
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasía
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45 Chs

Loyal Heart

Just before Lady Montay's lifeless body could make contact with the ground, it disintegrated into a shredded dust, instantly scattered by the cold wind.

My knees buckled, accompanied by a steady stream of tears and blood from my face. She's gone. But more adversaries are approaching. I sensed it.

I inhaled and exhaled, my gaze fixed on the heart of the Septen. This must come to an end. It has to.

As long as the foundation of the Septen remains intact, this spectacle will never cease. Rigged or not, this must conclude. In this critical moment, I felt the chilly, tranquil breeze kiss my face.

My vision blurred with tears. Tears of pure sorrow. My fate, even if I were to emerge from Mors, would never be the same as before. I am no longer an ordinary huntress. I am no longer the elf who relied on the forest for survival. Everything will change, and the peace I yearn for seems distant.

I have to find the other heirs. Perhaps by gathering them, there's still a chance to reclaim the peaceful life I once knew.

Now, now that I stand before the definitive symbol of change, my embrace of the new me and my new life, I must execute everything. The enemy's base needs to crumble, signaling the end of the battle. An end where Camp Meridio prevails, where the victors from each region rise in rank.

Poras, Cali, Queen Azuntha... and Bonbon. This is for you. Even if I can't bring justice for the queen's death and Bonbon's, may this contribute to the many steps toward that goal.

Once again, I allowed the gauntlet to take hold of my being. I could feel the heat and electricity coursing through every vein in my body. I closed my eyes. The electrical hum filled me, infusing new strength.

I gathered all the metal fragments beneath the ground. It was as if pure metal flowed like a river toward a singular focal point, forming a gathering of weapons. Pouring all the remaining energy and strength demanded by the gauntlet, I forged a colossal dagger.

In an instant, without hesitation, I launched the enormous dagger upwards. I felt a slight tremor beneath the earth. A resounding thud followed, and the tip of the colossal dagger pierced the ground beneath the enemy's base, causing the massive red crystal that fueled the camp to shatter.

An earth-shaking quake was met with a tremendous explosion. Dust filled the air, and the shockwave rippled across the entire expanse of Mors.

Soon after, all I could perceive was the thick smoke and dust in the surroundings. I also began to feel the ebbing strength in my body. But before I could succumb to unconsciousness, I saw the shadows of three figures not far away: a stout warrior staggering, a tall and slender woman, and a robust figure with torn and flowing hair.

They had survived the clash. A tearful whisper escaped my lips.

Once more, I focused my gaze on those three shadows. In a blink, the small figure of a Pranaiah materialized in my peripheral vision. I smiled before the wind carried it away.

It's done, Bonbon. It's done...

A heavy drowsiness descended upon me. But before I could completely succumb to it, I felt strong arms catching me from behind.

"The arena is over, Idrish. Camp Meridion wins... You win!" came a soft voice, Killan's voice.

Before I could collapse into slumber, I heard his muffled sobs as he held me close. A warm kiss landed on my forehead.


I awoke with a bandage on my head. I attempted to sit up but found that my muscles were unfamiliar with the movement. I surveyed my surroundings quickly. I wasn't in the opulent chambers of House Calore's castle. I wasn't in the modest room I had grown accustomed to over the years.

I was in a cottage, constructed from sturdy birch logs and plywood. A gentle glow of light filtered through the window. Kenru entered through the door, carrying a tray with a tin pitcher, a glass, and an iron bowl. He approached me without blinking an eye and set the tray on the side table. No words passed his lips. I observed him clenching his jaw as he perched on the edge of the bed.

"K—Kenru, w—where are we?"

"In a safe place," he answered tersely, sighing deeply, his gray eyes fixed on me.

I remained silent, allowing my thoughts to run wild. I pieced together the possible events that had occurred while I slept. Poras, Cali, Team Meridion, Killan, and the seventh region—sensations of what could have unfolded coursed through my mind. My heart raced with apprehension as I sat there, wordless.

Kenru allowed me the space to gather myself. He then reached for my hand and spoke, "Poras and Cali are in the fourth region. They're safe. Sir Borracho and Rouma are in their respective regions for the victory celebrations."

His words filled me with relief and joy. The fact that he shared their whereabouts felt like an invitation for me to join them. I should be there. Of course.

Still, he did not break the silence, his breathing steady as he watched me intently.

"K—Killan?" I couldn't help but inquire, my voice tinged with unease. The mere mention of his name pierced through me like a blade. My intuition rarely failed me, and I was beginning to sense the truth.

"H—he's marrying the Morning Glory princess. It's part of his arrangement with the Second Region's princess."

An ache bloomed within me. Tears welled up in my eyes once again. My heart carried the weight of sadness and regret. I thought he loved me. Or so I believed.

"Sorry," Kenru's apology was sincere, his voice tinged with guilt.

Unable to speak, I felt my body shatter into fragments. Tears streamed down my face, betraying the torment within. Once again, my heart was painted with sorrow and remorse. I knew that I was taught to be resilient, to endure pain without flinching, but this pain was different. This pain was something I didn't deserve.

I took a deep breath before I managed to speak, my voice trembling, "I don't know what to feel initially, Kenru. It's like my chest is bursting. I don't know where to start."

"P—please say something," his words dripped with remorse.

"Does Killan know I'm alive?"

"He does."

His response stabbed at my heart. Tears continued to flow freely from my eyes. Again. My heart was drowning in sadness and regret. I knew my emotions were tangled, and I struggled to find the right words.

I sobbed softly before attempting to speak. "I don't know, Kenru. It feels like my heart is overflowing. I don't know what to prioritize."

"D—do you love him?"

The room fell silent, the weight of his question heavy in the air. I sniffled, a tear slipping down my cheek. With a heavy heart, I nodded in response.

Kenru's gaze remained fixed on me. I could sense that he had more to say, yet he remained silent, holding back his words. "We should visit him," he finally said.

I was puzzled by his suggestion. Why would he allow me to visit Killan?

He stood up and walked toward the window, his gaze distant. The light outside was still bright. He seemed lost in thought for a moment before speaking again, "Sometimes we wish for a life without regrets. But regrets have their own beauty. I've had my share of regrets in the past. My history is riddled with them. Yet, I've never attempted to erase them completely. They're a part of me. I embrace and cherish them until they intersect with something pivotal. To truly regret is to experience life anew."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I will let you see him, Idrish. I want you to decide and define your path after you've spoken to him. I will help you gain your chance or find closure. I'll stand by you, whether you're alone or with someone, in pain or happiness. That's my commitment now."

"Kenru," I whispered softly.

"Always remember, regardless of the circumstances—whether you feel betrayed or abandoned—my loyalty remains unwavering."