
Witches Vs Werewolves

"My sweetest little treasure, don't be naive, you are either damned or dead in here, so now be good and scream your loudest for me." Persephone [Psyche] Charming found herself sent away into a strange highschool for troubled teenagers after commiting a crime worthy of hell back home. Soon enough the Witch began to realize these troubled teenagers were more dangerous than the worst of criminals. Especially the Crescent brothers who were more monstrous than animals. °°° "No, whatever you're gonna say, no, not now, not ever. Also get out of my room you psychopath, you'll get blood all over my sheets…. Why is there blood all over you?" She could no longer control her urge and asked. He really looked like a mess. So much blood that Persephone felt it was his. His face had a tear, and his hair was just…. Well that hair was always looking messy. At her words that smirk died. Replaced with a lost look. "Hm, you're being nosy." He said, coolly. "....." Persephone deadpanned. "You broke into my ROOM." She couldn't help the incredulity that filled her voice as she said those words. The reddish eyelashes fluttered, and then slowly but surely the eyes were opened. It was worse than expected. His red eyes were bloodshot, hurt, so many emotions going in a long and horrible roller coaster.  Persephone always thought Caspian was a straightforward person. Everytime she met him, he would always say or do whatever came to his mind. He looked like he was mad at everything whenever he was around, because he couldn't be bothered to hide his emotions. This kind of open person, when they were hurt, it was too obvious for the world to see. Persephone's throat bobbed as she swallowed. She didn't know why she was aggrieved by the hurt in his eyes. Anytime they crossed parts one way or the other Caspian always threatened her. Seeing the cool smirk on his face all those times, Persephone hoped it would be knocked off his face, but literally seeing that arrogant look away from his face, Persephone's heart was pumping really fast. This time she couldn't control her brain from allowing her hand to reach out towards Caspian, her fingers sinking into the mop of hair for the first time. Despite the unsettlement she felt at his hurt, she couldn't help the wave of satisfaction and the tremors of shudders that traced up her spine as her fingers sank into his hair. It was so silky, as she imagined it would be, so soft, it would entice anyone to keep touching. She has fallen down the rabbit hole so it couldn't be helped as she combed her fingers through his hair softly, her skin enjoying the tickling and electric feeling of petting his hair. She stiffened when she heard his sigh. It was actually not a sigh…. If she heard it correctly it was a moan, a soft and gentle moan. Persephone felt something thick had obscured her throat from swallowing as she heard the sinfully soft moan. She peeked away from the hair to his face. His eyebrows dipped into a furrow but the curve and contort of his features couldn't be misunderstood….. This was a look of satisfaction. "What happened to you?" She sounded like she had choked out the words. The reply was a bit late but it came. "I shouldn't have come here." Seeing the way she was petting his hair, enjoying every minute of it, enjoying him enjoying every minute of it, she indeed concurred that he should not have come to her. But she said, "But you did." A hand descended on the back of her head. "Yeah, I did." [Mature Content] [Slow burn]

Merci_Douglas · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
117 Chs

Chapter 6

Caspian was standing by our side with a black polo on, a black jean jacket embedded with black-pastel flowers at the back on top, and fitting trousers.

His red eyes managed to portray the amount of hate and anger I was convinced he had buried inside like I had never seen before. It was terrifying and entrancing.

"What is this Blair?" Until she spoke I was not even aware that Drusilla was standing beside Caspian.

She had her bright red hair braided back, in a short black shirt and a white collared long sleeve. Her honey brown eyes spoke echoes of her confusion and…. Fear.

I glanced back at the black haired girl beside me. "Blair? Your name is Blair? As in Blair the teenage witch?" I couldn't help the involuntary diss that came out of my mouth.

She did not even reply to my words, her eyes kept at Drusilla. She rolled them. "So what? I harrowed the boywolf as retribution for what the Crescendo Alpha did to my little brother!"

If I had thought I had horror on my face before I was misunderstanding because it was true horror that was inscribed in Drusilla's face.

"What have you done, Blair? You dared to break the rules? This is not how it is done," Even though I could sense waves of panic coming from her she managed to even her expression back to a noble figure, catered to handle situations like this effortlessly.

Caspian beside her on the other hand seemed not to care for any imagery of a Young Master. "Your kind has only ever been known for their treachery, I expect nothing less, *tch*." His expression spoke of the heights of this convincingly inbred hatred.

Who did he hate so much? Blair's kind. Witch Kind.

