
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Dylan – How to Tame the Misbehaving Raven

"If you open a portal in Terra or Zemoria and your chosen destination is the Underworld, will it drain your magic power?" I recalled the first time I saw Cordelia's portal skill at home.

"No, it will not. A warlock is a type of demon, and demons naturally live in the Underworld," she explained. "We have a stronger connection to our motherland than to the other realms. Once we step foot into the demon's realm, our physical and magical power will dramatically increase."

"What if we jump from Terra to Zemoria? Will you consume a lot of magic power?"

"Yes, I will. Recovering the lost mana will take some time if one does not have a Mana potion in their inventory. But you shouldn't be too concerned if you know how to control your mana. The only race that can use the portal skill without limit is the Stríðsævintýri."

"Strid— say what now?" Ms. Yul was dumbfounded.

"Warrior Fairy," Rhea happily translated. "They are the eight elemental fairy queens of Zemoria. Oh, their beauty is unparalleled! How I wish I could meet one of them!"

So, there are eight fairy queens? Cordelia did mention them and the eight elementals. It made total sense. Wow. It wasn't that long ago. I could still remember absorbing all that explosive information on primordials and celestials. It wrecked my brain cells.

Now it heavily dawned on me how much work she was putting into serving me physically, mentally, emotionally, and magically. Adding Ms. Yul's unexpected arrival, Cordelia's workload just doubled.

Needless to say, I wouldn't doubt Rhea. I know she would gladly share the responsibility with Cordelia. I'd seen the way she offered a helping hand when I fed for the first time. Still, I should find ways to make their servant life easier. I wouldn't want to be dubbed as a cruel master.

"Who can use the teleportation skill?" I remembered my dad telling a story of him stalking me in school. He couldn't teleport inside the building due to the risk of alerting the religious brigade.

"Teleportation is an advanced skill bestowed upon those who can strongly resonate with the shadow element. Consuming mana isn't too much of a problem. The only downside of this magic is you cannot teleport people along with you. Hence, the portal skill is more useful when transporting living things or non-living things from one place to another." Cordelia gave me a quizzical look. "Why is Lord Dylan asking?"

"I've been thinking . . . if we're just nation-hopping in Zemoria, why don't we ride a carriage, a car, or go out on an adventure? Set up camp . . . gaze at the stars," I trailed off. I was a little embarrassed about revealing my favorite hobby. "I like sightseeing and traveling around . . . and I don't want to exhaust your body. What if I need to . . . you know . . . do it outside?"

"Do it outside?" Cordelia blinked. "Do what?"

"He means sex in public, my dear." Rhea giggled while Ms. Yul blushed at the kinky topic.

"O-Outiside with . . ." Cordelia's face turned bright red. The idea made her stutter so bad that I told myself, internally, not to laugh at her. "L-Lord Dylan is so t-thoughtful and kind! T-Thank you for looking after me, b-but as I have previously said, y-you may use my b-body as often as you would like! I-I can handle more— Eek! No, no, no, no! That's not what I—" She hid her face in her hands. "I-I mean— I can m-make more portals today! My mana capacity is higher than most warlock slaves!"

I took back what I just said. I faced the other way and laughed like there was no tomorrow. She was just so darn adorable! It was like the first time but more expressive.

"Lord Dylaaan!" Cordelia pinched my sleeve and repeatedly tugged it down. "Please, stop laughing at me! Are you teasing me? It was a minor mistake!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry." I smiled and gave her a pat on the head. "You're just too cute and funny. That's why I can't get enough of you."

"C-Can't get enough?" She stared up at me for a second, then her eyes glossed with tears.

My smile dropped. I panicked and thought I hurt her feelings, but I was wrong. Cordelia smiled. Her dazzling smile blinded me and all I could see was a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess expressing her sincerest gratitude.

"I'm so happy to make Lord Dylan feel that way! I'll never tire saying this over and over again, but I'll do my best to serve you every day!"

Fuck. Her sweet response made me want to squish her cheeks, shower her face with kisses, and do the dirty dance again. I was tempted to pull her into one corner, but I hardened myself and focused on controlling my desires.

Dylan, no. Practice endurance. Be a unique Lust Primordial who wouldn't rely on sexual energy just to function well. Endure. Endure. Endure—

"Ugh. What an unpleasant sight!" Ms. Yul's sarcastic remark reached my ears. "I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you being lovey-dovey with your future women. Just dating a pride of fans is a total nightmare!"

That . . . stung my heart a little. The human part in me dislikes the idea of having more than one woman. But the demon part in me likes the idea because it's normal in my race.

"Same feeling," I said, frowning. "But Dad advised me to get used to being a Lust Primordial. I might as well start doing it and express what I feel in my own way . . . one step at a time." I glanced towards Cordelia and met her eyes. She understood what I meant and looked so proud of me.

We were having a moment there when Rhea suddenly walked right next to me and hugged my left arm. She squished my bicep with her prized jugs and kept pushing them up to me. I shivered (in delight). What has gotten into her?

