
Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me

In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.

Wicked132 · TV
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77 Chs

Into the Cave #70

In the frozen wastelands to the west of the Haunted Forest, Gale and his companions found themselves amidst an expanse of untouched snow that held signs of a grim event. Kneeling down, Gale inspected a frozen smear of blood, studying the remnants of a battle etched into the icy ground.

"Definitely a battle here," Gale remarked, his voice carrying a sense of certainty mixed with concern. He scanned the area, observing discarded weapons, shattered shields, and ominous stains upon the pristine snow. "But... no bodies," he continued, his brows knitting together in a troubled expression.

Qhorin offered his insight with a troubled grimace. "Whatever occurred, it's not recent. It happened some time ago," he stated, his eyes scanning the desolate landscape. "Snow's done a good job of burying most of the evidence."

"So, we know Rayder's force was attacked while securing the camp within the Haunted Forest," Gale summarized, a deep frown creasing his forehead. "Now we need to ascertain the assailants and the outcome of the battle," he added, his hand absently stroking his chin as he contemplated the circumstances.

Gale pondered deeply, his thoughts leading to a dead end. The united wildling army was the dominant force beyond the Wall. The Night King and his army of undead were the only potential adversaries of such magnitude, but it was far too premature for the Night Walkers to march south. 

Furthermore, even if they had, their sizable force wouldn't have been able to move this far south without alerting Rayder's scouts. Then again, any force large enough to hinder so many wildlings wouldn't have escaped Rayder's notice.

After much mental strain, Gale realized the solution wouldn't sprout from his own mind. He turned to Tormund, seeking his counsel as the expert of wilds north of the Wall. "Tormund, you know these lands better than anyone," the young man began. 

"If there are any survivors from this battle, they would've sought refuge somewhere after the conflict's end," he reasoned. "Do you know of any place capable of sheltering a large number of people ?" he inquired.

Tormund, pondering deeply, scratched his beard in contemplation. "There are caves farther west from here," he finally replied. "Once occupied by the cave clans before they moved to the Frostfangs... If any survivors know these lands as well as I do, they might have sought shelter there," he explained.

"Good, that's where we'll go. But before that," Gale turned his attention to Threya, his expression earnest. "I need you to head to Rayder's camp. Inform them about what transpired and assure them that the Night's Watch had no hand in this attack," he instructed, his tone serious. 

"If I were in Rayder's place, doubt might start creeping in about the Night's Watch, and we can't have that," he concluded.

Threya scowled at Gale's orders. "Who appointed you the leader, crow?" she retorted, her tone filled with defiance. Gale responded with a blank stare, offering no verbal retort.

 Eventually, Threya relented with a sigh. "I suppose you're right... fine," she admitted begrudgingly. "Ryk, stop gawking like a bloody cunt and fetch your horse. You're coming with me," she commanded, seizing Ryk by the shoulder and dragging him along.

Amused by the scene, Edd chuckled lightly. "Wildling women, huh? They're something else... our women could never," he remarked, clearly entertained by the exchange. 

Gale merely shrugged in response, not engaging further in the discussion. "Let's get moving. I need answers, and I need them yesterday," he declared, setting the tone for their next move.


"Looks like we're on the right track," Gale remarked, surveying the entrance of a cave adorned with eerie totems crafted from bones and weathered wood. A bloodied cloth lay on the ground nearby, evidence of a wound or some other injury. 

Their journey here had been marked by a trail of shallow footprints almost obscured by the snow, abandoned weapons and gear, and more telltale signs of struggle. Yet, despite the signs of conflict, there were no bodies to be found.

Edd, eyeing the cave's foreboding entrance, couldn't hide his discomfort. "Please don't tell me we're supposed to go inside..." He frowned, a visible shiver running down his spine as he glanced at the peculiar totems.

Gale let out a sigh, understanding Edd's reluctance. "We don't have much choice. The answers we seek might lie within," he explained, his tone reflecting the weight of their mission. "But someone needs to stay outside, in case anyone leaves without our knowledge. That someone can be you," Gale suggested, indicating Edd.

"Stay here all alone?" Edd retorted with a scoff, his discomfort evident. "I'd sooner brave the depths of this eerie cave than stay out here by myself," he firmly shook his head, rejecting the idea outright.

"I can remain here and keep watch at the entrance," Qhorin interjected, offering his assistance. "Rest assured, no one will slip past me unnoticed, friend or foe," he reassured, his tone steady and resolute.

"Then we'll leave it to you," Gale said, giving a nod of affirmation to Qhorin's commitment to keeping watch outside the cave. 

As the responsibility shifted, Gale turned to Tormund, hoping for some insight into the unknown depths ahead. "So, what are the odds of us getting lost or meeting an unfortunate end in there?" he inquired, hoping for guidance from the seasoned wildling.

Tormund, maintaining his relaxed demeanor, idly picked at his ear, his response casual. "I haven't got a clue, lad," he replied, his nonchalant tone not offering any reassurance. "Even I steer clear of meddling in those cave people's business... them cave dwellers are a strange lot, you know?" he added with a chuckle.

Gale sighed in frustration at Tormund's lack of helpfulness. "Way to boost our morale, asshole," he muttered, rubbing his forehead before deciding to take action. "Regardless, we shouldn't waste any more time," he declared, adopting a determined stride toward the foreboding entrance of the cave.


As Threya and Ryk continued their journey toward the wildling encampment, the landscape unfolded before them in desolate grandeur. Hours had passed when they encountered a sizable force of wildlings marching in the opposite direction. 

Threya signaled for Ryk to follow her lead as she steered her horse toward the approaching group.

"Who's in charge here? Step forward!" Threya called out, her voice cutting through the brisk air as she halted before the advancing wildlings. A woman with dark hair, adorned with a peculiar totem, stepped forth—Harma Dogshead.

"That would be me," Harma replied, her expression stern and questioning. "Do you bring news, Threya?" she asked, her tone expectant, a furrow forming on her brow.

"Indeed, I do," Threya affirmed with a nod, a sense of urgency in her voice. "We were tasked to escort a crow to capture a wight, hoping to persuade the southerners of the imminent danger. However, we stumbled upon a battleground instead," she relayed, her words laced with concern.

"It's clear someone attacked the people Rayder sent..." She concluded.

Harma's expression turned contemplative, mulling over Threya's information before reaching a conclusion. "Aye, Rayder suspected as much. That's why he sent me," she explained, her gaze fixed on Threya. "You can join us if you wish," Harma offered.

Threya shook her head firmly. "No, I must reach Rayder," she asserted. "There's a chance he might suspect that the crows are behind this, and I need to assure him otherwise," she concluded resolutely.

"And are you so sure that crows aren't behind this?" Harma inquired, her brow furrowing slightly, a hint of skepticism tainting her words.

"Sure enough to give my word," Threya replied confidently, a sharp nod emphasizing her conviction. "We were guests at Castle Black for a considerable time. If they had moved a large force, we would have noticed," she asserted, waving away any doubts with a dismissive gesture.

Harma nodded, though her expression remained inscrutable. "Very well. If that is your belief," she acquiesced, her voice steady. "Then go if you will. We'll continue our march," she directed firmly. 

"The crow and Giantsbane have ventured to the caves west of the battleground in search of survivors see to it that aid them should they need it," Threya instructed with a swift nod. 

She then motioned for Ryk to follow her, and they departed briskly, their figures gradually fading into the landscape atop their steeds, 

Observing their departure, Harma pondered the situation with a contemplative expression. After a moment's pause, she signaled to the warriors under her command, prompting them to fall back in line, and resume marching. 


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