"The Witch has broken a rule, Drusilla," the voice sounded similar to Caspian's crusty and deep voice but this one had a uniqueness to it, lacking of emotion which made it identical to a monologue.


Drusilla brought her hands to her front, intertwining the fingers together. "Your brother attacked Emerson, and publicly embarrassed Blair, she only sought retribution."

I blinked at her response. Without much thought I could not help the words tumbling from my mouth. "By drowning him?"

The confusion was evident. Caspian publicly attacked the Emerson boy, while Blair, who I gathered was his sister, wanted retribution by drowning someone who I could only piece was important to Caspian and Sin?

What was wrong with these people?

"She publicly embarrassed our Pack by harrowing a Werewolf," Sin retorted, for the first time his foreskin was twisting into a light frown.

Werewolf. I marked the word.

I heard a loud groan next. Caspian's eyes were seemingly turning into a darker shade of red. "Fuck this, Sin, why are we using our words rather than violence?" He grounded out with a tightly locked jaw.

Sin's eyes were firm on Blair who looked at Drusilla. His gaze held no hate nor anger unlike Caspian's which was brimming with them. No, his expression was…. Sombre, the gaze was not solemn nor dejected in any way, just the look in the eyes of the prey stalking Wolf…. Pity for his poor little prey.

I shook my head. Although sometimes I was unintentionally good at reading others, it was not always correct.

"She broke the rules," he repeated again, although it sounded like he was speaking to Drusilla his eyes were unwavering on Blair.

Drusilla shifted her eyes to Sin. Her welcoming yet domineering expression did not change one bit. "Some rules can be bent."

Again, I could not help but latch into the conversation. "She tried to drown him, and wouldn't stop even when I tried to help, she's a psychopath."

Drusilla glanced at me. Her eyes flickered swiftly with something like…. I don't, admiration? That made no sense.

I looked away from her to the direction of everyone else in the party who were just staring at us like it was the next best television show.


"I don't get it, this girl nearly drowned someone to death in the name of Harrowing and everyone acts like they don't care!" My voice rose a bit.

Another voice breezed in. "It's not an act."

Sin's bottled green eyes covered by shades landed on me and then locked with my own. They don't care?

"What is wrong with you people?" I muttered, my voice suddenly dropping from high to low.

It was defeating how no one else was surprised and horrified by any of this.

Was-was this what Stoner wanted to show me?

"Enough!" A deep and crusty voice broke my meltdown.

Caspian moved faster than my brain could register. Long fingers wrapping around Blair's neck. Her body was like lifeless paper as he effortlessly lifted her off of the ground.

One of his eyebrows rose, whilst his lips contorted into the firmest of frown, his dark-dark red eyes fueled with the gasoline that was a strangely intense hatred and anger glared at Blair.

It scared me, looking from a distance, let alone Blair who had both of her small hands around the big hand on her neck as a feeble attempt to break free.

Suddenly his lips began to rearrange into an ill-natured smirk that cast the halo of a villainous predator on him. "It has been awhile since I had witch blood on my hands, and my Wolf is craving some of it."

Blair's eyes popped unrealistically as she struggled for her life.

My hands were shaking, the inbred instinct within me was pushing me to the wall to do something about the scene in front of me.

Before the thought of what spell to cast even crossed my mind, Caspian suddenly clutched the side of his head while craning his neck down. His eyes were still managing to glare at Blair as he grinded his teeth but the hand wrapped around her neck slipped.

Within the blink of an eye he had left the front of Blair to the front of Drusilla. His head cocked to the side something edgier than hatred sheening in his red eyes.

Then, "Were you anyone else your witches would be sweeping your innards off the ground," His voice had gotten crustier, and deeper.

"Caspian enough." Another voice identical to his drove into the moment.

Caspian kept staring heatedly at Drusilla who firmly held her underwhelmed expression, but against my keen eyes could not hide the quivering of her fingers.

I did not blame her for having fear…. Caspian looked at her like disgusting meat not worth eating.

"Enough Caspian, not tonight."

Whatever the significance of tonight was I did not know but Caspian did, because he looked away from Drusilla to Sin then huffed.

He made sure to bump shoulders with her when walking away, unexpectedly casting me a glance, his lips twitching as he looked.

Looking away from the departing Caspian I watched Sin lean towards Drusilla's ear then said, "He will make sure witch blood will flow for this," he moved away from her ear to her face. "And I might not bother to stop him."

Then he too began walking away.