
Windows of The Heart

Beautiful, outspoken, woman in her twenties with a slim figure, an alluring, young, charming whose goal is to succeed in the corporate world; only finds herself falling in love with a foreign boss, a Korean CEO of an Industrial company. This CEO is a man in his thirties, an eligible unmarried person but surrounded by women enamored by his handsome, stunning good look, regal because of his high-and-mighty manner. Confident but overbearing - he demands compliance from everyone; his word is his law; his decision shall not be broken. But this woman is about to change that. She falls in love but only to find herself caught in a web of loving two men who happened to have blood relations and another man whom she thought would be her lasting love. Will their love bloom and flourish within the test of time? And so, the story begins.

Ma_Teresa_Llacar · Ciudad
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71 Chs

Mari & Hwan Chul: Recollection of the Past

Chapter Twenty-Eight Five Years ago ---- High School

It was Sunday afternoon when Hyun-Ki called Nancy, Gabrielle's friend.

"Yes, Hyun-Ki, I am available, so you can come to my home this afternoon because my husband would be glad also to meet you. Sure, we'll expect you at 4:30, then." Nancy cheerfully told his husband of Han Hyun-Ki's coming.

Hyun-Ki arrived at the time, and Nancy's husband answered the door to meet him.

"I'm Wilson Castro, Nancy's husband. Please have yourself comfortable." Showing him a seat in the living room. A little boy came running in, curious about whom their visitor was and wanting to join them. Hyun-Ki became fond of the boy that took him on his lap and asked his name and age. The little boy showed his age with three fingers, and his correct count amused everyone.

Wilson started the conversation. "I know Hwan Chul and Gabrielle way back in high school, and I was a photographer and reporter for our school newspaper, and we were all classmates." Smiling proudly.

"So does that mean, too, that you and Nancy were already dating during those years?" probed Hyun-Ki.

"No, we only came to know each other during Prom Night, she was so pretty that night, and I got attracted to her, so it became the start of a good friendship. We only became serious during college." Related Wilson.

Hyun-Ki then started to ask about Hwan Chul.

"Oh yes, who can forget Hwan Chul? Popular, a crush on the campus, and a varsity soccer player. He was handsome, and every girl swoons over him. Who can ever forget that guy?" Wilson continued.

"Their love story all began during our fourth year in high school. Everyone was excited, for this was our last year." Nancy came to join them and recalled their love story.

"Students are excited on the first day of the school year, and everyone gathers in the quadrangle, waiting for their classmates to line up in their respective classrooms. Suddenly, a group of fourth-year students in Section B called, "Hey, Lee Hwan, yeogi, over here!

"A handsome boy looking occupied in his backpack heard his name called out, waved his hand, and all the girls, seeing him, keeled over so, overwhelmed by his Korean good looks and well-built countenance. His exquisite dimples show as he smiles, making him more attractive.

"As he hurriedly walked closer to his group of friends, he accidentally bumped into Mari, his classmate in the Third Year of last year, but they were indifferent at that time who was simultaneously crossing over his path. Mari somewhat lost her balance, and Lee Hwan could grasp her back. Both shocked and bewildered, their eyes meet. Taken aback, Lee Hwan helped Mari get off her balance, mesmerized by her brown eyes that stared intently into his own.

"Gwaenchanh-a, uhmm, you all right?" asked Lee Hwan with much concern. "Mianhajimann, I'm sorry, though." His eyes set on Mari while apologizing. "I-uh-I'm all right," her eyes fixated on Lee Hwan.

"Then came Nicole, running towards Lee Hwan with an upset expression on her face. Her glance at Mari was of jealousy. "What happened here, Hwan Chul?" and turning to Mari, "you should look at where you're going, Mari," somehow angered from that scene, "You almost hurt my boyfriend!" Caressing Hwan Chul's shoulders and arms at the same time. "Gwaenchanayo, It's okay, Nicole, nothing to be upset…. It's just a slight accident." Turning to Mari, somewhat obsessed, "We're okay, right, Mari?" Mari just nodded and turned away.

"Inside the classroom, Mari was looking for a seat by the window, taking a big breath, when Nancy cheerfully approached her. "We're back again, Mari, to the same old place, same faces, and here you are looking for a seat by the window again!" Taking a seat near Mari. "But this time, it will be different coz we're leaving this old school! At last, we're graduating! Ready for college, right?" I was shaking Mari's hands excitedly.

"Then came in the boys, talking loudly about what exciting experiences they will do this time since this was their last year in high school. Unmindful of their conversations, Lee Hwan sat by the window, unknowingly behind Mari, immersed in his thoughts. While conversing with her girl group, Nicole noticed Lee Hwan seated behind Mari. She took Lee Hwan's hand, pulled him out of his chair, and reminded him of their former sitting arrangement in class, that his preferred space was on the third middle row, near her. "' Jal jinaeyo yeogi' (I'm fine here), don't bother."

