
Wolves are overrated. Lions are Kings(TO/TVD/Super Sentai/SC) Hiatus

A world where wolves and vampires are common. A human will bear his lion fangs.

HyperPhoenix · TV
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3 Chs

The Lion Roar

"Hey Alexander, I heard you beat up my brother" I turned around to see who it was. And it was tall lanky boy who dark brown skin along with stick like hair who looked around 13 was glaring at me. This Jacob a world grade jackass despite his young age. Behind him was an 10 year old who was battered and bruised with his nose leaking blood like faucet. His brother Mike who was smaller version of his prick of brother. I simply sighed at the situation. You see the current situation was brought about when the ten year old who thought I was an easy target but got annihilated instead.

"Your brother attacked me instead and he got beaten, seriously he thought he could bully because I was 8, Jacob" I said to him nonchalantly. Which seemed to piss of him more so he reach his arm in front of me and started to chant. Soon my head was having ringer as head splitting entered. I clutched my head as I saw him and his brother smirk. This really pissed me so I took him by surprise and grasped him and grabbed two of his middle fingers as I proceeded to snap them. He cried out in pain as he kneeled down to head height I smashed his face in with my fists. First I started with his eye making them heavily bruised in the process in other words making them black eyes. Then proceeded on to his nose with one punch shattered and rushed like a river. Then finally his mouth which he kept closed not it would help him as I slugged him across the mouth which made him spit out blood and teeth. I did this all while looking at his brother with a smirk similar to theirs he pissed himself.

I walked way from the humiliated teen who got his ass handed to him by a 8 year old. Now you must be asking how can an 8 year old speak more clearly than other 8 year olds as well beat up a teen like it was no problem. Ok lets talk. I am person who remembers a former life, I know shocker. Anyhow I remember stopping a murderer but getting shot by the police for a noble deed. Then being reborn in New Orleans at May 31st 1991, 9 years before my original birth as Alexander Deveraux son of Jane-Anne Deveraux. At first I thought I was in the past then they started to talk about magic and witches and then my "mother" proceeded to levitate a book. Now you might think that I am a witch as well and to that hell no apparently I have defect that will not allow me to perform magic as such I was considered my mother I use that term loosely did not value me because of this she was just a demeaning bitch.

Now onto how I beat up a teen despite my age. There are two factors that are aided this achievement. First my "Defect" I could channel things but the magic of what I channelled was stuck in my body. So I took this into the direction Chinese wuxia in my mind. Essentially I constantly enhanced and strengthened my body with the magic I had it was painful procedure but despite this it worked I had a strength of an adult despite my size. Now onto the second factor that made strong. When I was reborn I inherited the memory and potential of Rio. Who was a master martial artist who practiced The Confrontation Beast Fist Akugata. Beast fist is a style of fighting when the fighter synchronizes with their inner beast and starts to to use powerful supernatural techniques. This martial arts school focuses on the principles of natural selection: that only those strong enough can survive the harsh and inhuman training while fully mastering the Akugata's fighting styles. Those that master it obtain their power from the negative feelings of the weak they prey on, making it into Rinki (Confrontation Qi). Rio used the Lion fist style which was powerful as hell. However there was downside it seems that nature has restricted how much Rinki I can gather with this. Nature was pretty much a divine providence in the super natural nobody could be invincible with it present. Case in point vampires they have weaknesses to vervain and stakes thanks to nature. As such I have become a badass however I was also a pariah among the New Orleans witches.

As I walked myself back home knowing full well that my actions will told Jane-Anne in which she will punish disregarding the fact the Jacob attacked me first as well as use magic on. Soon I was in front of my house I quickly opened the door to see Jane-Anne holding my 4 year old half sister Monique talking to Agnes the aunt of the 2 boys that I beat. Jane-Anne was an attractive woman in her mid 20's. She was an average, but still a pretty woman with brown eyes and brunette hair. Meanwhile Agnes had a slim build and somewhat tall stature, and was usually seen wearing bohemian like dresses and round earrings. She had curly, brown hair that she usually had in a head wrap over her forehead and brown eyes. But she also had this mad look in her eyes that always like a cultist.

"That child of yours is a menace, he attacked my nephews for no reason" Agnes said in obnoxious and grating voice. She always disliked me and thought of me as an abomination. "I will deal with him Agnes don't worry you just head home" My so called mother replied to her in a frustrated tone.

Soon Agnes left the room and saw me by the door and just gave me an hateful glare which I returned with 100 times the animosity. "Alexander!" A loud shriek could be heard through out the house. I made my way to Jane-Anne. Honestly I did not care about her opinion of me she never been a true mother to me and I remember my original mother who was the polar opposite.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked in a nonchalant manner too fed up to even deal with this shit. "Did you attack Agnes's nephews?" She asked me barely keeping her temper in. "They assaulted me first and I defended myself" Hoping she would understand my reasoning. She just clenched her jaw and went upstairs with Monique in hand and came back by herself with rage colouring her face.

