
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Dylan – Positive and Lewd Images

Had you ever experienced culture shock before?

That's me right now.

Compared to the modernized Terra, I had learned from Cordelia that each region in Zemoria was a mix of prehistoric, modern, and futuristic architectures.

The City of Monadh was built on the famous windy mountains of Velaris, home to most of the winged races. The buildings and housing styles were constructed in Fachwerk (timberframing). Several buildings and houses had been half-modernized, but it didn't take away the overall classic country home vibe.

A female harpy with colorful feathers and a large basket grasped in its claws just flew right above me. She gracefully landed in front of a bakery shop and transformed into a human with long green hair. She was magically clothed in a modest one-piece garment—a scarlet kirtle.

Cordelia had explained to me that it costed around 10,000Z to 500,000Z just to own tailored clothes imbued with transformation magic. The clothing materials used varies for each individual, depending on their unique skills and abilities. If you were a race whose human body was always on fire—literally—you'd need materials resistant to fire. If your clothes were unable to withstand your flame's high temperature . . . you're in for a naked surprise.

I felt like I traveled back in the Middle Ages . . . but not quite. There were others who wore modern clothes. I looked around and strolled through the bustling city. I didn't feel out of place but a few visitors, travelers, and residents had been staring at me like I was a strange foreigner. I checked out my all-black modern attire: a strapped loose pants, full hoodie jacket, and a pair of fingerless gloves.

"Are my clothes making me look intimidating?" I stopped walking down the cobbled street and looked at Cordelia, a little worried that I had unknowingly activated a skill.

"You are not intimidating, Lord Dylan. They are admiring you for your cool sense of fashion." Cordelia formed a wide smile and raised three fingers. "I just heard three ladies by the fruit stand giggling and complimenting your handsome face." She put her fingers down and stepped aside. "Just now, the red-haired werewolf and orange-haired mermaid dared their pink-haired fox to speak to you."

I moved only my eyes to avoid looking suspicious. The three gorgeous ladies by the fruit stand, in their long silk dresses and distinct supernatural features (ears, tails, and gills), were three shops away. How was she able to hear that far?

The five-tailed fox ran and called my attention, "E-Excuse me!"

I turned to her with nothing but curiosity plastered on my face when something unfortunate happened.

She tripped over her foot.

Cordelia was about to help her with a magic spell, but I reacted faster and swooped right in. I wrapped my right arm under her stomach and slipped my left arm across her knees. In a swift motion, I lifted her light body up and flipped her over into my arms.

Mishap averted.

I sighed in relief and looked at the five-tailed fox in my arms, with genuine concern. "Are you alright? Did you hurt your foot? No sprained ankle?"

"U-um . . . I-I don't think I'm hurt," she said, with her hands close to her big chest. The woman was staring at me with her cheeks glowing in hot pink.

Confirming that she could walk, I put her on the ground, gently as I could. "Be careful next time. Don't run like that in a pretty dress."

"A-Ah! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" She dipped her head into a small bow. "Thank you for saving me!"

"I'm just glad you're fine." I smiled and waved a hand, dismissing the thought. "May I know why you approached me?"

Cordelia relaxed when the situation returned to normal. She quietly stood to the side of the cobbled street, waiting for me to finish interacting with the fox lady.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but may I borrow a few minutes of your time? My friends and I . . . um . . . they dared me to . . ." She twiddled with her index fingers and avoided eye contact with me.

I chuckled at her shyness. "Do you want my autograph?"

"A-Autograph?" Her eyes shone brightly. "Are you a celebrity from somewhere? Or a model?"

I froze.

Oh, crap. You're not an idol anymore, Dylan! My initial plan was to help her start a conversation with me . . . as a normal human– primordial being. I guess I better work on erasing my default dialogues first.

"Ah . . . I'm sorry. Please ignore that." I rubbed my nape as my smile turned wry. "I was an idol back in Terra. I just moved here so I'm starting from scratch."

The pink-haired fox swayed her tails fast. "No wonder! My friends and I think you are very handsome! We'd like to know your name and race . . . if it's not too personal?"

I thought for a moment, then I secretly glanced at Cordelia. I recalled about primordials being the bane of hell in Terra and Zemoria and all that scary description about my race. I expected her to say no, but she nodded in approval. Nothing will go wrong, I suppose?

"My name is Dylan," I said, turning my attention back to her. "I'm . . . a Lust Primordial."

The pink-haired fox's tails stopped swaying and her fluffy ears perked up. She stared at me like I was a newly discovered specie. "Really? Your aura is different than most primordials. I can see . . . light and darkness emitting from you."

"Is that . . . a bad thing?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! That was rude of me!" She snapped out of her own curiosity and waved her hands, frantically. "I shouldn't be speaking my mind like that! Please, I deserve to be punished, Lord Dylan!"

The pink-haired fox surprised me when she called me Lord Dylan, but what surprised me the most was when she dropped on her knees and bowed multiple times to ask for my forgiveness. Was my race that superior? Or was it because I'm a noble to her?

"Ah, no! It's fine! I'm not offended!" I quickly bent down and took her small wrists into my hands, gently picking her up from the dirty ground. "Please, stand. Protect your dignity. A pretty lady like you shouldn't be kneeling in front of a man."

The pink-haired fox blushed in shades of red, from head to toe. She yanked her hands away from mine and kept them behind her, then her tails swayed rapidly back and forth in a disorderly manner. I was aware that my sweet words had greatly affected her. Most women, specifically my fans, that I had encountered and spoken to always did.

"A-Anyway, I have to go back to my friends. T-Thank you for your time, Lord Dylan!" She covered her face, whirled around, and sprinted back to her friends.

"Hey, don't run!" I managed to say. "Be careful! You might fall again!"

The pink-haired fox slowed down and chose to walk . . . a bit faster. Her friends pulled her back and bombarded her with questions that I couldn't hear. They were chaotic.

I sighed in relief, just glad it was over. "I nearly caused a scene on my first day."

"Lord Dylan showed kindness and cared for a random stranger's well-being in public." Cordelia returned to my side, flashing that comforting smile at me. "That's what matters the most. Everyone is talking positively about you."

Everyone? I scanned the nearby souvenir shops and restaurants. The merchants and a few people were stealing glances at me. They smiled, whispered, and nodded. I'm already used to people gossiping (and slandering and spreading false rumors) about me. It didn't bother me at all, so I changed the topic and shifted my interest to Cordelia.

"How were you able to hear that far? Did you cast an auditory spell?"

"No." Cordelia resumed leading the way to the bank. I followed her while she explained, "Humans will often think that I am a mage or a witch, but in Zemoria, I am called a warlock—a type of demon race." She flaunted a proud smile. "Warlocks, in their true form, appear to be human but our animalistic features made us distinct from other demons. I happen to take on the form of a moth with the best hearing!"

Suddenly, a huge pair of dull wings sprouted from her back and two short horns grew out of her forehead. My jaw dropped in awe. Despite the camouflaging black and white patterns on her grape-colored wings, they accentuated her unique beauty. She was shinning like a diamond as the wind gently blew on her silver locks. I swear to my dad that the sun and wind were paid actors.

"Wow. . . . You're a very beautiful warlock, Cordelia."

I was admiring her like a fool in love. . . when a brief image of me planting my lips on the curve of her neck while fondling her melon-sized breast played in my head. She let out a soft whimper and I . . . quickly trashed my lewd thoughts and gripped my head.

Damn, what did I just imagine?