
WMMAP - [S1] Shelter You - (愛)してる

"Expectation hurts you know..." "I know... And I know if there was another me in another universe, he wouldn't miss your birthday. He would stop whatever he was doing and come to you with the snap of his finger." "...what are you getting at?" "He would force you to go to bed with his magic because he wouldn't want you to stay up late. He would tuck you in and would stick around even if you fell asleep."

HeliosRedSun · Acción
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"I hate this. All of it. This goddamn suit is killing me," a young man with charcoal black hair in a dark red shirt said while extricating his tie.

His red ruby eyes gazed unfocused past the depth of the night through the window. Folding his arms, he exhaled in annoyance.

"I see you have not changed at all, Lucas," another young man with silvery snowy locks paired with his glittering golden eyes spoke with a smile. "Formality is needed. We were granted an audience with His Excellency, after all. "

"And you are as talkative as the day I last saw you."

"I have improved my communication skills, unlike you."

"Unlike you, I don't speak an ancient language all the time."

"It is called formality."

"It disgusts me."

"Is it because you do not possess such an ability?"

"Bold of you to assume my capability."

"You ought to use it sometimes."

"And who are you to lecture me?"

"Your friend."

"My What?"

"Aren't you two quite the chatters?" The slightly older man sprouted his sarcasm while turning to the back seat.

He had a very tender smile on his face as he watched the other two boys bickering, contradicting his tone. His crimson, curly hair truly complements the tranquil expression he has on his face.

"How is everything back there? Getting along well, boys?" The older man asked.

"Tell us what to do, old man. I'm bored," Lucas yawned as he stretched his body lazily.

Felix smiled, "Eager to meet her?"


"His Excellency's precious daughter."

"I don't care about all this. Whoever she is. I told you. I'm just bored, okay?"

"Of course, you don't," Felix muttered while digging through the hard copy of the document. "I have already set up everything, including the paperwork for your enrollment at Arlanta Academy."

He gave them separate copies as he added, "This is the document regarding Lady Athanasia's information. I am certain you wish to know the face of someone you will guard."

"Whitey here is good at data collection and memorizing things. I will do the heavy lifting," said Lucas who still had his eyes contemplating carelessly outside the window.

Lucas' personality was something everyone else had to put up with. His recklessness and egotism toward his tasks were always unveiled. Despite these flaws, he had done all of his mission justice.

Calm and collected, Ezekiel was the opposite. His serenity complimented his duty, but he favored taking precautions, leading to time consumption at the cost of some damage during their missions.

Having the duo together was like a Ying and Yang. Contrasting to one another yet completing each other. That was how their love-hate-brother-bond or rivalry had started.

"Lilian York is currently taking care of her," Felix told the two young men briefly. "But in terms of safety, she cannot provide that sort of requirement to Lady Athanasia, which is where you two boys come in. Please take care of both of them."

"BOTH of them," Lucas rephrased with a smirk, making Felix cough in embarrassment.

"Then, failure shall not be an option. I guarantee my title as the future head of the Alpheus family," Ezekiel nodded slightly.

"Show off," a comment escaped the other boy's lips as he clicked his tongue.

As always, Ezekiel was used to it.

"Here are the keys to your houses. One of you will have to stay right next to Lady Athanasia's residence. Since Lucas especially has a honed skill in close combat, it would be best if you stay right next to her," Felix said as he offered the keys to the boys.

Lucas stared at what was in his palm perplexingly. He demanded clarification, so he asked, "But didn't he clearly say that we should stay a distance away from his daughter?"

"He did. But knowing him, he was just worried about his daughter's privacy. It is better if you stay close to her. If there is likely to be an urgency, you will be there on time," Felix explained.

"So basically, you act out without his consensus."

"Do not worry. He won't kill you. Not Just Yet," Felix smiled innocently at Lucas.

Recalling Claude de Alger's wrath pressing his concern on the remoteness that the two boys should be in terms of his daughter's intimacy, Lucas felt his throat somehow become drier than usual.

"Felix," Ezekiel raised his proposal, "Please excuse my insensibility, but may I stay at my household instead of the house which His Excellency provided? I once lived in my mansion when I attended Arlanta High back in my younger days. However, I will not neglect my duty."

"Very well. You may do so."

Once their destination was reached, the car pulled over to the sidewalk. As if he was finally set free, Lucas bounced off the car. Despite being an adult by now, he never once considered acting as his idyllic age.

On the other hand, Ezekiel paced his feet unhurriedly, never letting any wrinkle stain his attire. He was taught to be mature and ambitious, just like his father.

"Ezekiel, take care of this extra paperwork. I am sure Lucas does not wish to do any of it," Felix gave Ezekiel another folder.

Then the red-haired man turned to Lucas, "Now, Lucas, go inspect the area of the residence. Get familiar with the place itself. In case there is anything suspicious, report it immediately. I have to fly back tonight. I cannot leave His Excellency unattended. And please do not take this lightly. This is very important. Do you both understand?"

