
Winter Days *6* [Leon]



You weren't out long before the door behind you opened again. You took a quick step forward so it wouldn't hit you.

"[Name]?" Leon asked. A small smile graced his features when he saw you. Yours eyes traced his figure. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans, a plain white shirt, and a coat over it.

"Hey Leon", You replied as you tightened the jacket around your frame, "What are you doing?"

"I didn't see you inside. I was just making sure you were alright." His half smile grew a bit larger, "Do you want to take a walk?"

You chuckled and nodded, “Sure.”

He linked his arms through yours and led you down the alley towards where Namine and Gabe had gone. "It’s still hard to believe you didn't tell a single person about your birthday.”

You laughed, "It wasn't that big of a deal."

He shook his head and chuckled, "We all care about you [Name]. It would’ve been nice to know. Besides I just feel bad for not knowing."

"When's your birthday Leon?" You asked. Now that you thought about it, you didn't know any of their birthdays. It kind of made you feel like an awful friend.

"February 15th." He replied with a smile.

You heaved a sigh of relief, "Good that means I technically didn't miss it or anything."

He chuckled and shook his head.

Leon continued to lead the way. The two of you had made it out of the alleyway and around the building. Just down the street, in the direction you were going, was a small little park filled with people. Yo and Leon walked through the black iron entrance and brightly lit part of the park. The two of you continued down some paths until you found a small group of stone tables separated from everything else. The area was lit only by moonlight and the view was spectacular. The park was on a slight hill so the tables were seated at an angle where you could see some of the city's outline.

You sat down on top of the table, letting your feet sit on the stone bench part.

"This reminds me of the Summer Fair. Just the two of us, sitting by the tables looking over all the lights." You commented with a smile. It was then you realized that's all this city was basically. Just a bunch of lights and entertainment hobbies. "I still can't believe he destroyed my necklace", You murmured thinking back on the necklace Xemnas destroyed.

"Yeah. Now that I think about it this is pretty cheesy of me.” Leon sighed.

"What?" You asked not understanding his words.

Leon chuckled and reached into his coat pocket to pull out a small white bag. On the front of the bag read, . Your mouth fell open slightly and you hit him in the arm lightly. "Merry Christmas [Name]."

You tried to frown but couldn't, "Leon we all agreed not to buy each other Christmas gifts! I didn't get you anything..."

Leon laughed, "Fine then. Happy belated Birthday."

You smiled and hugged him from the side. He kissed the top of your head and opened the bag. He pulled out a white gold chain necklace but what really caught your eye was the small charm dangling from it. It was the small glowing green marble you had gotten at the candy shop. The healing one.

"I thought I lost that this morning." You mumbled as you reached forward and brushed your fingers against the necklace.

" I had Gabe sneak in and steal it this morning while you were getting ready. He did a good job of not getting caught.” Leon explained with a small smile on his face.

"That's why Gabe was acting weird this morning." You chuckled, "Leon it's gorgeous."

He smiled and reached forward to clip it around your neck. He shrugged, "I know it's not like the other one, but I figure it would be good for now."

"It's perfect." You replied. "I feel bad I didn't get anything for you though."

Leon shook his head, “Don’t. It’s fine.”

You smiled and leaned forward to plant a kiss on his lips. Leon didn't hesitate in cupping your face and deepening the kiss. After a moment of passionate kisses he pulled back slowly but left his forehead rest on yours.

"I love you [Name]." He murmured as his hand traced a small circle on the back of your neck. You leaned forward and pecked him one last time on the lips in response.

"We should start heading back." You said as you stood up and stepped off the bench. You gave him a smile as your hand brushed the new jewelry hanging around your neck.

Leon had a small frown on his face that you weren't sure where it came from. You frowned as well when he sighed and stood up. Without another word Leon began to walk down the path.

You followed silently, but after a moment you slid your hand into his. He glanced up at you and forced a smile. The two of you walked all the way to the front of the park where it was densely populated and brightly lit.

"Hang on." Leon pulled you to a stop, "I have to throw this away."

Leon motioned for the white bag still in his pocket. He let go of your hand and walked towards a trash can in the distance. You watched him walk all the way over and toss it in. When he turned around though he was swarmed by little kids who began to talk to him. A smile graced your lips as you watched him nod sheepishly and answer them.

"Hey baby." A deep voice greeted from behind you.

