
1 30 days

I stared blankly in the starry night thinking of what l had to do in these few days l was left with because if l kept on sorrowing in my tears that would be the worst that l ever did in my life.

Besides all my whole life l have been living in these hospitals and they haven't helped even a little but kept on making condition worse. I want to explore the world, with it's wonders and even do the happiest thing that they had told me about which is love.

I mean want to leave these world when l am not a virgin because if l do l don't know how l would feel about the after life.

Imagine l am twenty six years old but l haven't ever experienced it and that's what l have to do. Technically the doctors had gave approximately thirty days to breath my last and l won't feel a thing because it has already surpassed what we would call pain.

The next morning,

I got ready and then waited in my patience room for the doctor's results. Not for long he came and then handled me the files and just like that l was discharged.

Literally l didn't have anything in particular but when my parents passed away they left me with a house and money in the family's account. So l had nothing to worry about, what l needed to do was to live my last in peace.

I got inside the house and saw that the caregiver who was left with the property had already prepared everything as l asked her and that she had left. So truly l was going to be living with myself. That's even better.