
Within the Dark

It was not a normal world. The world was not a free world, bloodshed, slavery, brainwashing were the order of the day. They all lived in perpetual ignorance cause it was where the church wanted them to be and remain. No one dared to speak out or challenge the Supreme Church. They claimed they had all the knowledge and God was on their side and not on the people. Everyone feared the church and none dared to speak out against them. There were whispers of a 'Chosen One'. One who would lead man out of darkness, restore free will and true worship. Years wemt by and people hoped this would be fulfilled but they grew weary and disappointed. Their spirits were broken and they gave up hope. But still Within Darkness, a light shine forth.

JUSTICE_Okan · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The prophecy

It was not a normal world. The world was not a free world, bloodshed, slavery, brainwashing were the order of the day. They all lived in perpetual ignorance cause it was where the church wanted them to be and remain. No one dared to speak out or challenge the Supreme Church. They claimed they had all the knowledge and God was on their side and not on the people. Everyone feared the church and none dared to speak out against them. There were whispers of a 'Chosen One'. One who would lead man out of darkness, restore free will and true worship. Years wemt by and people hoped this would be fulfilled but they grew weary and disappointed. Their spirits were broken and they gave up hope.

But still Within Darkness, a light shine forth.






In the small city of Brees, there lived a widow with her only son, Kyle.

Kyle at a young age saw his father taken by the Church on the account of heresy. He grew up without a father and with much hatred for the Church. He hoped one day, a hero would arise and challenge the Church.






Sandra entered the house and it was empty. She had left Kyle at home and now he wasn't there.

"Kyle? I'm home!" She called but no answer came. "Kyle!" She called again but still no answer. She could hear the sounds coming from the stairs.

Kyle was tiptoeing to his room to hide from his mother but unfortunately, she caught him.

"Where are you going, young man?" She asked him.

Kyle sighed and turned back with a smile in his face. "Welcome home, Mom."









The city of Emor, the capital of the world and the centre of religion. This was the central of world power and also the base of the church.

In the middle of Emor, was the Eminence Grise. This is the base for the Church council which is headed by the Doyen.

Emor is a very lively city, a city built to build saints, it was well structured and planned.

A man dressed in a black robe entered the Eminence Grise. He headed straight to the hall where he met others dressed like him.

"Welcome Nestor Greene." A man standing there greeted him.

"Thank you, Nestor Phillos." He replied as he took his seat.

The Doyen, a man in his eighties with grey hair and wrinkled skin to show his age.

The Nestors got up as the Doyen walked to his seat and they sat down after he had sat down.

"Praise The Son." He said and they repeated it after him. "He who rid the world of darkness and gave us the mandate to continue His work."

"Amen!" The Nestors chorused.

The Doyen then rested his back on his throne. "What should we discuss today?"

"My eminence, word has come from the Islands that the time has come for One to arise. " Nestor Phillos said

" Hmm. Who is this One? " The Doyen asked.

"One who will lead a rebellion against the church as Samael did to The Creator." He said.

The others laughed cause they found it funny.

"That's a bedtime story for kids. It should not be taken serious. " Nestor Greene argued.

" You should see the islands, My Eminence, they are at unrest. "

The Doyen spoke." Should we send more men to maintain the sanity?"

" I would rather you send men to find this One and get rid of him. "

He answered.

" Like Nestor Greene said, this is a story meant for sleepy kids. " He said." I will not waste the Church's resources in a fruitless expedition. "

" But—"

" Enough! Nestor Phillos, this matter should not be brought before me, again. " He got up." You'll get your men in the morning. " Then he left.






" The council sees my idea as a joke. " Philos said to himself as he strolled down the hallway. " I need to show them that I am not delusional. " He went out of the building and into his car which then drove off.







The people of Brees were gathered to witness something. Kyle was going to school when he noticed this and he decided to see what was going on.

A girl about the same age with Kyle was brought out in chains. She was dragged out against her own will by the Priests guards.

The priest the mounted the podium in which a microphone was arranged earlier for him.

"People of Brees, we have all heard of how the world was infested in the ages of darkness. Evil and bloodshed was the order of the day untill God decided to act and now we have peace and tranquility but I tell you, there are many who wishes to return to the old ways. " Then he pointed to the girl. " This girl is of the old ways. She is a witch! "

" I am not a witch, you pervert! " She answered.

" You all heard her! She curseth! "

" AWAY WITH HER HEAD! " The crowd yelled.

" Yes , she will be done away with according to the Word which says 'suffer not the witch to live!' "

The people yelled in agreement.