"Okey then, I'll get this seat," moving her things near Lee Hwan. With eyes on Nicole, somewhat observing, I wondered if they were indeed in a relationship. The way Lee Hwan paid attention to her was like nothing between them. It seems to her that Nicole is deeply fascinated with him, but he never reciprocates her thoughtfulness.

"Then came our new teacher, writing her name for the introduction on the board. "I am Mrs. Bettina Cordova, your Fourth Year Adviser. I'll make a roll call and raise your hand as I call your name. And what seat you have taken, that is your permanent seat this entire school year, understood?" And so, the roll call began. When the teacher called Lee, Mrs. Cordova asked, "what nationality are you, Chinese or Japanese?" Lee Hwan replied as he stood up, "Aniyo',(No) I am a Korean, ma'am. "Why did you choose to study here in the Philippines?" is a follow-up question. "I want to learn English better, and my dad said Filipinos are good at speaking English," said Lee. "And why study English? What is it for?" queried the teacher intently. Lee Hwan seemed to be grappling with the right words to express some in Korean. "Well, my dad said that English is a big help in-in-in, ' sa-eob' uhmm, I mean," then Nicole butt in to interpret, "it means 'business, ma'am." Mrs. Cordova asked Nicole, "do you understand Korean, Nicole?" Boasting, "a little ma'am, I learned some from him; we are close friends." Going back to Lee Hwan, "tell me your real name; how should I write in my record? "In the Korean language, Lee Hwan Chul, but in your language, you can write as Hwan Chul Lee, ma'am," Hwan Chul replied.

"Later that day, the class was filled with lectures and discussions. As the course continued, Lee Hwan was attentive to Mari's active participation in style with all the subject teachers, and he admired her intelligence and couldn't seem to take his glances off her.

"The school bell rang for the second time, lunch break. Everyone's buying their lunch tray. Mari and I chose an empty table to dine on, and while enjoying their meal, Lee Hwan joined their table. There was a surprised silence between us two girls, then Lee Hwan spoke, "I hope you won't mind joining your table, Mari, Nancy? I just want a place where I can eat quietly," hesitantly smiling for approval. "Why, sure, no big deal," Mari firmly acknowledged his permission. Nicole was upset when she found Lee Hwan on Mari's table. She quickly stood up, bringing her lunch to join them. "I was waiting for you at our table. Why here?" Lee just nodded in silence. "Then, I'll join you here; hope you won't mind, Mari?" Clasping her hand by her chin, "Sure, this is everyone's table, anyway," Mari said.

"After the afternoon class, everyone's haste to go home except Lee Hwan and his friends. They went to the soccer field for practice as the varsity will open again. Meanwhile, Mari went to her usual refuge, an old shady tree with an old wooden bench and table built under it. She usually spends her time here for a few hours to study, finding this place for solitude to concentrate on her lessons and also somehow spend her spare time reading novels of romance, love, and even detective stories that arouse her imagination and thinking skills. She was fully absorbed in reading a romance novel, not noticing that Lee Hwan was standing by her. When she was about to close her book, she noticed she was not alone. As she looked up, Lee Hwan was smilingly gazing at her. "' Shillaehapnida' (Excuse me), have I disturbed you? I saw you from a distance, so I thought of coming here, wondering what keeps you here." Mari was startled but gained her composure. "Hmm, I was spending a quiet time here before coming home. It was already a habit to de-stress myself after the pressure and tension from class recitations and classwork. Anyway, I finished what I was doing here, and I guess it's already six o'clock! Sorry, I was unaware of the time, but I have to go." Mari started to walk out when Lee Hwan grabbed her wrist.

"Mari, wait! you might lose this book if you leave it here unattended." Mari became hesitant, staring at Lee Hwan's hold on her wrist. Lee Hwan quickly loosens his grip, 'Joesonghamnida,' I'm sorry." He bowed, apologizing.

"Every day in school is complete with class work, field activities, and competitions. Then there was this incident that put Mari in an unfortunate situation. This class experiment was in the Science Lab, and every student was absorbed in assessing data. Nicole recklessly swept the Bunsen burner over the other table close to hers, only to discover it was Mari's paperwork. The burner flew over, causing a flame, somewhat destroying Mari's experiment sheets. With the presence of mind, Lee Hwan quickly responded to the situation and swiftly sprayed the fire extinguisher over the growing flame. At the same time, everyone panicked and was shocked by the reckless incident. Lee Hwan was furious that he grabbed Nicole angrily by the hand. Nicole was also surprised and baffled. "I didn't mean. Honestly, it was an accident!" Nicole argued, chilled with fear. Mari's state perturbed Lee Hwan. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?", examining her hands, her head, touching her hair, her back, worried that she might be wounded or had some burns. Lee Hwan's attention to her utterly dumbfounded her. "I'm all right, Hwan, nothing to be scared of," said Mari. Intimidated by Lee's worry about Mari, Nicole yelled at them both. "Hey! I didn't do anything foolish; it was an accident!" Then Nicole, hurt and shocked, ran off from the Science Lab.

