
Winston Legacy

What if I am born in good health? What if I am living in wealth? What if I can do anything I wanted? What if my family is rich? None of those matters. Because if I couldn’t protect them, All of them are only empty things. For the weak me, I am grateful I realized it faster From now on I would change, to not become the little version of myself I will shower myself With the wealth of my family to protect my family To my parents and grandparents, I promise. ============= Covert Art isn't mine I got it after surfing the internet.

c0v07 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Preliminary Start

"Now, I will show you the varieties of training you need to do, do remember that in the future you'll increase the amount of training by yourself if you wanted to expect growth more."

Centurion's body moved by itself into a salute. After seeing the amount of Aura around his mother is much greater and denser compared to other warriors he saw before.

"Yes, Ma'am."

His words become polite, it's likely because of that his body moved along with what she ordered him to do. He couldn't think of any else reason other than that.

"The thing you need to do is to break the limit of your body. Understand what am I saying?"

Break the limit of his physical body?

Why does he need to do that? Is it to make his physical body superior to before? If so then the usual training itself is enough. Centurion is left in deep thought.

"As I thought," she lets out a sigh, "pick up your sword, and start swinging it as usual but increase the speed while moving over time."

As his mother ordered, Centurion picked up his sword and start swinging it in the air while moving.

"Accelerate! Swing it like your enemy want to kill you!"

The intensity of his swing increased and his sweat started to come out profusely from his body. His breath becomes short and fast.

"You may stop."

Centurion rested his body as she ordered, he had thought the training is almost over that day, but outside his expectation, it was only the start of the hell training.

"Prepare your sword!"

Before he could take a breath, his mother tells him to go again.

"Wait, Mom. I… need to take… rest."

"Will your opponent wait for your rest? Pick up your sword and swings it!"

His mother's words are valid, if he imagines the training as the real battle as he did against Morflea, his opponent wouldn't wait for him to take a breather. While staggering he starts to swing his sword again.

Even though it may be a hard lesson, for his future, Centurion does it. After exhausting his hands and legs, his mother makes him spar with her.

"Spar is one of the components to understand the enemy's target."

The gap of power between them is far apart, and because of that, she lets a few handicaps and instead focuses on teaching Centurion to adapt at her speed and strength.

She observes all of the training he's done that day, starting from scratch to the end. She would consider which way for him to do the exercise well and give many ways of same the training for him to train upon.

After the morning session, comes the energy break, lunchtime. He eats more than he ate yesterday. She once again didn't eat together with him.

"My stomach gets upset this morning." She said while Centurion eat the food.

The break ended only after a few minutes. Next, comes the noon session, starting with endurance training such as frog running, no-hand squat walking, and so on.

Centurion felt tired so much that he doesn't feel tired. He doesn't have any control over his legs' senses.

It was the first time he appears like this, at the start of his training, he could feel tiredness.

The pain of the training progress wouldn't betray the fruit of it, or so his mother said.

From that day on until the start of the preliminary, the hell training is non-stop.

Arcadia Kingdom is a peninsula country surrounded by the seas and bordering the Greeshia Empire on the north. The Capital city of Arcadia Kingdom is Capital city of Arcadia located on the east of the Kingdom's side.

The Arcadia Kingdom consists of twenty-six layers of Zone and one Capital City. Those Zones' names are A to Z and the closer it's to the Capital, it started with Zone A. The border with the Greeshia Empire is Zone Z.

Each Zone consists of several towns which have their specialties. But, the most advanced things all over the Arcadia Kingdom are their Maritime Cultural, and Agricultural.

Every Zone has their characteristic whether it's animals, plants, or caves. Fishes and wheat are the main dishes eaten by the people of Arcadian while livestock is used as a spare.

The zone head is the leader of the Zone appointed by the King of Acadia and will be changed every four years.

Their purpose is to govern the Zone so that the criminality rate goes down near zero and to anticipate spies on their territory and notify the King.

The first round of the Preliminary of the Youth Warrior Championship of Zone F is starting not at the stadium where it was planned to be but, in the forest bordering Zone F and Zone G.

This year, there are rumors that Zone F and Zone G are in joint, or so was the U-22 last week.

In the area outside the forest, many people are gathering and building tents. This year, the town used as the Preliminary is Winston town.

The main reason is because of Winston town is the closest town bordering Zone G where the forest is located.

The tall and dense trees of the forest create shades for the people, and the cold breeze flies through the tent into the skull of a young man inside. He is Centurion.

Right now, he is waiting for the Preliminary to start. Not far away from him, Gelato cleans the dishes on the table. Miguel and Samuel are standing outside the tent while in chatter.

Yesterday, Centurion had already registered for the Preliminary and been told to go to this forest and wait until further notice, so he does.

From the outside, he looks calm and composed but actually, his legs couldn't stop shaking. To be exact, he cannot stop shaking his legs.

He feels anxious and overthinks about the upcoming round of the Preliminary, which also added to his drowsiness because he doesn't get much sleep last night.

Even though he had been prepared since last month, he couldn't help but presume he couldn't win.

He slaps his trembling legs after hearing the siren from the Youth Warrior Championship official. He forces and drags his legs to the Preliminary vicinity.

Gelato who heard the slap jolted, then, paid no mind and guide him to the area. When they leave the tent, Samuel and Miguel bowed in respect and escort them.

They are walking together, Centurion in the front while the three others are behind him.

What a good day today innit?

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