
What's Your Sister Like?

As they got back to playing Jenga, Bryce's mind wandered. Peter's sister was one of Tessa's doppelgangers and even her name was similar to Jennifer's. That was totally weird. Was she anything like the two of them personality-wise? 

The first time he saw her photo on Peter's desk, he had ultimately dismissed it because someone looking exactly like Tessa didn't mean she would act exactly like her too. Then he met Jennifer and that view was turned on its head. 

"Peter…what's your sister like? You don't talk about her much."

"That's because it was hard talking about her with her gone," he confessed. "But now that I know she's coming back that isn't a problem. She's…how to describe her…She's the manliest woman I've ever met so she's basically like another one of my brothers.