
With A Mage Tower In Naruto

A man faced with the cruelties of life, made a final sacrifice for the people he cared for. He was reincarnated in the World of Naruto with the regrets from his previous life, but life has same cruelties in store for him. Overcome with despair, he made a final call for help.........

LordRaphael · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The One Who Lived

Max awaited his death in the freezing forest where he has been abandoned by his family.

Five minutes after the man who dropped him departed, footsteps were heard by Max.

An old man appeared out of the bushes. He was wearing bandages covering one of his arms and one of his eyes.

He came near Max and picked him up. As soon as he picked him, six more ninjas appeared near him.

"Danzo-sama, this is the other twin that was given birth by Hanami Hyuga. Since he was born blind, he was discarded by Hiashi, left here to die. He is also marked by the main clan's mark. You can notice the mark on his lower back." One of the ninjas reported to the bandaged man.

"You are quite cruel Hiashi, even to your own child. At least he has Hyuga bloodline, he can help in the experiments with Orochimaru. Even if not, I have plenty of eyes for his replacement. He can be an asset against the Hyuga, and I can use him to control Hiashi.

You two, stay here and feed him then take him to base 51 outside Konoha.

I am getting late for the meeting with Daimyo."

Danzo analyzed various uses for the abandoned Max and gave orders to two of the chunnins accompanying him to take the boy back to his base.

With that he flickered towards the capital meanwhile the two chunnins who were ordered to feed the boy and take him to the base started a campfire to keep the boy warm lest he gets a pneumonia.


Max's POV:

'Danzo-sama', did that guy called this old man who picked me up Danzo. If he is the Danzo I am thinking about then I am f*cked up.

Oh yes, the way this guy is plotting, he is the cyclops. Shit what kind of mess I am in.

Now I will be either an experiment or one of Danzo's tool.

Am I really meant to suffer in both my lives.

I know whinning about your sufferings is uncharacteristic but what else can I do.

I heard one of the priest telling me that all of the sufferings is a test by the god for his favourite children.

Only those who he deem capable are given this test.

But I never asked for this test now did I.

I always believed there is someone above us. Maybe a god or just some entity created from chaos. Curtsy of various fictions.

If there really is someone controlling all this destiny shit, I just have one question. why me?

Why am I not allowed happiness?

Even in this second life I am just going to be a tool or an experiment.

If this is my fate then death is better. Why gave me another chance?

Just to make me suffer more.

I never did anything to deserve this.

I kept on sacrificing, some willing other forced by the circumstances, but I moved on with a smile. I kept my hopes up. Maybe somewhere I will have a better future.

Some say hope is for the weak. But hope is all I had. Even in the death, I had a hope for peace, freedom from all suffering.

But you didn't even grant me that.

In this state I can't even kill myself.

And maybe when I become capable, I would be just a puppet in someone's hand.

You even took death away from me. Why?

Why!! Why!!!


Suddenly the root ninjas noticed that the child placed near the bonfire started crying silent tears. Tears were rolling down.

A child never cries like this. They always make noise and they have already checked, the boy in front of them have functional vocal chords.

The scene was heart wrenching, a child crying without making any noise with a desolate look in his eyes.

Max's tiny hands clenched the fabric of his swaddling clothes, his heartache echoing through the silent tears streaming down his cherubic cheeks

In that moment, amidst the chilling silence of the forest, Max's silent cries pierced the veil of the night, reaching out to the stars above as if begging for mercy from a universe indifferent to his plight.


'I plead whoever is up there. I don't know if you are really up there but please. I beg you, end me here.

I am already broken. Just end my plight and sufferings. I beg you for this favor.'


The baby which was crying near the fire suddenly gave a wailing cry, startling the root ninjas, who were already quite surprised by the unusual behavior of the child.

A white light shined in the dark sky followed by an earthquake. The atmosphere grew tense. It was as if the light came in response to the cry of the child.

The ninjas took out their weapons, ready for a battle.

Just then a shining silver tower appeared in front of them. Max totally unaware of the surroundings as he was lost in his despair. His blindness was another factor behind his ignorance.

Just as the ninjas were wondering what this wonder was, a huge portal materialized in front of them. The portal opened from the tower.

Eight figures materialized from the shadows. All of them girls in a traditional black and white maid attire.

Seven maids formed a row and the last one was leading them towards the baby and the two ninjas.

The seven maids forming a row have similar round face, each sporting a different hair colour. All of them standing were in the order of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

The one leading them possessed a heart-shaped face framed by cascading waves of white hair, her almond-shaped eyes shimmering like pools of liquid amber, while her delicate nose and rosebud lips spoke of ethereal beauty personified.

She was carrying a pendant which was glowing. Her movements were slow but filled with authority.

As she approached Max, the pendant started giving a bright light just like the tower before.

She tied the pendent around his neck. Her gaze softened, an unusual warmth poured out of it as if she has just found her most precious treasure.

The pendant gave a resonating screech, a melodious sound wrung in the air. Just then a queer phenomenon occurred. A spiritual form of Max appeared above his body. This max was from his previous life.

While all this was happening, the ninjas didn't even tried intervening. As they were root ninjas, for them mission comes first. Even then, their body refused to move.

Just as Max's spiritual body appeared, there were cracks all over it, as if just a touch will shatter it. The faint cries and a wish for death was audible for all to hear.

Seeing the state of the body and hearing the cries affected the eight maids. The tender and affectionate gaze of the white haired maid turned cold and a look of ferociousness appeared on her face.

The violet haired maid disappeared from her place and appeared near the two ninjas. She created a screen and placed her hand on the ninjas head.

Their conversation with Danzo played on the screen. She reappeared at her original place after the contents on the screen were over.

All eight of them exuded murderous aura, that could terrify even the Kage level ninja, let alone two chunnins.

The red haired maid went ahead and raised her right hand.

Both the ninjas were incinerated by white flames. Their screams echoed throughout the forest stopping only after two minutes had passed.

 After that, the white haired maid, went forward and embraced the baby. A comfortable warmth flowed through her body into his.

"You have suffered quite a lot. But you have to live. You have to live for us, master.!" A tear flowed down her cheeks as she implored the baby.

All seven maids went on their knees at that time.

"Please live for us, master!"*7