
Wolf Town

Angle is 17 years old and is working at a bar not far from her house. Both of her parents are dead. Her and her sister Alaina are the only town wolves left off their blood line. A new boy came into town one night.

llayton0708015 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Bar

It was around nine or ten a clock on a Tuesday night. I was the owner of the bar and the only help I have was my sister. She is always in the fridge getting her a drink or something. The town used to have sheriffs all around the town but a male alpha wolf name Carter Slaughter. He bite the towns people and turn them into mutts. Know the whole town is full of mutt wolves and few pure blood wolves in this little town. I left my sister at the front of the bar to clean the table off for other customers. I wasn't gone long when I walked back up to the front to see a teenage guy looking directly at me. Both of our eyes locked together as we look into each other souls it feels like. I walked up to him and asked him whats his name.

Angle: so whats your name?

Austin: its uh Sky

Angle: So whats your business here Sky?

Austin (Sky): excuse me?

Angle: We don't get that many visitors in our little town.

Austin (Sky): Do you know were I can find me a job?

Angle: Nope.

Austin (Sky): So whats your name?

I was about to tell him my name but Carter looked at me and smile in a creepy way.

Austin (Sky): Oh I m sorry did I stump on you

Angle: No.

I walked back to the end of the bar and started to clean up from my sister. I began to hear two guys arguing in the bar. I went up front and find out that one of the mutts was drinking and was trying to pick a fight with Sky.

Angle: Sam leave him alone.

Sam: mind your own business Angle

Angle: I own this bar and it makes it my business. If you don't stop then I will kick you out.

Kino: You can't kick all of us out Angle.

I walked out of the bar not wanting to cause any fights with these town people. I hide in the bushes watching as they leave and acting crazy getting into the van. Started to walk back inside when a man said that he heard me saying I was looking for a job.

Austin (Sky): Did you?