
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Cómic
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47 Chs

Is it wrong to bring your harem to a dun

{Hours later}

The flight was ok. We didn't really do much, but there wasn't much to really do.

Saya had questioning me about my aura construct, making me summon things like wolves, either fully grown or puppies, which Shizuka gathered and turned into a giant pile of 'fur' and dogs. Sure they were almost regular wolves, unable to understand speech and all that, but they could still do the dog things. Such as lick her face when she brought some of the puppies close enough.

Rika had her own aura wolf, a Gray Wolf that was my size when I first landed in HOTD. I was double the size and length now, but she liked the sentimentality.

Saeko had a pair of Mexican wolves by her side, and was just watching them as they did their own thing. They were the same species as she was, and she was interested in this.

Saya was pretty much full analytical mode as she started studying my constructs. I knew about her semblance, and now that I could make something like this, it shouldn't take too long for Saya to do something similar. Because even though she could make constructs, Saya wasn't able to make 'living' constructs.

This would just help her speed that up. (We're both aura types, but she's a genius with a semblance to back it up. She's going to be a monster given time.)

When we ended up getting to Patch, it was passed noon, and we were met by the Rose/Xiao-Long household, Yin, Yang, Ruby, Tai, Qrow, Raven, and Summer. As soon as our bullhead opened. Which shouldn't have been surprising. But I felt a small niggling at the back of my mind for some weird reason. "SAYA!" Ruby ran into Saya, and that's where thoughts ended.

Saya caught the little reaper, and smiled at her. "Hi Ruby. Ho...- Why are there two Ruby's?" Saya had looked over her shoulder, and spotted Summer the moment she did. But her response made it click for me.

"Ah... I knew I forgot something." That made everyone look at me. Saya's eye twitched, Shizuka was looking back and forth between Ruby and Summer. Saeko was just blinking. And Rika was giving me the Saya patented 'are you stupid' look. Though I was pretty sure I earned that.

I think I either skimmed over the fact I helped bring Summer back, or set it aside to focus more on my new powers and nuking Salem. "Whoops?" Rika shot me in the back of the head for that. But I was fine. Summer squeaked at the fact I was just shot so suddenly, but I turned to Rika first. "Yes?" Rika pointed at Summer, and then Ruby, then me. I got the message. "So I may or may not have helped bring their dead mother back to life." My girls turned to me, and I just shrugged. "To be fair, I was just a battery. Yin did most of the work."

They didn't seem to appreciate the little fact, and I got a double dose of 'are you stupid' from Rika and Saya. "My lord... I believe a topic such as bringing back the dead should be something you tell us about." I looked around, saw that I wasn't getting any help, even from Yin, the traitor, and sighed.

"Talk about it before we go?" My girls unanimously agreed, and then we focused back on the RWBY gang. Ruby was still latched onto Saya, but she settled for hanging off of her arm so we could walk with the group.

Yang was still by her mother(s) sides, Qrow was by Raven, Tai and Summer were side by side, then there was us. Shizuka and Rika flanked me, and Saeko walked with Saya and Ruby. Yin was coming over, and we all just started talking. "So... Anyone wanna mention the whole Raven thing?" Said woman scoffed, but Qrow decided to be the good lad that he is, and explain.

"Rae... We're figuring it out. There's a whole lot to unpack there. We got the tribe, years of banditry and all that entails, being a godsdamned maiden. Not even mentioning the whole Sums thing either." I nodded, but not everyone understood.

"Huh? And what wo...- Hold the fuck up." Rika looked at Qrow. "You're telling me, that YOU, are named Qrow and turn into a crow." He nodded, clearly amused. "And YOU!" She pointed at Raven. "Are named Raven, and I swear to fucking god there's no way, but I have to ask... Turn into a Raven?" Said woman looked far too amused at this.

"Yes. There a problem dog woman?" The challenging smirk Raven sent Rika was way too amusing. Though Rika just smirked back.

"Nah. Just making sure I know who to shoot if I see bird shit on my gun." Me, Qrow, Yin and Yang couldn't stop the laughs that came out. Shizuka was giggling, and I could see Saeko trying not to give in. Raven herself just looked at Rika, eye twitching, but we all saw her lips twitch. Instead of laughing, she settled on an amused scoff.

"Can we watch the language please?" Summer, bless her, seemed against it.