"Lord Dylan! I'm jealous!" She whined and pouted. "Stop mating with poor Cordelia. When will you start exploring my curvy body? I'm here if you need to satisfy your lust! Don't make me wait for too long! I want to feel your rod—"

"Rhea! Keep it down!" I put a finger over her lips. Some people were giving us weird looks. "L-Let's decide on a schedule, alright? A schedule! I don't want to keep you waiting either. I hate waiting myself."

The raven's eyes shone like a diamond. She hugged my whole arm tighter and acted like a clingy cat rubbing its cheek on my shoulder. "Oh, Lord Dylan! I never thought you were the impatient type! What are your kinks? I shall do my best to fulfill your wildest fantasies!"

"A what?" I would be lying if that didn't tempt me. "I have a long list from A to Z but not now, Rhea. We have errands to do!"

Rhea was stubborn. She refused to let go of me until I named at least one kink.

Cordelia and Ms. Yul, in their gentle and aggressive voices, told her to behave and if she had any ounce of shame. They tried separating her from me, but I signaled them both to not stop her with a shake of my head.

Rhea's sexual side and soft breasts were making my head spin, but I'd rather have her all over me than with another man. The thought infuriates me . . . for some reason. So, I decided to give her my attention now before she feels neglected.

"Rhea," I said aloud. "Lend me your ear."

"Oh? What is it, young master—"

When she lifted her head, I touched the other side of her face. Then I guided my lips to her sensitive ear and pressed a gentle kiss on her earlobe.

Rhea shuddered and froze. Knowing her personality by now, I was very sure that my idol persona—the dark, sensual, and insane side of me—would be super effective on her.

"Behave, you naughty little raven . . . or daddy won't make you scream louder than a vampire's victim tonight," I enunciated each word in a dark and sultry whisper. "Understand? It'd be a shame if I can't hear your prettiest vocal range." I traced her jawline with my fingertips and blew on her ear, teasingly, with my hot breath.

As expected, Rhea couldn't handle my flirty side. She squealed like a helpless little mouse and pushed me away from her. "S-S-Sorry for inter—interrupting our lovely tour, my—my dears! B-But I can see our first destination up ahead." She pointed at a turret-shaped three-story building, just a block away. "Please, follow me!" and she dashed away like a Roadrunner.

Cordelia was deeply shocked. Ms. Yul palmed her face and sighed. I looked at them and slowly smiled, feigning my innocence. The result was beyond satisfactory. Better than I had anticipated.

"Let's talk about that next time. We should follow her," I said, and went ahead.

We walked further down the street until we reached the blood brothel for vampires. A large sign that read BLOODELIGHTS hung on top of the entrance. Right outside the door, I saw volunteers and vampires (who might have fed on them) apologizing and showing their appreciation for offering themselves as their food.

I looked for the so-called vampire bite on the volunteers's neck. There was nothing to see, but they seemed like they needed to rest a bit more.

"Is there a clinic inside to tend to the . . . blood donators?" I asked Rhea by the entrance. "I don't see a bite mark anywhere and they look tired."

"Oh, there is! Healers are naturally on duty." Rhea returned to her toned-down behavior. She pointed at her neck and smiled. "Healing magic can heal an open wound and cease the pain, but what it cannot do is replenish blood volume. Our body takes within 24 hours to replace the blood and between four to eight weeks to replace the red blood cells. In conclusion, it is completely normal for blood donators to feel tired after their blood has been sucked out!"

"Ah . . . so the stress from the bite and fatigue from blood loss can escalate to fainting." My brain randomly played out the stock knowledge I have about Stem cells. "Red blood cells carry oxygen all over our body so that perfectly explains why some victims end up unconscious . . . ."

Rhea faked her sniffle. "Can we all agree that Lord Dylan is so hot whenever he flaunts his intelligence? King Asmodeus will be so proud once he excels in school!"

"Rhea! Be quiet!" Cordelia spelled the letter X with her arms. Rhea said her Oops. I looked at them with suspicion.

"School? Did I miss something? I'm already done with—"

"Oh dear! I almost forgot." Rhea was swift to change the topic. She turned to Ms. Yul and grabbed her arm. "Come with me now, Yullie! You must drink from your first victim!"

Ms. Yul flinched at her wording. "Victim? What do you mean by victim? Aren't they volunteers?"

"Let's pick a submissive, handsome young man, shall we? What type of man do you fancy?" Ms. Yul scolded her not to phrase it like that, but Rhea just let her words fly out the other ear. "Oh! Lord Dylan?" She smiled at me. "Don't worry about paying. I'll pay for her food, okay? Okay! Just stay right there or walk around while waiting for us. We'll come and find you. See you in an hour!"

"An hour!" Ms. Yul protested. "Why is it that long? Explain it to me first, woman! What should I expect inside?"

"Just come with me and you'll see! The sooner you drink, the sooner this is over!"

Rhea pulled Ms. Yul inside the blood brothel and they were gone just like that.

[11.22.23] The italics looks messy on mobile but not on PC. Strange... but finally! I keep getting disturbed whenever I find the time to write this chapter. (=3=) Exclude the days of rest and enjoyment, of course, but most of the time...it's a struggle focusing everyday. I'm excited to edit the next chapter already! Gah! (Yes, it's done). Have a nice day!

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