
Wizard of Origin

Leif was a loser. He didn't have any friends and only woman he had contact with was his own mother. He suck at study and sport. Only thing he was doing all day was watching anime plaing games and reading webnovels dreaming about being summoned to another world. With magic talent if possible. He was just reading another webnovel on his way back from school when suddenly... [Ding!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes Cover is not my if its yours and you want me to take it down then tell me.

_ViVaT_ · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Exploring The System

Lutel's new parents talked about something for while while his mother was holding him he was listening to them trying to learn at least a little bit of language but he knew that he couldn't do it in short time so he was more focusesd on looking at his parents characters and how they were integrating with each other. He could tell that they were in true love. Lutel didn't knew if this world was similar to middleages where marriages were almost always for alliance and not for love so he couldn't tell if his parents were just lucky or was it natural in this world. As Lutel couldn't understand anything from their conversation he decided to explore system he was gifted by the so called God.


He callout in his mind.


Soft sound of bell was like the most beautifull music for Lutel. He felt that he was probably the most lucky person in the entire world. Being gifted hopefully OP system, reincarnation, magic talent and super handsome face. That was at least what he hoped for.

[System Loading]

['25%' '50%' '75%' ...]

[System Completed]


Lutel called out casual comand from novels he was reading in his previous life.


Name: Lutel

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 10 minutes

Phisical Strenght: 0.1

Mental Strenght: 7

Soul Strenght: 8

Magic Strenght: 15


Lutel quietly read his status trying to understand what was the meaning of his different stats. He could tell that Phisical Strenght was refering to his body. Mental Strenght probably ment how strong willed he was. Soul Strenght, he had no idea what could he use it for. This same was for his Magic Strenght, but he knew that it was probably for using magical spells. After a short while he was suprised from another thing, that was his Race. He looked at his mother and father and after a while he found that his mother was elf! Her ears were long and pointy. He could tell that his ears where like that probably too but maybe a little shorter. He didn't knew how to fell about it since in most of the novels half-species were discriminated from both sides of their parents. He wasn't sure if in this world that was the case too but he was ready to be alone if both sides of his Race were aginst him.

"System can you explain me what are other uses of you than looking at my status?"

[System is here to provide help for User so that it will be easier to fulfill Users dreams]

[System will provide User with quests so that user will have better standing in this new world]

"But there will be some op rewards for doing quests right?"

[Yes System will provide users with rewards from doing quests]

[Different quests have different rewards, the higher the quest difficulty the higher the reward]


[System Quest Grade: F]

[Spend your childhood happily with Users new familly] [Reward: Origin Points 100]

"System what do I use Origin Points for, and is there any other way for me to get them than from quests?"

[Origin Points can be used at System Origin Store where User can buy variety of things] [User cannot obtain Origin Points in other way than doing System Quests]

"System open store"

[User cannot open store until aqe of three]

"Oh why cant I?"

Lutel was quite dissapointed by not being allowed to open the store and see what things he could posibbly buy in the future.

[User wouldn't be able to use any item able from store at his curent Phisical Strenght]

Sudennly Lutel who was laying in his mother arms felt that he was picked up by his father who was leaving room with him in his arms. Lutel was desoriented why he was sudennly teaken out when he looked at his mother and saw that she looked very tired. He wasn't very suprised because not long ago she gave birth to him so it was normal that she felt tired. He left the room in his fathers arms.