You spun around and your eyes involuntarily widened. A man with dyed blue hair, you could see his blonde roots, and neon purple eyes stood smirking at you. "You come here often?"

You frowned and shook your head. You took a step back but he grabbed your wrist.

"No don't leave baby." He said then his devious smile grew, "Why don't you come back to my place? I bet we could have a lot of fun."

You shook your head, "No thanks please let go."

He let go and sighed, "Oh. Ok. I figured I'd try. I should've known a girl like you would never say yes to me."

You watched him began to frown as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Sorry about that. I just figured maybe I'd give it a shot or something." He mumbled.

"Look maybe-" You reached forward to set a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. So you could tell him to ask someone else in a less creepy manner, but Leon's hand shot forward and snatched your hand out of the air.

"Get out of here." He growled and pulled you behind him. The man didn't waste any time in turning around and running away. Leon turned around to you with a frown. "Are you ok?" He asked in a firm voice.

"Well- I- Well-Yes. I'm fine but Leon you were being really...mean." You said with an upset tone. The man had apologized after all.

Leon's frown deepened and he narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me?"

You hadn't seen Leon so upset before and it put you on edge. You took a half a step back and shook your head.

"It's just-" You bit your lip, "He was apologizing. You didn't have to-"

"Are you honestly telling me you couldn’t tell that was a trick?!” Leon yelled at you.

"What is your problem Leon?!" You cried letting your anger build up. "I mean tonight has been amazing! Why are you ruining it for me?!"

"I'm ruining it?! You've already ruined it!" He argued.

Your eyes widened with his comment. Leon frowned and tore his gaze away from you. "I didn't mean it like that." Leon sighed.

"It sure sounded like you did." You mumbled with hurt laced through your voice.

"It just upsets me to see all these guys flirting with you", Leon lifted his gaze back up at you, "yet you never do a thing about it. You just encourage them."

"I do not!" You argued.

"All you do is stand there and blush. That only makes them want to flirt more [Name]!" He yelled. Leon ran a hand through his hair frustratingly. You crossed your arms across your chest and looked away from Leon.

"I try it's just- I'm-" You stumbled across your words.

"Whatever [Name]. Just forget it. The night already didn't end like I wanted it to." Leon mumbled the last part to himself. He started to walk away.

"No." You said sternly as you found your voice, "I don't want to forget it. What ruined this night for you?! Because until now I thought it was perfect."

Leon stopped and turned back to look at you. He opened his mouth but closed it again quickly. Finally after a moment he stepped up towards you so he was only a few inches away from you. Leon set both his hands on your face and pulled you into a kiss. This time it was different though. It was rougher and filled with desperation. He pulled away after a short moment.

"[Name] I love you." He whispered sending his sweet warm reach across your lips. You remained still, unsure of what he was doing. "Do you love me?"

You opened your mouth but didn't say anything. Why did you find yourself speechless. You would do anything for Leon, that you were sure of.

"I- I-", You stuttered. You swallowed and continued nervously, "I really like you Leon. A lot. More than anybody else I know."

Leon dropped his hands and his face became of mask of no emotion. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and you could tell by his expression that the answer you gave him was not the one he was looking for.

"I like coaching football. I like it more than any other thing I do." Leon spoke aloud with an even tone, "That doesn't mean I’d ever say I love it though."

You reached forward to touch his arm, "Leon I..."

He moved so your fingers wouldn't graze him at all. It was painfully silent between the two of you, despite the park's loud chatter from everyone else. Leon finally sighed and started to walk away, but not in the direction the club was in.

"Leon where are you going?" You questioned as you started to follow him. He shot you a sad glance and shook his head.

"I need some space.” He mumbled and walked away.

You slowly watched as his figure grew smaller until it was completely out of view. Your hands clenched into fists and you could feel small tears building up at the corner of your eyes. You were positive that nobody around you could hear your shattering heart above the park's noise.

You questioned yourself,

As much as you wanted to chase after him you didn't want to make him anymore mad than he already was. You turned and began to walk out if the park. Snow was still falling and you had that hollow feeling in you. It reminded you of Hanna's funeral. How lost you felt. Except this time Leon wasn't here to comfort you. As you walked out of the park you noticed Namine being led away by two men in white suits. You looked around for Gabe but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Namine!" You yelled but none of them turned around.

You honestly didn't even bother questioning your motives as you quickly ran forward to follow the men and Namine.