"Yeah, it'd be great if you all don't corrupt Ruby." That made me, the rest of the girls, and Yin and Yang just stare at Saya. The hypocrisy in her was strong. We all knew how much she liked to curse now. "What?" One of was going to say something, but then Shizuka started talking.

"But Saya, didn't you say 'You're going to fuck Saeko like a cheap dirty whore while I spank the shit out of her' a week ago? Or was it a few days ago... I forgot." Oh shit. Saya whipped her head towards Shizuka at neck breaking speeds, eyes wide with embarrassment and fear, and everyone saw the way she started to physically buffer and overheat.

"Hm... I do believe that was last week. I remember being quite sore the day after. Who knew Saya was so adept with a paddle? Though I ALSO remember us using that paddle on you as well Shizuka." Saeko in for the assist.

"I might've recorded that. You DID make that paddle for them after all. It was hot as shit. I could check and see if there's a timestamp if you want." Holy shit. She's already dead.

"ULTRA COMBOOOO!" I also couldn't resist. Saya was down for the count, if the way she turned a new shade of crimson was any indication. then the way she fainted definitely told me she was out. Saeko grabbed our fallen mate, and chuckled as she did.

"Ah, new material. Wonderful. It's a blessing that she has yet to become immune to our teasing." Then we all heard a 'thud' and turned to see both Ruby and Summer had joined Saya in unconsciousness. Then the girls and I noticed the rest of the RWBY gang's reaction to the byplay.

Qrow was staring, a look on his face that was either 'what the fuck' or 'respect' was all over it. Though he gave me a thumbs up, which I happily returned.

Raven just stared at us with this confused 'what in the ever loving fuck did I just hear' face. Her eyes kept darting to Saya and Saeko as she did. There was no blush on her face, just pure confusion.

Tai just focused on Summer, and chose not to look at any of us.

Yin held Ruby, and just stared at me. I could tell she probably would've passed out if she could. Her face wasn't as red as Saya's, but it was up there. She was lucky Gamer's Body didn't let her pass out from embarrassment.

Then there was Yang. She was blushing like mad, sure, but she also had a glint in her eye, and a smirk on her face. "Kinky. Didn't know you guys liked it to be that ruff... Got a copy?" And then suddenly we were all staring at Yang. "What?"

"What the fuck is going on?" Raven could be excused for her confusion. She was here for... Atleast two days, so her worldview and the rest of our dynamics was far too new for her to just hop in without getting lost. "Do I discipline her? What the fuck am I supposed to do here?" We all heard her muttering, but ignored it.

Tai turned away from Summer, and just gave Yang a 'dad stare of doom' which she stiffened at. Then that turned into nervous laughter, which THEN turned into silence... "How long am I grounded for now?" Tai just blinked, and suddenly nodded.

"Three months." Yang groaned, and Yin laughed at her. After a normal punch to Yin's enhanced bust, Yang grumbled and started walking back home.

Their byplay done, we kept on going, and got to the Rose/Xiao-Long household without anything else happening.

Walking into the house, Tai went ahead and laid Summer on the couch, and Yin laid Ruby right next to her.

Qrow and Raven were in the kitchen, and Saeko had gone to join them when Raven tried to stab Qrow with a fork. They turned it into a battle of kitchen utensils, and Saeko had decided to join in and turn it int against her. That was fun, and I was definitely recording it.

Rika was by my side on the couch, just watching the show, and Shizuka was poking Ruby and Summer's cheeks. We didn't know why, we just knew she was. And Saya was leaning on my shoulder, she hadn't rebooted yet. "Hey Silver."

"Yes sealgair?"

"How long have they been doing that for?" I checked my scroll.

"A good 7 minutes."

"Ah... Imma join em."

"Kay. Have fun." And so she got up to join. We were waiting for Saya, Ruby and Summer to wake up before we said our goodbyes, so we were entertaining ourselves.

Yin, Yang and Tai were also in the kitchen, but they were debating on doing anything to stop this. Yin and Yang didn't want too, but Tai did. Though Tai was outvoted considering Qrow, Raven and Saeko said so. Yang didn't get to vote because she was grounded.

And now that Rika was there? It was a battle of epic proportions.

Well, not really. But it was still fun to watch. Especially when you considered how cramped the kitchen was. "BY THE WAY, NO SEX JOKES QROW! YOU GOT TWO OF MY GIRLS IN THERE!" I had no reason to shout, but we all limited our senses to how they were when we were human, unless we wanted to ramp them back up. So I did the thing.

