
Wolves At The Door

Eiluned Railings and Kent Hawthorne: two lions in a den of wolves, equally ferocious and deadly, but with one crucial difference—they hated each other with every fiber of their being. Their explosive, physical fights had become legendary at Wytham House School, and now, they faced the ultimate punishment: to either move in together or be expelled. But beneath their fiery animosity, something else was brewing... a forbidden attraction that threatened to unravel their carefully constructed hatred. Tags : BL | Fake Hate | Enemies to lovers | Forbidden romance | Roommates

Moonlight00 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Halloween

It was Halloween!

Everyone was excitedly getting ready for the evening, with costumes and everything. Kent Hawthorne was sitting by the mirror, fixing his makeup. He was apparently dressed up as the Joker, while Railings was dressed as a centuries-old vampire.

"You look fabulous!" Hawthorne exclaimed, watching as Railings turned around with a chuckle, flexing his black cloak.

"No one is as good as me, right?" Railings grinned, "I should remind all the girls that I'm taken and my partner is a very jealous person."

Hawthorne snorted, glancing at Railings. "Who is jealous? Do you perhaps have a partner, Luned?"

"Why of course I have a partner. My partner is beautiful and I wish to gatekeep him to have him all by myself." A twisted smile settled across his handsome face.

Hawthorne rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "You mean that mysterious, dashing partner who's always stealing the last slice of pizza?"

"Indeed, the very one who insists on hogging all the blankets," Railings shot back, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Ah, well, he sounds like a real handful," Hawthorne said, standing up and brushing a speck of glitter off Railings' shoulder. "But I suppose he's worth it."

Railings pulled Hawthorne closer, wrapping an arm around his waist. "More than worth it. And might I say, Mr. Joker, you are looking dangerously charming tonight. Should I be worried about you turning heads?"

Hawthorne laughed, leaning in to press a light kiss on Railings' cheek. "Only if you think they can compete with a centuries-old vampire."

"Let them try," Railings murmured, kissing him back. "I'll just have to remind them, and you, who you belong to."

They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace, before Hawthorne pulled back with a teasing grin. "So, what's the plan? Scare some kids, win the costume contest, and then head back home to watch horror movies?"

Railings raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eye. "You forgot the part where we steal all the good candy from the trick-or-treaters."

"Of course," Hawthorne laughed. "The only disappointing thing is that I won't spend time with you.

"Sneaking away is the only plan." Railings confirm. "Let's only spend an hour there, alright?"


Sealing Hawthorne's lips with his, their kiss was soft and slow. Like they were walking on eggshells while hanging on to time, never wanting time to go on. Hawthorne gasped breathless, pulling away from the kiss but he was still in Railings' arms.

"Rosemarie is waiting for me," Hawthorne half-whispered, still a little drowsy from the kiss.

"Do you have to go with her?" Railings asked, a hint of jealousy creeping into his voice.

Hawthorne smiled innocently. "She's a friend from my hometown. It's only natural that I go with her."

"Mmmmh," Railings grumbled, clearly not pleased. "Do not tell me you're jealous." Hawthorne chuckled, "Oh come on, look, I'm already bent like this. Do you think I'll want to play for the other team?"

Railings laughed, his jealousy melting away. "I suppose not. But can you blame me for wanting to keep you all to myself?"

Hawthorne wrapped his arms around Railings' neck, their foreheads touching. "No, I can't blame you at all. I'd be the same if the roles were reversed."

Railings sighed, his hands running up and down Hawthorne's back. "Just don't forget who you belong to."

"How could I?" Hawthorne replied, planting a quick kiss on Railings' lips. "Now, come on. I have to go and join Rosemarie before she thinks I've been kidnapped by a very bad vampire."

"Only if you promise me one thing," Railings said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Anything," Hawthorne said, smiling.

"You save the last dance for me."

Hawthorne's smile widen, his eyes shining. "How can that be? I can't actually dance with you in public now do I?"

"We can find a secluded place to have the dance." He was being very cute. "We're lovers! The day cannot end without having our last dance, the first dance as a couple."

Hawthorne somehow felt reassured.

"Deal," Hawthorne laughed, kissing him once more before standing up. "Now I'll go."

Hawthorne found Rosemarie waiting at outside the dorm room.She was looking through her phone, she suddenly lifted up her head and a smile brightened across her face when her eyes landed on Hawthorne who was walking up to her. "There you are! I was starting to think you had disappeared."

She smiled brightly, tucking a string of hair behind her ear. Her interest towards Hawthorne was always invisible.

However, Hawthorne was a foolish man who thought Rosemarie was nothing more than a friend from the same town. Maybe he was deliberately turning a blind eye from her feelings for make things easier between them.

"Not a chance," Hawthorne said, grinning. " just had some important business to take care of."


"You look very pretty." Hawthorne complimented.

Her smile widened, "Do I? You look very handsome yourself. Are you ready for the party?"

Rosemarie laughed, linking her arm with Hawthorne's. "Well, I'm glad you made it. Ready to have some fun?"

"Absolutely," Hawthorne said. "Let's make this a Halloween to remember."

They made their way to the hall on the second floor. Half of the school population was already there dancing and drinking juice. However, everyone knew that there was nothing innocent about those juices in hand.

"Hey Hawthorne! You're here!" Sam already had something very illegal in hand, taking a sip from the red cup.

"You're here! Where's Jones? I thought you were coming with him?" Hawthorne's eyes scanned half of the crowd.

