
A whole New World...

(In the world with Liz and Vicky)

                     "So…. How have you been holding up, Vicky?" Liz asked the reflection of her Draconian sister who seemed for lack of a better word… bummed. 

            Vicky was dressed in traditional Draconian clothing in the royal colors of red, yellow, and black. She looked more like princess jasmine when Jafar was in power… that was Vicky's idea of how she looked but that was how her people dressed as it seemed. Her realms environment was harsh and dry, yet the nights were cooler and humid.

          Vicky huffed a sigh and a bit of fire puffed out of her mouth, "I hate being a warrior princess. One would normally think there would be more action involved in a title involving the word warrior… yet all that my parents have been doing is having me do meetings with officials and study our land's history. Urgh!"

          Liz chuckled as she too can relate. She was dressed in an old-fashioned ice blue noble lady dress that sparkled like it was woven out of ice crystals. Her realm was harsh but in more of a wintery way than Vicky's realm. He birth parents found her as well when she landed in this new world and she was then forced into a political battle between the sophisticated snow people of the ice realm and the barbaric Draconian race of the fire realm.

                  "Don't worry, the time to act is almost at hand… we just have to keep this war from breaking out… or all is lost." Liz sighed sadly.

                  "Well ain't that a shame… seems like you guys need a bit of divine intervention." Liz whirled around to see a young woman with long wavy pitch black hair, violet eyes, and most importantly… white angel-like wings coming from her back, "My name is Kira, and I want to help you gals in your quest to right the wrongs of that evil warlock."

Liz looked from Vicky to their new guest, Kira, and thought to herself that this is their best chance to stop the war here as well as getting back to their loved ones, "What do you say, Vicky? She can probably help us for the better and we can get back to our destined mates..."

just then Vicky had an idea, "what if we bring them here... now hear me out Liz, Leo is a good at diplomacy and Raph is a born warrior, our parents are bound to love them! plus Leo was never one to be bothered by the cold so he'd be perfect in your environment."

Liz thought for a moment then nodded in agreement, she turned to Kira who was patiently waiting for their answer, "If you can bring two terrapin ninjas here as well as send two of their brothers to..."

Before Liz could finish speaking her request, Kira snapped her fingers and smiled at them, "Your request has been granted and might I say you have excellent taste in men."

suddenly Kira disappeared in a flash of light and just as quickly there was a thump outside Liz's and Vicky's window. The girls smiled at each other and canceled the communication spell so they could help their men out.