
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs


Listening to all sides of the story: from Bonbon, Borracho, Rouma, and Kenru was like unearthing the entire trove of secrets held by each member. I felt as if I had been struck by lightning, revealing all the concealed truths in one dazzling flash.

They had been harboring this secret all along. All of them, here because of me. Because of the gauntlet. It dawned on me that from the very beginning, they had allowed me to search for the hidden strength within me. They had even let me scavenge for stingers and enhancers, all to awaken the latent power of the gauntlet.

They knew I was the inheritor of the winter gauntlet, The Meadanach. Whoever was leading them, they knew my fate was woven into this plot.

Hold on.

I w—was sent here to die?

Who orchestrated my arrival in this place?

King Argus Calore sent me here. To meet my demise? Unthinkable! The king, a figure of honor and virtue. He had shown me nothing but kindness during my time at House Calore. Deep within my heart, I knew him to be a good man. But why did my heart's intuition clash with the whispers of my mind? Did I entrust my faith to the wrong person? Had my susceptibility to feigned kindness led me to the brink of death? Was I being steered astray?

"Idrish," Kenru's voice snapped me back to the present, "I sense the myriad of questions swirling in your head. It's as if your mind is chasing after a runaway slipper. I know the chaos inside your thoughts. We'll have time for that. But there's a battle that needs our attention now... and they're here."

The man's words stunned me. In an instant, all my doubts were silenced, overridden by a powerful surge that coursed through my body.

The wind seemed to cease its tumultuous dance, as if death itself had come to claim our final breaths. An unsettling hush enveloped the entire Meridio camp.

"The ivy trap detected three." Rouma's warning pierced the stillness, and the once hidden, massive roots of the trees began to crawl like enormous serpents, diving into the earth. The dark roots drove deep, creating a resonating thud as they met the solid ground. "Appu and Shita lane..."



The Miss.

"Groaaar!" Brugour's thunderous roar erupted from the Shita lane. Birds scattered in unison, startled by the terrifying sound of an adversary who had remained elusive till this very moment.

A surge of tension gripped my muscles. I swallowed hard, clenching my palms in preparation for the impending conflict.

"Enemy on the Shita lane is stunned! Now!" Rouma ordered.

"Bonbon!" Borracho's voice commanded our one-eyed ally.

"Cap-cha!" Bonbon cried out as the threads of his cloth-like weapon shot toward the Shita lane. Bonbon's power manifested as if creating a myriad of swords that journeyed to engage the foe. His threads coiled around Brugour, who was ensnared by Rouma's dark ivy.

Bonbon's threads were only a few meters away from reaching Brugour when a torrent of thick hair surged forth from the foliage, akin to massive black serpents. It was Tigrani!

"Cap-cha!" Bonbon's shouts persisted as he clashed with Tigrani's hair. Tigrani's hair swirled back at his assaults, some locks retaliating by launching an offensive against Rouma.

The sharp ends of Tigrani's hair lunged at Rouma. If he didn't evade in time, he would have been skewered!

I attempted to move toward Rouma to shield him from the attack, but Kenru held me back. "Rouma can handle her. Heighten your senses. Target anything that moves from a distance. Dodge if necessary."

I nodded, scrutinizing every motion around me.

With time, I realized Kenru's advice was astute. Powerful roots erupted from the ground, intercepting Tigrani's hair. The roots wrestled with Tigrani's locks and ventured toward her scalp. Tigrani's hair's ferocity allowed it to sever Bonbon's threads as well as the roots Rouma had deployed.

A deep roar emanated from Brugour, its origin seemingly beneath the earth. Electricity-laden strands of hair shot forth from the Shita lane.

"Watch out! Giant boulders incoming!" I warned.

Sir Borracho swiftly stepped forward, producing two enormous barrels from his palms. He hurled the barrels with a powerful thrust, causing their contents to explode upon impact, releasing a liquid imbued with immense force. The substance drenched Bonbon, Rouma, and Rouma's dark ivy. A synergy of power seemed to elevate Bonbon and Rouma, as the liquid amplified their abilities.

The realization struck the two of them and they utilized their augmented powers to grasp Brugour's whip. Rouma's right hand spun the whip in a circular motion, generating formidable strength.

My focus was unwavering, and Kenru's gaze was equally intense.

Amidst the chaos of battle, I suddenly felt a heightened connection with my body. For the first time, I experienced the capabilities born from the defeated beasts. My reflexes sharpened, my senses intensified. I could discern each movement around us: the snap of twigs, the rustling of branches, the swishing of grass, the rhythm of steps, and the heavy breaths. I felt the land's pulse, the presence of the enemy.