Qrow took a butter knife to the shoulder, and turned to me as he avoided another one. "I MEAN, IT WAS ON MY MIND. BUT TO BE FAIR, MY SISTER'S IN HERE TOO." True. But then again.

I cleared my throat, and made a reference only the earthlings would know. "Sweet home al...-"

"NOPE! STOP! I WILL FUCKING DROPKICK YOU MACKY!" I snorted at Yin, and laughed as Qrow sent her a look. "Nope! Do not ask!" Qrow was about to ask. Too bad Rika shot him with a super blunt bullet...

"Actually. Why the hell are you shooting bullets in the kitchen?" Rika, for no reason, made another 5, and aimed them at the bird twins.

"No reason! Besides, they'll be fineee." I gave her a raised brow when she turned to me, and just shrugged afterwards.

The fight went on, and after another few minutes, the Rose's started waking up. Saya did too, so we suddenly had three, when they remembered why they passed out, very embarrassed women in the room, and Shizuka who had to stop poking them when they woke up. Four combatants having a fight in the kitchen, and the dad with his twins just watching. To say it was a weird kind of chaos was underselling it.

I kept recording though.

"Uhh... What's going on in the kitchen?"

"Don't question it Reddy Rose. Just know that it was Raven's fault." Said woman tossed her spatula at me, which I caught and threw back. Though it ended up flying out the window when she dodged. And it broke the window... "That's also Raven's fault." She scoffed at me, but went back into the fray.

"Can we please not destroy the kitchen?" And like that, Qrow and Raven stopped fighting. Summer held all the power...

"Does that count as being whipped? I think it should." Raven AND Qrow threw kitchen utensils at me, and I just smirked and avoided them... But I forgot Saya was next to me, so she took a egg batter to the dome. Saya's eye twitched, and she just turned her head to me.

She looked VERY unamused. "Zaka. I'm going to hurt you in ways you never knew existed." I blinked, and looked away.

"Not my fault they can't hit me." Saya smacked me upside the head, in VERY Rika like fashion, and I sighed. "Whatever. Anyway, now that you're all awake, we doing the whole goodbye thing yet?" That made everyone remember why we were here, and they all came into the livingroom.

When they were ready, the first person up was Ruby. Which was somewhat surprising, but that was fine. She came over to me, I was standing so the girls could all take the couch, she hugged me and didn't go red as she did. "I might not have known you or everyone else for long, but you've been the coolest not uncle I could've had! And you helped bring mom back, thank you so so so sosososo...-" I pat her head when she got too far, and she took that as a sign to get back to the point. "- Just... Thank you for everything... AND the cool Werewolf powers!" I just laughed at that, and pat her head again.

(I guess I'm the uncle figure now. Great... Do those usually end up dead in anime?) Minor crisis set aside for now, Ruby broke off the hug, but before she went over to her family, I stopped her. "Hold up ya little reaper, I got gifts. That made her stop, and she practically skipped frames as she turned to looked like a kid on Christmas, and I laughed as I started to shape my aura.

For Ruby's present, I had to get creative. She wouldn't let go of her scythe, so a weapon was out. She loved her hood, so that was out too. I wasn't exactly a clothes person anyway, so it wasn't really an option. I didn't know if I could make things like powered accessories, the 'enchantment' on Rika's sniper wasn't really anything that special, so that wasn't an option either... But I rethought about that, and it led to here.

I figured it out. I had thought of Rika's first sniper, and even though that 'enchantment' was kind of lackluster, I could improve on it. And improve on it I did. "Show me Crescent Rose for a sec." She eagerly complied, and I set my hand on it. My aura washed over Crescent Rose, and we all watched as it gained a silver sheen for a moment.

Then my aura melted into it, and after I was SURE it worked, I gave it back to Ruby. "Now, she should passively absorb aura. The more she takes in, and the longer she does, the harder her chassis should get. And she should self-repair if you actively feed her aura. Not sure if that last one will be permanent or not, I don't know." Ruby held her scythe closer after I was done talking, and crashed into me.

After a flurry of 'thank you so much' and 'you're the best' she broke off, and went back over to her family.

