
The beginning

"mommy!!!!!!! tell me a story!!! so that i can sleep... "you really cant sleep without me telling a story huh.." ok i will tell you a story about how our world was created...

"Once upon a time in a space full of "Nothingness" once live a beautiful goddess named Gaia... She created things on space like the stars next the sun and then the moon but... it wasn't enough she was not happy there was no life. All she wanted was to be accompanied but she can't creat life. She got everything but it's just there's no life. She tried creating what you call now "Humans&Demons"

But she can't give life to it.... So she sacrificed her life force and created a world for the "Humans&Demons" to live on she even gave her crimson crystal heart to them to protect their kind and that place is called "Earth"... it is where human and demons live...

"Wait... mommy aren't demons bad?"

"Yes baby they are but.. before they weren't like this. They would also help to protect the Crystal heart but something just happened"

"What happened mommy?"

"I will tell you later.. ok?"


At first demons and humans are at peace...

Humans are nothing compared to demons... demons are powerful they're just basically a human like creature with powers and they have that arrogant attitude since the beginning... But unexpectedly because the human also protected the crystal heart the heart gave them powers stronger than the demons and also in five categories but only few was chosen... first swordsman that can wield anything a person that cannot be exhausted.. next a mage that can control the 4 elements.. the sorcerers that can cast spells.. and the second most powerful ancient martial arts that has long been gone and nowhere and lastly our family Witches...

"Mommy.. will I become a successful witch?"

"Yes baby... soon, stop asking question first let me continue my story"

So the demons were angered they felt envy inside them because were powerful than them so one day a leader of a demon sneak unto our place... our territory and took the crystal heart and because of that and of their greed the crimson crystal heart gave them a punishment where they can never they and can never be peaceful but in the prophecy a girl will come to break the girl by marrying a demon boy but that prophecy was only known to the witches and the one who can break the curse is you.. baby


"Sorry baby that you have to burden all of this... mommy is really sorry.."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vaeon_Killiancreators' thoughts