" Shall we take a prayer? " The priest requested and the people bowed their head. " In the name of the Father the creator, in the name of the Son the word, in the name of the Holy Spirit the guardian and the Name of the Church the supreme bride of Christ. Amen. "

Then the priest faced the men holding the girl. " Do away with her!" The people cheered as the guards obeyed.





The girl's head was placed in the spot and the executioner raised his axe only for him to scream out in pains.

The girl got up and ran into the crowd.

" Get her! " The priest yelled.

The girl ran into a corner and hid in a trashbin. The Priest's men didn't bother looking there.

Kyle entered the corner and went straight to the trashbin and as he opened it, she came out holding a small piece of glass which she pointed at Kyle's throat.

"If you make a move or try to alert the others, I will end you." She warned.

"I don't plan to, I'm alone." Kyle replied.

"Then what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Looking for you. I know a place where you can hide."

She put the glass closer to Kyle's throat. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because you have no other choice now."

She dropped her arm. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"Yes it is."








Sandra was in the kitchen preparing dinner when she heard a knock on the door. As she opened it, fear gripped her.

" Hello, Sandra. " The Man said. " My name's Jamie and I was sent from The Holy City of Emor. "

" Please, come in. " Sandra invited him in and closed the door behind him.

Jaime removed his hand gloves and sat on a chair. " What a nice place you have here. "

" Thank you, Blessed One. "She said. " Please, may I know why I'm being graced by your presence? "

He motioned her. " Sit! "

Sandra sat on the chair opposite Jaime, she was scared if what he was going to say.

" I was sent to access the academic records of the school in Brees and I found out that your son has missed school today. Why is that, Sandra? "

Sandra was trembling. " He did? I didn't know. "

" This family has produced an heretic before and we are taking steps to ensure it doesn't produce another and that's why your boy needs to have a perfect school attendance record. "

" Forgive me, Blessed One. I take full responsibility, it happened cause of my bad parenting. " She pleaded.

" We will forgive you but you must undergo penance. " He stood up and picked a candlestand with a candle in it. He lit it up with us lighter and looked at Sandra.

Sandra crawled to the spot and placed her right palm above the burning candle. She was in pains but untill Jaime asked her to stop, she couldn't.







Kyle met his mother in tears while wrapping her right palm.

"What happened, mom?" He asked her.

She cleaned her eyes. "Nothing, son. You skipped school, today?"

"How'd you know?" Then it dawned on him. "They came here, didn't they?"

Sandra yelled at Kyle. "ITS NOT ABOUT THEM BUT YOU KYLE! you don't seem to understand what is going on. They took your dad from me and I don't want them to take you too." She started tearing.

Kyle walked up to his mom and hugged her and let her rest her head on his chest for he was taller. "No one is taking me away from you, mom."







Kyle entered his room, locked the door and closed the windows.

" You can come out now! " He said and the girl came out from his closet.

" Are you hungry? " He asked and she nodded. He gave her a packet of fried chips which she opened and started to eat.

" What's your name? " He asked her.

" Lily. " She replied.

" Lily? That's a nice name. I'm Kyle. "

She smiled at him.

" Where are you from? "

" I'm from the land of the Skrits. "

" Skrits? Those heretics? "

She threw a distasteful stare at him. " Well, it goes down to what you consider heretic. If fighting for the truth makes one an heretic then fine I am one. "

" So if you are a skirt that means you aren't a witch? "

" Never been one nor seen one. "

" Then what did you do to that executioner? "

She looked up at him.

Some hours ago........

As Lily head was put on the spot, she looked round and saw a pied of shattered glass on the floor and she looked at the direction of the sun.

She moved the glass further a little so it could reflect the sun sending rays into the executioner's eyes which made him scream out in pains.

Present..... .....

"How'd you know all this?" Kyle asked her. "How did you know it would work?"

"It's just physics."

"What's physics?"

"It's science. "

" Science? That's forbidden by the Church. They claim it causes one to disbelief in God. "

" There's a lot the church don't want you all to know. "

Suddenly they heard a knock downstairs.






Sandra went open the door and was suprised to see the police standing there.

" Sandra? We wish to search your house. "

" Why? "

" Cause we believe you accommodate a fugitive and a heretic. "

Kyle came down the stairs. " Mon, what's happening? "

The police entered and they went seperate places in the house.

Kyle was held by his mother while the police searched.

" I found her!" A voice came from Kyle's room. The man came out holding Lily by the hair despite her protests.

The general faced Sandra and Kyle.

"You are both under arrest for hiding and harbouring a fugitive."