Next up was Yang, didn't know why, but I didn't mind. She held out her hand, and I took it. Yang smirked at me, then brought me into a quick hug. "You're probably the coolest and scariest person I'll ever meet. Don't be a stranger doggo dude." To the point, and I liked that. We broke off the hug, and Yang looked at me expectantly.

"Show me your rocket gauntlets." She snorted when I said that, but still did it. Now for Yang, I just repeated what I did for Ruby, but with a twist. Yang didn't like to use her claws, since she didn't like breaking her nails, so I went with a classic. "Same as the little reaper, but now you should be able to make aura claws like you're Wolverine or some shit. Test it real quick to make sure it works." Yang had shit control, just like Shizuka, so this was something she could use.

She did, and suddenly I had a claw scraping against my aura. I looked down, then back to Yang. "Really feeling the love here." She chuckled, VERY nervously.

"Uh, sorry?"

"You're fine Goldilocks. Now off you go." With Yang done, next up was Tai.

The guy brought me into that hug you give your guy friends after you haven't seen them in a month or something. "You've done more then I could've ever asked for. You've kept my girls safe, helped them be better and stronger, and brought back my wife...-" I saw Raven flinch at that, but I didn't say it. "- Thank you for all you've done. You'll always be a friend of the family." With his peace said, Tai broke off the hug, and went back to Summer's side. I didn't have a gift for him, I didn't know or really care much about him.

Then came Qrow. We linked arms, did the hug, and smirked at each other. "Try to visit sometimes you old fuck. I need more drinking buddies." I snorted at that, and grinned.

"I'll see what I can do. Try not to trip on a stray brick again." His eye twitched, and I smirked.

"We both know that was your fault." I whistled without a care in the world. Qrow's lips twitched, and he settled on an annoyed smile. He wasn't buying my shit, but that was all good. "Whatever. I'm not the guy for sappy crap, so just make sure we see you sometime later Silver." We un-linked our arms, and I stopped him before Qrow went back over. "Really? Alright. I'll never say no to free crap." I rolled my eyes at him, but gave his Harbringer the Ruby package. That done, he went on back.

Then it was Raven's turn. She didn't come up to me, she just stayed where she was. "I don't know you. I don't know what to say to you. All you'll get is my thanks for bringing back Summer and making my daughters stronger." She got elbowed by both Qrow and Yin for that. "What? It's the truth. I've had what amounts to a single conversation with the man. What do you expect from me?" Qrow and Yin rolled their eyes at that, but I shrugged.

"I mean, she's not wrong." Raven nodded at that, and we moved on. I didn't have a gift for her, and she was ok with that. And now it was Yin's turn. She came up to me, and gave me a hug, like Ruby did, which I again returned.

"I don't NEED to say goodbye, since we're going to keep in touch with party chat, but I DO want to say it anyway. Thanks for everything Maccillian, even if you scared the shit out of me the first time we met." I laughed at the last bit, because I just couldn't let that go. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up asshole. But seriously, thanks for everything."

"You're welcome kid. Try not to call when you only need something." She huffed at that, but we gave each other a smirk when she broke off the hug. "You know the drill. Show me your pointy stick." Her eye twitched at that, but she still brought it out.

I gave it the Ruby treatment, and added something else. I was only trying it because of her system, so I had no clue if it would work or not. My aura flared out a bit, enough to let my sword go from my earring, to hanging above Patch. When I knew it was out, I tried to funnel a bit more of my aura into it then usual. Not to sheer any off, but to see if I could make a very specific 'enchantment.'

When I was done, I reigned my aura in, and handed it back to her. "Check for the odd one out. If it's not there, then oh well." She scrunched her brows, and I could tell she used her Observe when her eyes suddenly went wide.

"No fucking way. Not a goddamn shot in hell." I took that as confirmation that it worked. I laughed, and pushed her back to the rest of them, and let the last member of the goodbye squad come up.

Summer Rose. The woman I helped bring back from the dead. She gave me a 'bone breaking' hug, and I returned it. "There's too much for me to thank you for. But like Tai said, you'll always be a friend of the family. I'll even try making you a second uncle since Ruby seems to like the idea." I hummed at that.

(The uncle zone exists. Population, me.) I shooed away the thought, and zoned back in. "Well then, as new uncle of the family, I declare myself to be better then Qrow in all aspects." Said bird shouted at me, but I just smirked at him. Summer, Raven, and the twins laughed at that though. So majority rules.

