
With A Mage Tower In Naruto

A man faced with the cruelties of life, made a final sacrifice for the people he cared for. He was reincarnated in the World of Naruto with the regrets from his previous life, but life has same cruelties in store for him. Overcome with despair, he made a final call for help.........

LordRaphael · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Where is my Byakugan?

After they entered the Ritual Chamber, everything went smoothly, Aurelius became the Tower heir and he felt a connection with the tower. Becoming a formal heir comes with some perks like using the chambers inside the tower or accessing various libraries. Only the highest-level libraries which are restricted cannot be accessed.

Being a tower heir allowed him some control over the celestials. He can now order the seven maids to do anything and they won't be able to refuse but still, Celia can monitor everything. Even after being a tower heir, his authority is less than that of Celia. Celia's position is like a secretary of the Tower Master. Only the Tower master has any command over her, and she can check over the decisions made by the tower heir or even veto them.

This type of power almost made her the tower master, but Celia is also under the contract with the Tower that she cannot directly or indirectly harm the tower heir and will always work for the benefit of the Tower. Although there are loopholes in this contract still it prevents her from taking action against them.

But Celia doesn't have any negative feelings towards Aurelius. On the contrary, her obsession with him is well known and even Aurelius feels that something is wrong with the girl.

After getting the heirship of the Tower, Aurelius followed Orange to heal his eyes. The procedure to heal his eyes was not complicated. He just entered a device, Orange operated it outside and then he found his consciousness slipping.

When he woke up, a week had already passed, and he was able to open his eyes. When he first saw Celia, he was stunned. Such heavenly beauty, what jade beauty mentioned by those Chinese novelists, they are nothing in front of her. The beautiful silver hair dancing down to her waist, bountiful breasts and perfect hourglass figure. Everything about her was just perfect, and that shy smile with a hint of redness when she noticed him checking out her body, just pierced through Aurelius's heart.

They maintained eye contact with each other, Celia lost in Aurelius' eyes and Aurelius lost in Celia's expression. The atmosphere turned pink and the only present celestial had to interfere in order to move forward with the procedure.

"Cough!" Knowing that she had caught the attention of her master, she mentioned, "Now that we have healed your eyes, master, we can move forward, after some basic tests to check your eyes, we can begin the procedure to purify your body, after that you can choose one of the mana cultivation methods from the libraries.

This procedure will last for two years, every day you will spend twelve hours inside the chamber where your body will be cleaned by constantly infusing purified mana and extracting it.

This process is as simple as dialysis but at the same time using various devices, we will be able to prevent any harm occurring to your body when we extract chakra. Also, your body will be able to adjust to the mana and there may be significant changes in your appearance.

It will also lead to your gene sequence being altered to support pure mana without any chakra.

The process will be painful in the beginning but it will improve when the chakra decreases from your body.

During this period, it is recommended that you start increasing your theoretical foundations related to magic and when your body is ready, we can begin your training."

"Well, it's quite overwhelming, to be honest, but whatever, let's begin it right away, I feel quite refreshed. Also, can you bring me a mirror, I want to see myself." At this time, he also noticed Orange, and believe it or not she is a beauty, even the most beautiful women from his previous world are nothing compared to her, but because she is standing with Celia, her beauty does not shine that much, but still it is appreciated by Aurelius.

When Aurelius saw himself, he appreciated his looks, they were quite good, if allowed to grow he would become quite a lady killer, but what puzzled him were his eyes, they were normal, black eyes with a hint of golden but that's it.

"I am a Hyuga, right? Then why are my eyes like those of Uchiha's, black eyes which turn red, well I might not have sharingan but where is my Byakugan?"

"Well, you see master, we use mana to treat you but because of chakra present in your body, I cannot retain your original eyes, so I temporarily disabled the gene sequence related to your eyes, thereby your genes will now behave as if they do not belong to a clan with special ocular abilities."

"Wow Orange, you might be one of the best scientists." Aurelius was genuinely amazed. He might not have been some genius in his previous life, but to support and connect to his sisters, he spent quite a lot of time understanding the basics of sciences and mathematics up to the university level. After that was beyond his capabilities no matter how much he tried, but now with an improved spirit level, he feels like he has almost an eidetic memory and his understanding has also improved, if he studies again, he might as well become the next Einstein.