Sam scoffed, "You know how Jones is. He wasn't having it about Halloween party so I left him behind. He's studying right now if I'm not mistaken."

Hawthorne nodded, and he was offered a drink. He smiled, turning to look at Rosemarie who was obediently waiting for Hawthorne. God! She looked beautiful and if Hawthorne didn't have his eyes blinded by Eiluned Railings, he would have definitely fell for that charm.

"Let's drink! What do you want to hack?" Hawthorne stepped forward to ask the young lady.

"I want alcohol, there's alcohol here right?" Rosemarie said loud enough for Hawthorne to hear on top of the music which was playing on the background.

Hawthorne nodded. He hurried up to look for alcohol which was sealed and not opened up by strangers. You can not just trust anyone in such events.

Coming back with a bottle of cider, Hawthorne handed it over to Rosemarie while he gulped the liquid he found on the way. Bitter. But it was really good.

Half an hour later, the hall was full of students doing this and that. Most of them were already drunk while some still has their senses.

As they navigated through the crowd, Rosemarie linked her arm with Hawthorne's, pulling him toward the dance floor. "Come on, let's dance!"

Hawthorne hesitated for a moment, scanning the room for Railings. He spotted him across the room, engaged in a conversation but clearly keeping an eye on them.

Rosemarie noticed his distraction and gently tugged him. "Hey, focus on me for a bit. Just one dance, and then you can go back to brooding."

Hawthorne chuckled, giving in. "Alright, one dance."

They moved to the rhythm of the music, Rosemarie beaming as they danced. "I'm glad you're here," she said, her voice barely audible over the music but Hawthorne was able to catch what she said even above the music.

"Me too," Hawthorne replied, though his eyes kept drifting back to Railings.

After the song ended, Hawthorne excused himself. "I'll be right back," he told Rosemarie, who nodded understandingly.

Making his way through the crowd, he approached Railings who moved to a rather dark corner while Hawthorne was dancing with Rosemarie. "Hey," he said, sliding his hand into Railings' and giving it a squeeze.

"Hey," Railings replied, his eyes softening as they locked onto Hawthorne's. "Having fun?"

"Trying to," Hawthorne said with a grin. "But I promised someone the last dance."

Railings laughed, pulling him closer. "Well, I'm holding you to that."

They stayed like that for a close ten minutes before they decided to slip away from the hall. They made their way to the empty classes and Hawthorne grinned, an idea popping inside that tiny head.

He entwined his hand with Railings' while they walked down the hallway.

With a light chuckle, Railings asked, "What are you doing?"

"Making use of the emptiness of the school. You know, we usually don't get to have such a privilege of holding hands in school." Hawthorne grinned, though sadness could be picked from the tone of his voice. "So I wanted to see how holding hands would feel like."

Railings' heart ache as Hawthorne spoke. He felt hopeless for not being able to give the shorter male what he wishes for. He held Hawthorne's hand and the two started running, giggles falling from Hawthorne after being startled into running.

They ran down the hall until they were at the school playground. A clear green grass under their feet as they held each other's hand.

"I'm really gay." Hawthorne like it was so unbelievable which made Railings chuckle. "I didn't know I could be attracted to men."

"What do you attracted to other men? You can date another man?" Railings asked, his tone suddenly serious.

Goddess, what was going on with that boy? Hawthorne thought.

"I only like one man, and that man is Eiluned Railings. No other men can ever take a step next to my heart," Hawthorne muttered earnestly.

Railings laughed, the tension breaking. "That sounds very cheesy. Didn't you cringe saying that?"

Hawthorne rolled his eyes, obviously teasing. "I'm telling you my true feelings and you're saying I'm being cringe? What am I, a joke to you?"

Railings pulled him closer, a smile playing on his lips. "Maybe a little bit of a joke," he teased back. "But you're my favorite joke."

Hawthorne snorted, lightly smacking Railings' chest. "You're impossible."

"And you love it," Railings replied, leaning down to kiss him gently.

Hawthorne sighed contentedly, melting into the kiss. When they pulled apart, he rested his forehead against Railings'. "I really do."

Railings' eyes softened, filled with affection. "Good, because I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."

Hawthorne grinned. "Then it's a good thing I don't plan on going anywhere."

They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the quiet and the warmth of their connection. The night had been full of fun and laughter, but this moment, right here, was what made it perfect.

The air was chilly, perfect. It was a very beautiful night regardless of any obstacles blocking their way of spending time together in public. They were together, so whatever works.

"Ready to head home?" Railings asked softly.

"Yeah," Hawthorne replied. "But don't forget, you promised me the last dance."

Railings chuckled, pulling him even closer. "How could I forget?"

They swayed together, the night air cool around them, with their other hands clapped together while Hawthorne's other hand on Railings' shoulder and Railings' other hand on Hawthorne's waist.

"Let's go back." Hawthorne softly murmured.

"Okay." It was becoming more chilly outside so they quickly walked back to their dorm room.

Closing the door, Hawthorne immediately laid on the top bunk bed while Railings walked over to take out warm clothes from the closet, both his and Hawthorne's.

"Change out of those clothes." Railings threw the clothes at Hawthorne.

"I'm so tired." Hawthorne huffed, laying back down.

So lazy!

Railings shook his head, walking over to pull Hawthorne from the bed. The boy stumbled a few feet before he groaned and took off the Halloween costume he had on.

Changing to a warm set of clothes, he laid back down and Railings joined him in bed. The bunk bed was too small so they were much closer to each other as they laid.

Hawthorne looked up, sneaking a forehead kiss with a soft "Goodnight."