I didn't have a gift for Summer, but that was fine. The girls would help their mother and make sure she didn't die again.

With all that done, the girls had their own goodbye's before mine, we all walked out towards the clearing Yin and I talked at, and gave the RWBY gang one last smile and wave, then I brought up the world-jump feature. But with a twist. "ZA WARUDO! TOKIWO TOMARE!" And the world stopped...

"Did you just make a fucking Jojo's reference? Really Macky?" Yin wasn't frozen...

"I don't know why I'm surprised." She shrugged, and just sat by her family. I turned to the rest of my girls, who looked at Yin, amused that she wasn't frozen, and then back to me. "Anyway, everyone agreed on the next world?" Rika, Saeko and Shizuka nodded, but Saya hummed.

"What were the new worlds you unlocked again? Just for reference." Oh yeah. After Saeko went crazy in the Grimmlands, I got 10 new worlds we could go too. Though only 4 of them were actually good. There were too many slice of life, romance anime, or just normal worlds in this batch.

I opened my list, and reread them.


Monster Hunter(World/Iceborne) - Wyverns roam the world. Most big, some small. These creatures are the pure essence of the wild, Of predators and apex creatures. But above them lay the true kings of their kind. The Elder Dragons. These creatures hold the power to sow destruction wherever they go. But they are not the top of the food chain. You are. Show these creatures who sits at the top. (Preference of pack mates Saeko/Rika)

ARK Survival Evolved - Humanity has lost their place in the world. The new age has gone, and the old has returned. Creatures of times long forgotten have returned, they now walk the earth, and they reign supreme. These creatures of ages passed have ruled the earth once again. Maybe you should change that? Show them they are not the only rulers. (Preference of pack mates Saeko/Saya/Rika)

Horizon Zero Dawn - Humanity is dwindling. The earth, healed beyond its prime, has turned into the land of mechanical beasts. These creations of man have helped return the earth to its former glory, and then some. They may not be true predators, but there is still much to learn about them. Do you seek that knowledge? (Preference of pack mate Saya)

Pokemon - The magnificent world of Pokemon. A world filled with creatures who roam the skies, the seas, the land. They coexist with humans, grow and journey with them on their own adventures. They are anything from the smallest electric rat, to the god of creation. The sky is the limit to these creatures, but just like them, so are yours. Why not journey in the world of Pokemon? (Preference of pack mates Shizuka/Saya)

It wasn't lost on me on how 3/4 of my options are post apocalyptic worlds. I'm counting monster hunter solely because Fatalis and White Fatalis exist. If a fucking dragon that's capable of throwing meteors at you exists, then that world is one bad day away from becoming a post apocalyptic wasteland. Hell, I wasn't even bringing up the Megala's. But then again, (I wonder what Safi'jiva tastes like... That mother fucker is the closest thing to a western dragon in that universe... I'll need to make sure Rika's prepared enough for the day we go there and she shoots it in the ass.)

ARK was the world of dinosaurs... Which was cool as shit. Dragon's were also cool as shit, but again, DINOSAURS. The image of me riding on the back of a Giga was real enticing.

Horizon was an interesting one. Saya had a nerdgasm at the idea of machines capable of resurrecting a dying world. We agreed to go there eventually, so she could bring that tech back home and kick start the space age.

Then there was Pokemon. When I brought that up, Yin started choking. "WHAT!? Oh my gods. The day you go to Pokemon, you better let me know! Do you know how long I've wanted to cuddle a Mareep!? That little sheep is adorable!" I raised a brow at her, and just stared. "Oh come on! Don't tell me you don't have a favorite Pokemon. And you can't say Lucario! That's a cop out and you know it!"

"I know, and he's not my favorite. Garchomp is the coolest fucking thing in the world. Who needs a legend when you've got that busted fucker?" She mulled that over, and nodded.

"Point. Anyway, don't mind me, I'll go back to waiting for when you're done." I nodded, and went back to my girls.

"So, still in agreement for the next world?" They all shared a look, gripped their luggage a little tighter, and all nodded together. "Perfect."

I mentally selected Danmachi, and felt my claws grow. I grinned, and cut the air in front of me. Just like before, my claws cut marks into the air, and I pulled them open again. Though the other side didn't have a forest on it.

