
Chapter 9

But I do.I want to feel that mouth on me again, I want to taste those lips, that tongue again, and I can’t. With a tight smile, I shrug and try to sound nonchalant when I tell him, “I didn’t say ever.Just not right now.”

Bradley’s smile is like the sun breaking through an overcast sky, and when he looks at me, there’s something shining in his eyes that make my knees want to buckle. “So you like me?”

So blunt, this one. I shrug again, but I can’t quite meet his gaze and I feel my cheeks heat with a thin blush. I can’t keep from grinning like a fool when I tell him, “You’re okay.”

Clutching his chest, he gasps. “Okay?” he cries. “Okay? Honey, I am morethan okay. I am damn fine.”