. The boy smelled stronger than the other men.

Somehow the boy was able to find the hatch under the rug. A bright light came from the door and they opened the door and looked at the kids piled on me. I was mostly hidden. "move!" the boy commanded the kids as he came in. He didn't sound annoyed but I could tell he probably didn't want to do this. The kids screamed, while I was frozen absolutly petrified but the boy took my hand and pulled me forward. "There she is."

"That's her?" the men asked with concern at my weak posture. I was sliding against the mud on the floor; my pants got all muddy. I was no strong wolf, I was a wind wolf we should have run.

"Yes," the boy confidently, "What is your name?"

"Ju-ju-lia," I obeyed softly i should have said something cocky. I looked at them annoyed now. If i know anything the wolves are going peacefully

Those thoughts alone were enough to call upon my wolf, and a small hint of fur ran around my body. I put strength into it and the cold came over everyone in the room. The men froze, but the boy smiled. I closed my eyes and let the pain take me in.