On the other side of the portal, I saw a wall, and a giant tower. It looked even more amazing since it was nighttime. I heard a gasp behind me, and saw it was Shizuka. "It looks so beautiful..." She had these stars in her eyes, and it was more gorgeous to me then the tower. I decided to act on that thought later, and expanded the portal some more. And when it was ready, I stepped back, and motioned for my girls to go.

"Ladies, first class tickets to the world of adventure." Shizuka smiled at me, and ran ahead. She was cheering as she did, and Rika followed right after her. Saeko was next, and was humming an interesting tune as went through the portal. And last was Saya, she hummed as she stared at the tower, and walked through with a determined look on her face.

With them through it was my turn. I looked over to Yin, and smirked. "See you around kid. Maybe you'll be strong enough to complete that fighting quest you get whenever we spar." She sent me a challenging grin, and I knew we'd have fun the next time we met.

"See ya Macky!" I waved as I walked through the portal, and felt it close as I stepped through.

-Outside of Orario-


Native species of 'Werewolf' detected, applying changes. Changes will be permanent from now on.

Physical perimeters reduced to 1/4th

Skill - The One True Wolf, use forbidden in entity 'dungeon'

Aura capacity reduced by 50%

Goals - Reach the 60th floor. Defeat The Juggernaut. Or kill a god.

Rewards - restrictions lifted, World jump feature unlocked. Time dilation 1:3.

(Huh... I'm technically weaker then my girls now... Interesting... But 'changes?' What's th...- Oh.) I felt my ears twitch, and instantly recognized what it meant.

My ears never twitched. Unless I was in wolf form...

I reached a hand up to my head, and felt another pair of ears... (Not another pair... The only pair.) The ears from when I... We, I just noticed the rest of the girls had sprouted ears and a... "I have a tail don't I?" I looked back, and yup, a tail. "This is going to take time to get used too." I shook my head, and decided to do that later.

After testing my strength, I moved on. With my portal closed, I gathered around my girls. And we, the girls weren't moving yet, but they were facing it, all looked at the Tower of Babel. It looked like the coolest building I'd ever seen, and it would probably stay in my top 10's no matter how many years go by.

I looked at my girls after a bit, and noticed they were just starting to move again. And like before, it was Saya that spoke first. "Falna... I get the way you described it earlier, but levels? Really?" I shrugged, it was what it was. Though Saya froze when she turned to me. Then she SNAPPED her head towards her ass, and saw her tail. "What the fuck?" I snorted. She grabbed her tail, and let out the most adorable squeak I think I'd ever heard from her as she did.

Rika was next, and asked something I knew about. "By the way. I'll get to ears and tail thing after... Anyone feeling like they're being watched?"

"Oh yeah, probably the bitch at the top of the tower." With how tall Babel was, it shouldn't be a surprise we could be seen. We weren't THAT close to the walls, but we were still in walking distance. And even if they were restricted, they were still gods. It also made sense our entrance to the world would be noticed by SOMEONE. It just annoyed me a little that it was Freya. "I'll threaten her later." Rika nodded at that, and moved on.

Saeko and Shizuka broke out of it next, and they both shared a look, then turned to my ears and tail. Shizuka walked over, and started to scratch my ears... And I will deny that I let out a throaty hum. Saeko didn't make it any better when she started running her hands through my tail. "Silver... I love this world. It's the best world." I just agreed, and let them have their fun.

[Testing, one two three... Come in Macky.]

~Reading you loud and clear kid.~

[Nice. System said this should work through your dilation shit, but just making sure.] I mentally nodded, and looked to the rest of the girls. Saeko and Shizuka were still playing with my new appendages, and Rika and Saya were just smiling. Though the both of them had an evil glint in their eyes. (I'll worry about that later.)

~Well we're ready to go, again, see you later kid.~

[Whatever. I'll invite you to a party to make sure you don't fuck up at some point.] I sent a scoff at her, and suddenly, the party was disbanded. We knew it would work, but the fact that Yin and I could keep in contact, worlds away was cool. But that aside, it was time to move. We had a dungeon to raid, and an adventure to have.

Just after the heaven I was currently in.

{Yin's POV after disbanding the party.}

I went back to my room, and laid down in my bed. The rest of the family was downstairs, and I was on my own now. (Hey system.)


(When I go to another world, is it going to look that cool, or am I going to just poof into existence there?)

[You pop into existence. We're boring that way.]

