
a visit to the prisoner Garth

Deep in the sewers, Donnie finally tracked down Vicky with a modified device that Gwen helped him put together hours before they departed for the rescue mission. She was sitting at an opening near the ocean and was looking very sad against the setting sun. Yet as they were getting Vicky to agree to come back with them something more sinister was happening.

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(Back in the lair with the criminal)

         Gwen's gentle nature would not allow someone to remain wounded and go untreated even if they were the bad guy… it just wasn't who she was. Yet she was about to learn to let sleeping dogs lie and she was going to learn the hard way. She carefully walked towards Garth with a first aid kit since Vicky really did beat him up badly. She knelt close to him as she summoned a bowl of water and a clean cloth to clean his wounds, yet as she reached for the cloth he snapped to attention which startled her a bit.

              "Why has the witch come to her own death?" He snarled, "I thought I was the only dumb one, haha!"

         She threw the wet cloth at his face and he sputtered in an undignifying manner, she then said, "I was here to treat your wounds you ungrateful wretch, but since you have decided on being a brute about it I might as well poison your water with wolfsbane and give you a straight shot of silver nitrate."

          Garth's eyes widened at the threat and he panicked, "Ok! Look I'm more useful alive than dead and I can help you avoid the man who wants to use you like he did me!"

       Suddenly a bright red tattoo-like mark around Garth's neck started to glow, "Oh no! Hey, witch, you better back away, this could get ugly."

       Gwen backed away but was confused as much as she was concerned, "What's going on-"

      Just then electricity erupted from the red light collar around Garth and he was getting thoroughly shocked for about one minute before it stopped. Gwen rushed over to Garth to check his vital signs.

                   {He's stable,} she thought to herself as she breathed a sigh of relief, {that's a relief since I really think it's important I tell everyone we now have more important things to worry about than who we date.}

          She stands up and walks away after making sure he was breathing steady. Gwen had to figure out what this enemy wanted with them and why they were so special. Just then Gwen stopped where she was and had the urge to look up. She saw the full moon through the sewer grate… and she suddenly felt strange.