
Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

A college student reincarnates in the world of HP with the power to cast Lore of Magics from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe(Total War: Warhammer 3). It is going to be a weak to strong story. In time, I am thinking of expanding on all of the magical world rather than only focusing on Magical England. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this other than my OCs; anything else belongs to its respective author. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me in the comments, and I will fix it. I will try to release three chapters a week. If you want to read 35 chapters ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
75 Chs


A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



As Elminster was experimenting with his magical spells, a group of Knarls emerged from the surrounding bushes. These creatures resembled oversized hedgehogs and were known for their conductive quills. While they didn't possess any particularly dangerous magical abilities, they were deemed pests and had received a two-star rating from the Ministry of Magic due to their pesky nature, particularly when it came to alchemical gardens. 

The sudden appearance of the Knarls added an element of welcomed change of pace to Elminster's magical practice. Knowing his spells weren't powerful enough to cause lasting harm, he decided to use the creatures as practice. He began by casting "Toxicus Nebula" on them, which made them move drowsily. However, these stubborn creatures still charged at him. 

"Invisibilis Fumus," The spell was derived from skitterleap. He incanted, causing him to vanish in a puff of greenish smoke, remaining invisible for approximately 10 seconds. As he circled around the Knarls, they became increasingly bewildered. When his invisibility wore off, Elmi whistled to recapture their attention. Annoyed, the creatures charged at him again, their movements sluggish due to the lingering drowsiness.

Elminster then performed "Noxus Guardium," a basic protective and concealment spell. Shadows enveloped his body, creating a protective barrier that could deflect minor magical and physical harm. Simultaneously, these shadows allowed him to blend into his surroundings, making him difficult to see if the area was dark. This spell was handy for personal safety and concealing oneself from prying eyes. While the shield charm seemed strong enough to withstand multiple hits from second-year students, it was still vulnerable and couldn't endure more than one shot from basic spells cast by a grown wizard. One of the fascinating things about that shadow shield was that he could see through it without a problem.

Elminster possessed two additional spells from the Lore of Stealth, but one of them was a curse that weakened bones, making it unfit to use on the Knarls or any creatures. He had employed this spell on rabbits and other game he had hunted, and the results were far from pleasant. While the curse didn't have an immediate, direct effect, when a rabbit or a similar creature ran at full force, it caused their ankles to be sprained, making it a rather cruel spell to cast on animals. The curse was not strong enough to break bones yet, but it could cause sprains and soreness.

Elminster decided to cast the remaining spell, "Obscurum Turbinis (Whirlwind of Darkness)," a basic offensive spell that conjured a swirling and putrid whirlwind of shadowy magical energy around the target. The whirlwind released stinging ashes that caused mild magical damage and discomfort to the victim. While not a particularly powerful spell, it was suitable for self-defense or minor magical duels among students. 

As he cast the spell, the whirling dark wind and ash surrounded the Knarls, lifting them off their feet and tossing them to a distance. The fall wasn't too hard, but it stunned the Knarls, and the putrid smell and irritating ash of the spell caused them to flee once they regained their senses. 

Elminster dedicated the rest of the day to casting spells until he was thoroughly exhausted. At this point, he could manage around five spells before his stamina was depleted, forcing him to rest for a few hours to recover. Pulling the winds of magic from the atmosphere didn't have a direct magical depletion effect, but since his body served as the arcane conduit, excessive use could physically wear him down temporarily. This wasn't a lasting injury; his body would naturally recover, much like the way a riverbed erodes under continuous water flow, but his riverbed could self-heal when the flow subsides.


As Elmi was hunting a rabbit using his bone curse, a familiar voice came from behind him. "It is not suitable for a youngling to use curses, Fredrick Elminster Fawley."

He turned around to see Thalassa standing there, her voice gentle yet filled with wisdom. Thalassa was a female centaur responsible for scouting this part of the forest. Elmi and Thalassa had crossed paths many times during his training sessions, and it had become somewhat of a tradition to engage in conversation.

Elmi, now a bit sheepish about being caught using a curse, responded, "I apologize, Thalassa. I was merely practicing my spells. I mean no harm to the creatures of the forest. I only cast it on the animals so I can catch them and eat them."

Thalassa regarded him with her perceptive centaur eyes and nodded slowly. "I understand, young one. Magic is a powerful tool, and curses are unpredictable weapons. You should be cautious in your use of curses, for they can have unintended consequences. Especially when you are young since it could corrupt your soul."

Elmi appreciated her guidance and took her words to heart. "Thank you for the advice, Thalassa. I'll be more mindful of my spells in the future."

She offered a warm smile and replied, "You have great potential, Fredrick Elminster Fawley. Use your magic wisely, and it will serve you well. I am still awed how, as a youngling, you are able to cast without a wand. The stars still haven't decided your future, but it doesn't seem darkness for now, even though you are using poison, shadows, and curses in your magic."

Elminster asked curiously, "Thalassa, what would you do if I had darkness in my future?"

She thought for a moment, her gaze piercing the forest's depths, and then replied with a tone of wisdom, "We would have pulled our protection from you, young one, and when you reach the age of fourteen, we would have to make a difficult choice. We cannot allow another dark lord to rise immediately after another."

Elmi was taken aback by the gravity of her response. "But why wait seven years? What if I become too powerful by then?"

Thalassa, with a look of disdain for such a thought, spat on the ground and said with an edge to her voice, "Only dishonorable, degenerate, and rootless centaurs would harm a youngling. In our culture, it is believed that if a centaur harms a youngling, the stars won't shine upon them or their ancestors. It is a fate we dare not risk."

Elmi understood the centaur's strong sense of honor and morality when it came to children. Their reverence for the stars was not to be taken lightly.

With newfound respect for the centaurs' principles, he nodded and said, "I appreciate your honesty, Thalassa. I'll do my best to ensure that such a choice never has to be made."

She acknowledged his words with a gracious nod,

"I appreciate it; we wouldn't want to hurt his offspring since we have a debt of gratitude for late master Corvious Fawley."

"I am curious about something else; what do you mean about protection?"

Thalassa, her voice filled with a sense of assurance, said, "Do you really think your mother let you play here without absolutely knowing you are safe? Even if she didn't ask, we would have protected you for the sake of the late Master Corvious Fawley."

Elminster nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. His mother had always been cautious and vigilant about his safety, even if it meant allowing him to roam the magical woodland.

Curiosity piqued, Elmi inquired, "I knew some dangerous creatures like Ashwinder, Red Cap, Graphorn, and a few Trolls live in the far north of the forest, but do they ever come to this side?"

Thalassa's response held an air of matter-of-fact certainty. "Of course, they do. If we don't patrol this part, there is an Acromantula nest just northeast of our village. Have you ever seen one of them in this area? You can't because we are hunting them to keep their numbers at a controllable degree."

Elminster realized that the centaurs' presence and vigilance extended far beyond his initial understanding. Their role in safeguarding the forest was more vital than he had ever imagined. He expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Thalassa, for looking out for our safety. Your protection means more to me than I can express."

Thalassa dipped her head in acknowledgment and said, "It is our duty, young one, and an honor to protect this ancient forest and those who reside within it."