(Tch. Whatever.) Then my system went silent. Seeing Maccillian leave was strange. But it was the good kind. The idea of having someone to talk too about traveling to other worlds, someone that understood me and my Gamer thing. Someone I could just talk too about these things, it was the best. And I couldn't wait for the next time we met face to face.

I was practically bubbling in excitement, and I couldn't help but bring out Head Hunter and grin.

[Head Hunter - Rank Rare(Growth)

Spear form damage - 325 x 1/2x STR

Scythe form damage - 450 x 1 STR

Remington damage - 200 x 1/2 STR + 1x INT

Auto Repair(Passive)

Passive Strengthening(Passive)


The personal weapon of Gamer Yin Xiao-Long. Co-Forged by her sister Ruby Rose. This weapon has served her well through the start of her story. But this weapon has yet to end its journey. Just like its wielder, Head Hunter has room to grow. Room to evolve. And with the blessing of the Silver King of Wolves, it has gained that chance. This weapon will grow in time, and with its wielder, it shall become its own legend.]

"Yeah. We're going to be legends, and I'm going to kick his ass one day. Just you wait Macky, I'll see you at the top." Then I heard the 'ding' of a quest, and when I saw what it was, I accepted it on the spot.

[A Gamer and a Wolf.

Through an odd twist of fate, you've gained a companion that can be relied on all throughout your journey. A true friend... But more then that... A rival. You've sworn to reach the top, and to do so, you'll need to reach the man chasing the same peak. Your journey may never end, but it now has a goal. All you need to do is reach it.

Objective - Defeat Maccillian Silver Zaka at full power.

Rewards - ?, ?, ?

Deadline - infinite]

"Yeah. The both of us. We're going to reach the top. No matter what." I looked out at the sky, towards the broken moon of Remnant, and prepared for the day I'd meet Maccillian again. Even if it wouldn't be a fight right away, I was looking forward to the next time we met up.

[NON cannon Omake - Well hello there. Maccillian's POV]

"Everyone still set on where we wanna go?" The girls all just nodded at that, and I grinned. I was looking forward to seeing how this world would turn out. Though Yin raised her hand out of the corner of my eye. I raised a brow at her, and met her gaze. "Yes Yin?"

"Where are you going again?"

"We my good friend are going o the fantastic world of Pokemon!" Yin blinked, then just started staring at me. "What?"

"You... Mr. 'I blew up the entirety of the Grimmlands' is going to the world of Pokemon? The world of 10 year olds going off on their own with an electric rat and super animals?"


"The world where The strongest people would be martial artists and base humans?"

"That depends on if there's anything new, but also yes."

"The world where literal god is a lama." I snorted at that.

"Also yes." Yin just kept up the stare, and I just shrugged. "To be fair, the world of Pokemon is going to be fun."

Yin just rolled her eyes, but just started to shoo me. "Whatever. Just don't destroy the world. I want to go on vacation in Unova at one point." That was easy.

So with that byplay done, I grinned, and selected the world of Pokemon. I felt my claws grow, and followed the motion to open the portal. When the portal opened, I started pulling it open, and stopped. I heard Yin choke, and the girls all just started staring at the good reason mind you. Because when I was expecting a forest in Kanto or some shit on the other side, we were greeted by something far more cool and dangerous. "Oh... Hello there Palkia..."

The god of space, which in hindsight, makes sense for him to be here. I WAS cutting a hole in space after all.

Palkia stared at me, and the girls, and then his eyes met mine. It was strange. I knew I was strong, but when we looked at each other, I didn't feel like I could kill him. He WAS made at the start of the Pokemon universe and therefore one of the oldest things I've technically met. "No." Then the portal closed, and the girls and I backed away from it.

We all, Yin included, shared a look. And we all must've had the same idea. "Yeah. Let's just ignore the world of Pokemon for now." They all nodded, and I moved onto Danmachi.

So I've been debating on the world after Danmachi. And after careful deliberation (I just decided to pick the first one I thought of because I got too annoyed about thinking of other worlds. Someone already knows which world it is though.) I've decided on it. So there won't be a poll.

[Lemon Omake - The paddle incident Maccillian's POV]

We managed to drag Saya out of her lab early, and at the moment, she wasn't complaining. Saya was laying on the bed, legs locked around Saeko's head, not allowing her to breath as Saeko's tongue lapped her pussy like a thirsty man in the desert. Rika was on her face, making Saya eat her out in probably the sexiest L shaped anything, and then there was me and Shizuka.

