
Wishing For This Day

Ryker can't escape his past and now it's caught up to him. All of the despair that he had kept hidden is beginning to overflow until the day after his birthday he returns to the grave of his lost Father and his twin brother who passed away 9 years ago the day before.

Frosty_Mo · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The First Time You Remembered Me

Emelie: Hey, how's my amazing son doing today?.

Ryker to himself: I've never seen her so happy before.

Ryker: I'm doing ok I guess, I just got back from Saturday School.

Emelie: On your Birthday, I can't believe they would do that to you.


Ryker stares at his mother in disbelief and sheds a single tear as this was the first she had remembered his birthday since the Altar.

Emelie: You okay? You shouldn't cry, you're a man and it's your birthday. Have some fun.

Ryker: Yeah you're right Mom, it's my birthday I'll try to enjoy myself.

Again this was the first time Ryker had acknowledged his mother as just that. He always called her by her Maiden last name because he didn't consider them close enough to even call her by her first name. Much to his surprise as Ryker entered the old nostalgic front room he was greeted by Yurie, Kiyoshi and Hera all waiting there.

Yurie/Kiyoshi/Hera: Happy Birthday!!!

Ryker Let's out a short smile as the shell of agony around him cracked ever so slightly.

Ryker: Thanks.

They all celebrated in unison for a few hours after that. These events usually consisted of Ryker and Kiyoshi bantering back and forth about each others hair being stupid. Yurie being her usual caring self and Hera being the normal jokester she always had been. A part of Ryker had felt free for those short couple of hours.

Ryker: Thanks Mom.

Emelie: Of course. Are you sure you're ok kiddo? You seemed convicted during the party.

Ryker: I've always been like that.

Emelie: Not the you that I remember, I remember a lively young kid who was kind and respectful to everyone.

Ryker: Did you really remember this year? In a cold voice*

Emelie: No, I didn't. I remembered every single year.

Ryker: But you-

Emelie: Your fathers' death scared me, it happened out of nowhere, no warning. We were happy parents one day and the next, he was gone. I had never imagined your father would be gone, it horrified me and everyone else.


Emelie: Crying* I'm a horrible parent. Why did it have to be Yuuta?

Ryker: You don't have to hurt yourself more than you already have. Pain sucks, trust me, nobody I know can ever understand what it's like just like I do. Everyday since the Altar I've been berated by everyone around me for being good at a cursed magic type.

Emelie: That's my fault, my son, Please stop suffering. I can't watch from the shadows anymore but I can't help you either. There has to be something I can do.

Ryker: I wish there was but this is something that I've gotten used to.

Emelie: Still crying*

Ryker: I'll definitely try. I'll give it my best shot, ok.

Emelie: Thank you, thank you. I love you son.

As she looked at her son with a fake smile covering his face she for a moment saw the brave young boy she remembered and wanted back so desperately. The young boy who would have been there for anyone, that boy was gone. Ryker leaves, leaving Yurie and Emelie alone together. Yurie had heard their whole conversation and realized the person she had known to be nothing but her hero was more human than she had imagined and weaker than she wished to believe.

This is going to be a story about the day that Ryker resents the most but it's different. He relives a different course of events that leave Ryker desperately wishing for this to be his true past.

The real events of this day will be revealed in Arc 2 of the main story. I hope you all enjoy the story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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