Celia snorted when she heard that, "It is nothing master, Orange only works with biology all the time, but I know much more than her." Hearing her, Orange almost stumbled. Aurelius also looked at her with bright eyes, for him, this gene sequence editing was already the pinnacle, now they said they knew much more, and this ignited a fire inside Aurelius to learn everything. Now he started desiring the knowledge.

He might not know this but Celia knows that Aurelius will start getting affected by his soul, his spirit has improved and now his soul would want to improve and for a mage, the best improvement is devouring knowledge and Aurelius will be no different.

"Good, so after this, let's begin with the process and start with my learning." Exclaimed Aurelius, eager to learn everything the Mage Tower has to offer, not that he has anything else to do.

As for revenge, he is not strong enough to think about that. He is not like Sasuke, he wants to punish Danzo and his father, but he is not in a hurry, he doesn't have much connection to them, but he might want to look after his mother, who should have died according to canon. Still, he will have two sisters, and Hinata does not like fighting, so might just save them, maybe for the sake of his previous life where he cared for his two sisters. But that is all when or if he has sufficient strength, if not then he might as well keep hiding and improve himself.


Hyuga Clan:

Hinata, a four-year-old daughter of the clan head, was facing a seven-year-old Hyuga Clan academy student for a spar. For someone who has only learnt Gentle Fist for a month, she has shown tremendous growth, but never monstrous. Hinata decided to hide her monstrous growth.

She had already opened her Byakugan when she was already two years old. For two years she has been practicing her Byakugan and exhausting her chakra. She has little chakra which allowed her to master chakra control using leaves which she collects from the yard outside her room.

Her chakra growth is also extraordinary. Due to reincarnation, her spirit power is extraordinary and she has been secretly training her body for physical enhancement. With perfect chakra control and chakra quantity already amounting to an academy student who is about to graduate, she can defeat them easily, but her physical stats, no one is aware of except Hanabi who secretly watches her sister but Hinata ignores her peeping as she is her sister.

As for her good amount of chakra, she always exhausts her chakra before going to the dojo so that the elders and her father think that she has a little more than average chakra for her age.

While facing the academy student, Hinata assumes a normal taijutsu stance while the academy student assumes a gentle fist. Just when the spar started, Hinata attacked first, the elders clicked their tongues, not happy with the Hyuga Princess's approach. But Hinata ignored their expressions and started attacking using normal punches and kicks. During her previous life, she learnt martial arts from a female coach who offered free lessons for women's self-protection. Due to her good talent, the coach did teach her fully to the level of black belt and also taught her various other martial arts.

Sure Ninja World's taijutsu is stronger and better but until you become a chunnin, this level of martial arts is enough for her. She is already learning Gentle Fist but she wants to make her own Martial Arts combining Taijutsu and the techniques learnt from her previous life.

During the spar, the student didn't open his Byakugan, neither did Hinata. Because of his arrogance, he looked down on the four-year-old Hyuga Princess who had just started learning Gentle Fist. This arrogance leads to a momentary collapse in his defence because of the high agility shown by Hinata.

Hinata grabbed the opportunity, held his hands performed an arm drag then then continued with a triangle choke until the student passed out.

She could have taken him out using traditional taijutsu but didn't as this would lead others to see her true strength but using these moves, others would look down on her, and she will continue to gather strength. She is not the original timid Hinata, if others look down on her, she will wait to become stronger, she already has a huge vendetta against them.

As expected others didn't find her method pleasing and started scolding her and even said she was a shame to the Hyuga for tarnishing their name by using such despicable moves. Even Hiashi was angry but she just kept a stoic expression and looked at them with a face of utter indifference but Hiashi could see the contempt in her daughter's eyes, like she was not looking at humans but at chickens to be slaughtered. Hiashi's father was also there in a wheelchair, he had seen the time of Madara Uchiha, and today he saw the same look in his granddaughter's white eyes. Utter disdain for weaklings like looking at garbage. For a moment he thought he was hallucinating.

This might not be good for the Hyuga clan, because one day either she or her sister will be marked with the branch clan's symbol and based on the information that Hinata only loves her mother and sister, there will be chaos in the clan if she grows too much in power. He already hated the system where his other son was marked with the seal, but this time he has a premonition that there will be a bloodbath and this child will be responsible. As an elder, he wanted to prepare for that calamity but he abstained thinking that it was only a matter of time before this happened. And he cannot possibly go against and harm his granddaughter.