Shizuka was pressed against an aura platform, above Saeko so she could kiss Rika, and was currently taking my cock as she did. We had to get creative whenever we all fucked together, But I wasn't complaining, this was hot as shit, and everyone clearly enjoyed it.

Saya screamed into Rika, marking her recent climax, and signaling for the next phase of our fuck fest. Rika stopped kissing Shizuka, and had to take a few seconds to actually catch her breath. "Al... Alright. Smarts, your turn." She got off of Saya while she was talking, and that marked Saeko's freedom.

Shizuka and I moved off of our aura platform, and watched Saeko lick her lips. She enjoyed being on the bottom for this session, and we all knew that. So it shouldn't have been a surprise when Saya, after she got herself together, to get behind Saeko, and push her down on the bed. We watched as she made aura ropes and paddle, then turned to me. "You're going to fuck Saeko like a cheap dirty whore while I spank the shit out of her. Got it Zaka?" I didn't even need to answer that. I grinned at her, walked up to Saeko, placed both hands around her waist, and rammed my cock into her.

Saeko's scream of pleasure was cut off when an aura gag was made around her mouth, and I gave Saya a look. She just smirked at me, pressed herself against my back, and started aiming her paddle. "This crazy bitch likes running her mouth, so i'm just making sure she doesn't get the chance to do that right now." A vindictive little cub I had, but I didn't care.

Saya started rubbing her nipples against me, and waited for the right moments to start spanking Saeko. And when she did, I felt Saeko tighten almost as tight as Saya did. "While they do that, get over here Shizuka." Rika was going to have her fun, and that was fine, she'd get her turn later.

"Yeah, you like that don't you, you fucking slut! Where's all that sass now you cheap bitch!" Saya was VERY vindictive, but we knew she meant none of it. Though Saeko was still turned on beyond belief when those words came out, which were then followed by a spank of the paddle.

Though Saeko shouldn't get all the fun. I grinned at the thought I had, and started molding my aura into two sets of replicas in the form of my hands. When they were done, I put one set around Saeko's throat and breasts, while the others went to Saya's ass. They both moaned at the grip I used with them, and Saya's nipples pressed into me even more. "Silver! Give us some why don't you?" I rolled my eyes at Rika, but still did it anyway.

I heard her yelp when the aura hands I made clamped down on her nipples, and started playing with them. Shizuka got a hand around her throat like Saeko, and one on her ass like Saya. (Too fucking I bad I still can't feel anything through them.) I'd find someway to do that, solely to fuck them all with aura cocks like a fucking hentai monster.

But back to the now. I could feel Saeko clamp down even harder, and I recognized the shaking going through her. She was close, and I grinned. "Saya, take the right one for me." She moaned a yes, and I sped up. As I felt Saeko getting closer, I moved my left from her side, and brought it to her ass. And when we were both ready, we started to spank Saeko.

Feeling her tighten again, we watched as Saeko arched her back, and screamed as she came. I didn't keep track of how many this made, but with the way Saeko slumped against the bed, I realized she was tired for now. That was fine, I had someone pressed against my back that could go next.

I took my cock out of Saeko, and turned to wrap my arms around Saya. The moment I did, she pushed me and herself onto the bed, right next to Saeko, and started kissing me. I de-spawned the hands on her ass, so I could put my own there, and bit Saya's lips when she moaned at the feeling of my actual hands on her ass.

Saya gave me a look that had nothing but pure lust in it, and I grinned as I broke off our kiss. "Ride?" She didn't even nod. She just straddled me, aimed my cock at her entrance, and brought herself down onto my cock.

"Fuuuuuck." After she said that, I tightened my hold on her ass, and started thrusting into her. Saya started moaning like she was in heat, and brought her hips down whenever I trusted.

Saya was still the tightest of my girls, and she knew it. I still didn't know HOW she learned to control when she tightened around my cock, but she did, and it was doing wonderful things to me. Though I would debate on what was more wonderful. Feeling her tighten around me every time I trusted, or the way her breasts bounced when we slammed into each other.

I was a tit-man, and my girls all had great ones. So the jury on whichever one I enjoyed more was still out on that particular sentiment. But I could always figure it out later. Now, now I'd fuck my women until we were all ready to go to sleep.