"They're strategizing to take you down, Idrish. Be vigilant." Kenru's voice held both concern and determination. His grip on his weapon tightened. "They will do whatever it takes to eliminate you. I won't allow that."

"Incoming!" Sir Borracho's voice intervened dramatically. His eyes scanned the skies, as if he too sensed the impending threat. With no moment wasted, he hurled the heavy object tethered to the enormous chain.

The giant anchor soared upward. It covered several feet before the deafening collision between the weapon and the massive stone hurled by Brugour resonated, causing the ground to tremble.

But the duel between Sir Borracho and Brugour didn't end there. With another flourish, the warrior from the second region twirled the anchor towards the source of the new danger, the Shita lane. The sharp point of his weapon propelled forward to intercept the enemy. However, Tigrani's voluminous hair intervened.

"Take this!" The resolute cry of the woman whose hair had ensnared Bonbon, Rouma, and Sir Borracho rang out. In an instant, she expertly used her hair to control the three captives, sending them hurtling toward the ground. She then launched them into the air, eliciting gasps from her victims.

Bonbon, Rouma, and Sir Borracho were engulfed in Tigrani's thick hair. It lifted them into the air before unceremoniously slamming them onto the ground. Tigrani lifted her captives again, but Kenru intervened before they could be thrown to the ground once more.

Kenru's movements resembled those of a fierce and swift gust of wind. I, too, was astounded by the brilliant gleam emanating from his sharp katana. Within moments, the katana emerged from its sheath, the blade magnified to an extraordinary size. Kenru wielded the blade in both hands, sweeping it through the air to sever Tigrani's formidable locks.

The clash of Kenru's blade against Tigrani's hair produced an explosive burst of energy, resulting in severed strands and splintered trees. Kenru's swift and decisive action impressed me, capturing my attention before he turned his focus to an approaching threat.

"Idrish! Incoming! Dodge!" Kenru's voice sounded like a thunderclap, forceful and urgent.

My gaze locked onto the pointed end of the enormous spear that hurtled toward me from the Senta lane. I realized I was the intended target. Waves of energy rippled through my body as I prepared to face the assault.

I wouldn't evade! There was no time to escape!

I positioned myself with my dominant foot forward, bracing myself for the impact. Every muscle was taut, ready for this moment. With a shield of determination, I blocked the path of the colossal spear and absorbed the immense force it exerted.

The collision sparked a blaze of light, illuminating the entire battlefield.

For seconds that felt like an eternity, I held my ground against the spear's relentless assault. I was pushed back, but I wouldn't yield to its power. The clash of shield and spear generated a dazzling spectacle that stretched across the battleground.

Finally, the spear came to a halt before me. My breath was ragged as I maintained my stance, my gaze unyielding as I anticipated the next move.

"Defend!" My voice erupted involuntarily, commanding the Meridio forces to regain their readiness. The enemy was relentless and swift. We had to be prepared for every eventuality.

Borracho, Bonbon, Rouma, and Kenru regrouped by my side. They had come to safeguard me.

A heavy silence enveloped the surroundings once more. The thick mist and smoke began to subside, revealing the serene vista that had once been obscured. Slowly, the balabal draped over The Miss's form started to unravel, exposing her identity. "Hello there, team Meadanach. I can sense the desperation to protect the heiress. Just. Right. Here."

"Creepy. Witch. Witch. Witch."

"I'll spare your lives. I just need this girl." The Miss extended her claw-like nails toward me, confidently stationed at the Senta lane. "I should have killed you in your sleep, Idrish."

A mixture of anxiety and astonishment coursed through me as her mask was removed. I knew, with an uncanny certainty, that I had encountered her before. I recognized her!

The thick mist and smoke receded, revealing the figure of a tall woman emerging from the Senta lane. Her shadow cut through the haze, a blend of smoke and mist. The figure was slender, possessing long, pointed nails and an imposing physique.

The Miss. I knew who she was. Even though she was veiled in a cloak, I was certain of her identity.

She halted several meters away from us. Her presence was suffused with a sense of dread.

Once again, her laughter erupted, echoing through the air like a haunting melody. "Hello there, team Meadanach. I can smell the desperation to protect the heiress. Just. Right. Here."

"Creepy. Witch. Witch. Witch."

"I'll spare your lives. I just need this girl." She pointed a long, bony finger directly at me, her stance unwavering at the Senta lane. "I should have killed you in your sleep, Idrish."

My breath caught at her words. It hit me deep, resonating in my chest. I recognized her.

The mist began to lift, unveiling the face of the true adversary.

The Queen's Slayer.

"L—Lady Montay..."