"HOW DARE YOU? THOSE CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE OF THE COVEN UNLIKE YOU WHO WAS ABADONED BY NATURE THESE CHILDREN ARE BLESSED AND WILL CONTRIBUTE TO OUR COMMUNITY YOU WORTHLESS WASTE OF SPACE!!!" She shrieked like a banshee. This just grated my ears as I just glared at her my inner Lion growling at the disrespect. I could not take it anymore my rage just was unleashed.

"Would you JUST SHUT UP"'ROOAR!' I shouted as unleashed all of the Rinki inside of me as it took the form of a purple ominous as a resounding roar was heard from my mouth which caused a shockwave which made her to slam against the wall. The impact to her head which made bleed profusely. She was groaning as she stood up clutching her head. She looked at me with shock as she saw a black lion with golden mane and sapphire like eyes was glaring at her.

"You know what I can take anymore of your bullshit. I am leaving plus I have been wanting to have to improve my strength being here would have been detrimental to that anyway." I said to her with an blizzard cold glare. "But since you did take care of me all these years I will give you a favour that you can cache in" She was not my mothers in my eyes but she did clothed and gave me shelter and food. She never supported and stood up for me however she never physical abused either. Despite her cruel mouth she was a nobody in my eyes and I will always repay my debts no matter who it was.

Before I walked away from that place. I had to make sure the money I have gathered in case I ever needed to runaway was collected all in all I got around 1000 dollars which I got from beating some local delinquents and muggers. There could not report on exactly since the were doing illegal stuff themselves and if people heard they got beaten by a kid they will lose their street cred, I also took the keys to Rousseau's and stole around 2000 dollars from the till with that I had around 3000 dollars on me and with that I left New Orleans and wouldn't return for another 14 years.


It has been 8 years since I left New Orleans, right now I was 16 which was weird since I was a going through puberty again. Now you guys must be asking how I have been since I left the quarter. And the question will be I am being doing great. Now since I was eight I could not do much so I needed to get a place to reside in now you must asking how I did this well this was simple. I squatted illegally for while bought some food for myself. And lived in a abandoned warehouse for a while then I came across a guy who found his way to my turf while being chased by a gunner. Well I suck behind the armed man tripped him and proceeded to smash his face in. Apparently the guy I saved was someone who did illegal jobs like creating fake identities and credit card fraud. Apparently the guy who attacked was somebody that got screwed since the guy gave a defective identify. Reason being that Dickwad was child murderer. So I asked him to create a fake identity as well as get me a cheap place to stay. He really didn't care about my backstory saying that he had seen enough runaways to know their deal but stated that I was the youngest he ever came across. I gave him 1200 dollars for the tasks and he gave me one of his apartment where he lays low. Overtime as grew older and bigger I decided to be a bodyguard for him to earn some extra cash for a while .Then when I was 14 I decided enter as a fulltime mercenary.

The mercenary life was actually pretty good I was hired by several criminal organisation for my services. Furthermore I decided to extend this to the supernatural being hired local governments to take care of some pesky vampire problems. With the money that I have made I decided to invest and buy share in companies that I know will make incredible profit. Right now I was a millionaire but I carried on being a mercenary because there was a drive for fighting I inherited from Rio.

I was currently getting ready for another job apparently there was some victims of a wild beast attack that have been happening around Texas where it was relatively peaceful. So the mayor hired me to see if there was a vampire infestation going. As I looked in the mirror to see myself obviously. Honestly I did not know how I was related to the Deveraux I did not take after them at all. I had tanned brown skin with molten gold eye with a lean compact muscular body.(Ozymandias Fate). There were also several scars lining in my body most of them I got from one fight against a group ancient vampires.

You see when a vampire reaches a certain threshold of age 500+ to be exact they can elements like lightning , fire and weather manipulation like it was nothing. I was tricked into fighting 4 vampires from a group called the Strix. Apparently it was set for me to die since they started to consider me a threat. I managed to kill 2 of them before I got away that was the only fight that I runaway from.

Apparently the attacks happen every few weeks. I was expecting an easy fight considering how sloppy the killings were I thought it was a newbie vampire who could not control his bloodlust. I patrolled the area for a couple days there was no sign of the attack. Just as I was about to leave I managed to sense something. I quickly moved out of the way to see the creature that attacked only to see a massive brown wolf with glowing amber eyes. It was not a vampire it was a werewolf. It disappeared in a blink of an eye and then I felt something biting at my right shoulder. I quickly released my Rinki forcing the beast back. It took pieces of flesh with it. 'Fuck I l let my guard down' I thought to myself. My right shoulder was injured due to my arrogance. Werewolves were as strong as ancient vampires physically however they lacked rational thought of an vampire. The wolf attacked this time I managed predict where it was going. As I dodged where it attacked I quickly jumped on it back and started to choke it. It took all of my strength and it only passed out. I started feel drowsy myself and soon I lost conscious.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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This Story is a Harem that has Davina , Hayley and Rebekah

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