
Master Calico's plan...

In the dojo, everyone was getting settled as Master Calico had an announcement to make, "Master Splinter, I understand you raised these fine young turtles in the way of the ninja much as I too have raised my own daughters in the way of a witch. Though I fear we will have to work harder on my daughter's skill in a different way much as we will have to work on your son's skill to hone them sharper." 

          Splinter nodded in agreement, "I leave my sons training to you my dear friend and as you can tell they are very observant and quick witted. Do as you must."

            He then took his leave of the meeting but Master Calico smiled and asked, "Does anybody play musical instruments?"

            The brothers all turn their attention to Mikey who smiles, "I do play drums, and I like it because of its high energy."

                      "I played violin back at salem…" Ana said casually. 

          Gwen shrugged as she said, "I played a bass guitar for a few year in school band."


                        "Lucky for you guys I can actually play a decent electric guitar." Vicky scoffed as she is still half asleep and just waking up, "Liz you can be the vocalist cause no one has got pipes like yours girl…"

               Liz smiled at the compliment but was also worried, "Master Calico, we do have musical talents though I'm not sure what the plan is yet? What would mythical beings like us get from causing chaos above ground…?"

            Master Calico smiled as she chanted a glamor spell that was temporary and would last two hours at most and turned everyone who didn't have a human form into humans…. Even the turtles looked like ordinary men… granted big buff men but men in the same.



     After a wardrobe change for mostly everyone. Vicky was looking like her past self, pre transformation, and Ana looked spunky since her hair grew a few more inches and was a brighter blonde already. The plan was to look like a neon punk rock band and work on the girls' siren songs for finding fellow witches who'd been captured…. The turtles were merely the bouncers in disguise since glamor really never takes away your true power. 

               As it turned out Master Calico had gotten them all a rehearsal hall reservation above ground and all they had to do was show up. Liz trusted her Master with her life and began to put on the Rockstar makeup and outfit that matched her aesthetic of a cold icy look and went to meet Master. When she got there all the girls had on matching make-up and outfits to their own colors, and the turtles were of course wearing bouncer suits but if you got close enough you could feel right through the glamor spell.

       Just then Jetta walked in carrying a clipboard and the girls were immediately on the defensive until Leo stepped in and said, "Girls, relax! She's running from the same person we are fighting but she can't say his name… she has a contract with him or something and it's hard for her to spill the beans on him but I trust her, ok?"

         The room suddenly got a bit colder as Liz glared at Jetta who was hidden behind Leo, "You expect us to trust a witch we barely know and then tell us she has a contract with the enemy?!"

           Jetta stepped forward from behind Leo and lifted her chin, "I was told to kill all in my way and capture you girls… but I'm going against orders just to save you guys so you four won't suffer my fate."

            Then she pulls down the collar of her turtleneck and shows the enslavement collar that was around her throat, Gwen's eyes widened then she said, "That's an enslavement collar for witches so… you can't reveal who is behind all of this otherwise you'll be hurt." 

           Jetta nodded, then covered the collar back up, "I can say anything else but his name… he apparently didn't think I'd betray him but he put some firewalls up just in case."

             Liz thought for a moment then calmed her powers to normal, "Ok, you can come with us, but you will be a backup bouncer and special effects director… that means if there is trouble help the boys but until then use your magic to do special effects on the show, understand?"  

            Jetta nods sharply and Leo looked at Liz in admiration.