"Sure," Lucas mumbled, displeased with the way Felix got all serious suddenly.

This should be an entertaining mission for him, not all the weightiness of a task. He hated working under pressure.

"My foremost task is to keep her safe," Ezekiel vowed.

Felix smiled at them through the window, "Good Luck. We will keep in touch."

As soon as Felix departed, a male in formal attire walked the two of them. "Sir, Master Alpheus sent us. We will supervise your well-being."

Lucas raised his eyebrow while leaning against the nearest tree he could find. He scanned the area, seeing another car with people inside, parked next to the one Ezekiel's driver came out of.

"Send my father my regards, but I do not need help. I thank you, gentlemen, for doing your job. However, I will take the car myself. So please go back."

Ezekiel turned to his friend, "Lucas, We—"

He watched his friend walk across the street, toward the car. He paced behind closely.

Eyes darted aimlessly on the lamppost on the highway, Lucas grumbled, "You drive like a snail. Let me take the wheel."

"You always drive past the speed limit," Ezekiel said aloud, making Lucas scoff at the statement.

"What a chicken."

"Being cautious is essential, Lucas."

"Do I look like I care?" Lucas unbuttoned his shirt. "Just hurry it up. I need to change my clothes. This goddamn suit is so stuffy."

"It would be plenty of help if you read the document beforehand."

Lucas rested his temple on his fist, his brows furrowed in annoyance, "I ain't gonna read anything. I'm smart enough to figure things out."

"As Felix said, the document contains information about Lady Athanasia. You ought to read it as soon as possible."

"It doesn't change the fact that it is just a babysitting type of job. And you don't want to be a creep, right? Going through someone's personal information."

"Do you even know what she looks like?"

"Does it matter?"

"It absolutely does. I suggest that you go through it."

"Just leave me a copy. We have time. I will scan the area first."


Destination reached, Lucas stepped out of the car, hands inside his pockets, "So Mr. Fancy Pants. Are you taking the car?"

"My house is further away from the academy. I do not wish to be late for class."

"Are you here to guard her or to study?"

"I am here to do my job, and you should do as well. Here is the copy of the document," Ezekiel smiled and drove off before Lucas could lash at him.

Lucas' eye twitched in infuriation.

"What a cunning bastard..."

He clicked his tongue, still pissed off even though he had changed his clothes while getting used to his new residence.

He glanced at the house beside him, knowing that his duty was right next to him. But as for now, he could not care less. He was asked to search the area, anyway.

"Got some time to kill. Why not roam around?" Lucas mumbled wearily.

Who would have thought that a faithful encounter would soon come?


"But Lily," a young woman with shiny golden hair, and unique blue jeweled eyes, in her early adulthood pleaded an older woman. "Pretty please?"

The woman with light hazelnut hair dye and amazing light ocean-colored eyes sighed in response, "I don't mind baking you a cake, but we don't have any ingredients left."

Athanasia's eyes were sparkling with the light of hope.

"So, you will make me a cake if we have them?"

"Yes—I mean— No. Athy no. Don't even think about it. Look, it's already late. I will go shopping tomo—"

Little did she know she was ranting alone. And when she turned, all Lilian heard was the door being slammed shut,

"Oh, no..."


Skipping in delight, Athanasia hugged her newly purchased items in her arms. Just then, a blackish fur ball lying on the sidewalk caught her attention. She approached the fluff only to know it was an injured puppy.

"Aww... What happened, Boy?"

The black fluff whimpered in response.

"You poor thing... I don't see any tag on you... It's okay. I will take care of you," she crouched down and caressed the puppy's head gently.

As if they had met somewhere before, he melted into her touch as if she were his long-lost master.

"Hey, there, little girl. What are you doing here late?"

A voice was heard from the back as a shadow was looming over her.

Athanasia reached into her pocket just to realize she had left her phone at home.

"Such lovely eyes," a guy commented. "Do you know that it is dangerous to wander around late at night, young lady?" The guy asked as he saw Athanasia steal a glance at him.

As panic sank in, sweat formed on both her forehead and her clenched fists.

She had never been in this situation before. She either came home right after school or at least went out with Lillian past the sunset.

She flinched when she heard a crowd of footsteps. Holding on to the puppy, she got up on her feet and ready her stance in alarm, facing several guys at once.

"W-What do you want? Step back! I know martial arts!"

She was not bluffing. It's just she was not trained to take on five huge dudes at the same time.

Lost in the depth of her thoughts, Athanasia got yanked forward. The guy forcefully seized Athanasia's cheeks so she could not scream.

The pain was there, but it was not as dreadful as the fear that was slithering its way up to her whole body, making her tear up.

Blurred with tears, she saw another figure standing behind the five lads. She paid no mind, assuming the person belonged to the group in front of her as well.

Refuting her presumption, Athanasia felt the pressure and pain on her cheeks were no longer there as her trembling body was enveloped with warmth instead.

Tracing back to the source of temperature, she gazed up just to see two red stones staring back at her jewel blue eyes, yet his expression looked unwavering.