
Wolf's Zone

A young girl, Letty Black, understands that the last thing she remembers is her father's death. Her childhood, teen years, first kiss, and first love are a tabula rasa. Her memories are gone, and no matter what she did and how many qualified doctors she had seen, there's no progress in getting her memories back except for strange dreams: an unknown city, a handsome blond man with magnificent blue-brown eyes, and... wolves...? What do all those dreams mean? Is she mad, or that's a hidden world under her nose?

_Himari_Nora_ · Fantasía
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125 Chs

A Stranger

Finding the answers in the books wasn't the easiest task. It took me a long time to find some appropriate books that have at least something suitable about wolves or humans. Moreover, I even managed to read some of them until the grumbling sound of my stomach reminded me I haven't eaten anything yet. I stood up from the floor, put those books that I wanted to take with me to one side, others put back on the shelves, then grabbed my things and went out of the book labyrinth, then looked around. I saw Sally on the other side of the library and went towards her, then put the books on her table.

"Can I take those books with me?"

She looked at the pile of books I brought, then grabbed the clear user book from one of the drawers of her table and looked at me with a friendly smile.

"Sure. We just need to make a new subscriber's book for you, so please tell me your full name, mobile number, and address…," she said, and took a pen in her right hand.

"Letty Black…," I told her my mobile number, then where I live, then she started writing which books I took to the inside of my subscriber's book. It took her a few minutes, then she looked over the titles of the books, noticing they have something in common.

"Wait, Letty Black? The newcomer… Everyone is talking about?" She looked over at me, then asked her best friend Ruy to come to meet me. I felt like a local celebrity with a bad reputation, so I blushed and started putting books back in my purse in a hurry.

"Everyone is talking about me because I look and act weird? Probably, that's because I lost my memory," I said as if to myself, but they definitely heard me.

"Wait, you lost your memory? No, people talk about you because of your unique rose-red hair. Also, everyone noticed a very interesting behavior of our Alpha Aiden whenever he saw you," Ryuichi giggled, then looked at Sally, "If you don't mind, I'll add a few books to that list…"

She gave me a few more books to read, and I haven't even looked at what those books are about. Probably, something about wolves and humans as I needed.

I left the library in a hurry, then looked around and noticed a man on the other side of the street. Suddenly I remembered him being pressed to the wall by Aiden's hand and understood he was the same man who wanted to order me as a point of a menu yesterday. Suddenly, he looked at me and ran in my direction. I pressed my purse to my chest and ran away as fast as possible.

I don't know which kind of sport he does, but he was chasing me really fast, so I ran to the nearest corner, where I bumped into some strong chest. My purse fell to the floor and my books and other things fell out of it too. However, I didn't even care about it, just ran over that man whom I bumped, and hid behind his strong back. A man suddenly turned around and looked down at me.

"Letty?" I heard the familiar voice, so I looked up and saw…

"Aiden?" I straightened up and looked at him, then hugged him and tried to hide under his strong and muscled body. He was amused, but then he hugged me and presses to himself. "Hide me, please," I asked.

"From whom?" He asked, hugging me tightly.

"That man whom you pressed to the wall yesterday in the nightclub. He was chasing me from the time I went out of the library." I said and looked from Aiden's back to see if that man is near, and saw him just turning to the corner where we were. After noticing me, he stopped. I hide my head behind Aiden and whispered, "He's just behind you… "

Aiden suddenly turned around and whistled. I saw a few men running out of nowhere in the direction of that guy, so he ran back, saving his life. I hugged Aiden from the back, still hiding.

"What does he want from me?"

"That's what we're going to find out when we'll catch him," Aiden said. I was hiding behind his back until I heard some voices near us. I straightened up and looked over Aiden's shoulder when I heard his answer.

"Good job. This time he wasn't able to escape," Aiden said, protecting me with his body. I stood on my toes, looking from behind his back, and noticed my offender being tangled by a robe to the hand of one of Aiden's friends, so he really wouldn't be able to escape. I stood straight and went finally from behind Aiden's back, looking at my offender. He looked at me, then suddenly ran in my direction, but was stopped by a strong male fist.

Aiden punched him in the face, so he fell to the ground with his face covered with blood. My safeguard just shook the blood out from his hand, then looked at other guys coming in our direction. He was brave and cold, as a true leader should be.

"Put him in jail with his friends and look for the last one," he turned to me, "Do you have drawings?"

I blushed from head to toe because I didn't have them. I just forgot to draw those guys' faces, being obsessed with questions in my head. So I tried to remember his face or any other features to give Aiden a better clue than the drawing, and to my wonder, I remembered.

"He had a big scar under his left eye going down to his cheek," I suddenly said, remembering a facial feature I haven't remembered before.

"Nice one," Aiden said, then told his boys some other things while I kneeled down and started collecting all the things that fell off my purse. Aiden sat near me and started helping to collect all the books, but soon he stopped looking at the titles of the books. I blushed for an unknown reason as if I was embraced, "Nice books, especially those about myths and legends about werewolves. Have you chosen them on your own?"

His magnificent blue eyes moved from the pile of books in his hands to me, and I noticed his left eye's blue color mixing with the brown color, then all the iris of his eyes turning amber. I opened my mouth, admiring the view I suddenly was honored to see. It was like a flow of two oceans that finally mixed together, making a new ocean people never heard about.

{But how is this possible, or does the mixing of blue and brown colors in his eyes have nothing in common with the amber eye color?}

"Letty?" Aiden called me back to reality, probably because I was staring at him for too long. But the problem was lying on the surface: I wasn't able to take my eyes off his.

"Your eyes…," I whispered, "They are amber…"

"Damn," Aiden immediately closed his eyes and stood up. I blushed from head to toe, disappointed by his actions, then grabbed everything back into my purse, stood up, and looked at him.

"Thanks for the help, but I must go," I didn't know why he reacted like that to his eyes changing color, and I definitely was disappointed he hadn't tried to explain anything to me. When I turned around, my hand was caught by his left wrist, while his right one was on his nose bridge, holding his eyes closed. I looked down at his left wrist where he had a tattoo with my name, and a flow of sadness overtook me. "I need to go…," I whispered, "Please…"

I reached my hotel room in a few minutes. My stomach was still grumbling, and my eyes were wet because of everything going on around me. I threw my backpack on the bed and ran out to the balcony, feeling my cheeks becoming wet. A sudden flow of anger made me punch the wall with my fist, then I cried harder from pain and sadness.

After I injured my fist on the wall and made my knuckles bleed, I sat on the floor and pressed my head to the wall, closing my eyes. I'm so much sick of those dozens of questions in my head and what makes me even more sad and disappointed, is that I can't understand what's going on between me and Aiden…

{Or what WAS between me and Aiden before?}


I punched the wall behind my back with my fist, making my knuckles bleed. Then I repeated it until the skin on my knuckles was all covered with blood.

"Damn it!" I turned around to get out of that street, when I found out a book Letty forgot to take back to her pack. I kneeled down, took it in my hands, and noticed it was not a book. It's a diary. HER diary. It was full of her lavender smell that could easily make me calm in a second. She knew it before she lost her father and her memory, and always was eager to leave something for me whenever she was far away. I sighed. I still have a collection of her gifts in my room…

Likewise, I miss her…

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

_Himari_Nora_creators' thoughts