"The next day, Nicole was quiet but looking angered by yesterday's incident, slammed herself angrily on the chair beside Lee Hwan, and explained, "Why were you so mad at me when it was an accident? You never answered my calls last night, and now you're treating me as a stranger." Lee Hwan turned to her with a blank gaze, then took back his look from her in pissed silence. Nicole was upset with how Lee Hwan reacted; she burst into tears, telling him that it was unfair to be treated coldly, for deep inside, she was innocent and had done nothing wrong. "It just so happened that the flame jumped on Mari's table, and why so concerned about her, is there something I don't know between the two of you?" Nicole made her voice loud to get everyone's attention. Lee got up from his chair, leaving the room, still in pissed silence. Mari was not in the room yet, which worried me because I feared this quarrel between the two might fall on Mari. Nicole followed Lee Hwan, and so did her curious girlfriends. They were hurrying to catch up with Lee Hwan when they came upon Mari along the hall. She was in a cheerful disposition when they confronted her.

"Yes?" cheerfully greeted them. Nicole outrightly pointed her finger at Mari, "How dare you snatch Lee Hwan from me, you bitch!" Mari got irritated and somewhat furious at Nicole's accusation but remained calm. "I don't know what you're trying to insinuate, but I'll let it slide for now." Swerving Nicole's finger from her sight as she was about to walk away, Nicole's friend, Eloisa, pulled her hair from her back.

"Hey! How dare you! Keep your hands off my hair; you're hurting me?" Mari was fighting off Eloisa's grasp while Nicole called her a snitch. Mari firmly pushed Eloisa's body from her to loosen her grasp, fixed her hair swiftly, and said, "I, a snitch? I have not stolen anything from you," infuriated at Nicole's accusation. "You are so suffocating and intimidating. It's as if everyone owes you something!" criticizing Nicole. "And one more thing, nobody gets away with insulting me like that!" giving out a sudden slap on Nicole's face.

"Nicole was shocked by Mari's retaliation with a slap on her face, and she was about to return to that ugly confrontation when Lee Hwan suddenly showed up and held Nicole's hand. "What's the meaning of this, Nicole, Mari? Are you going physical now? Over what? Is it still about yesterday's incident? Is it not over yet, hmm?" Mari walked towards Lee Hwan and whispered at his right side, "Better clear her head, and I hate getting involved." Saying that, Mari left. Lee Hwan stared at Nicole and told the girls to return to their classroom. "Let us talk during recess. Meet me in the library." And Lee Hwan hurriedly left for school.

"In the library, Lee Hwan stood by the first bookshelf close to the entrance. Nicole came in; her attention was at the tables looking for Lee Hwan. Thinking he was late, he sat by near the counter. A while later, Lee Hwan stood behind and took Nicole's hand. She felt elated by the way Lee Hwan came around her holding her by the hand. She thought everything would be fine for them both again. He took her to the far corner of the bookshelves, where no one could hear their conversation. Nicole's heart was thumping heavily, expecting a warm embrace from Lee Hwan. But to her dismay, Lee Hwan critically scolded her.

"How could you mistreat Mari when your recklessness almost burned the Science Laboratory? And what is this snitch thing that I overheard, and you, of all people, collaborated with Eloisa in hurting and insulting her? You should at least be apologetic because you burned her experiment sheets, but what did you do instead, huh? You're angry at her, got even with her, accused her of having taken me away from you?" Lee Hwan's face was red in suppressed anger, and looking straight at Nicole's eyes, he said firmly, "our friendship is over and done!" Lee Hwan furiously turned his back on her and left. Nicole was at a loss for words that she only burst into tears. Feeling a heavy heart, she felt her world crumble down on her.

"Lee Hwan came back to the classroom, less Nicole. He glimpsed at Mari, but she avoided his glance.

"Nicole walked back to their room helplessly, laying her head on her desk, still tearful, waiting for Lee Hwan to come near her hoping to take back his word. But Lee Hwan just passed by her and silently seated on his chair; Nicole felt distraught the more.

"Later that afternoon, Mari and I were saying our goodbyes. "I'll be home later, Nance. I have to finish my notes at my hideaway." She told me, so down the grounds, she strolled in a happy mood and sat on the bench, scrolling over the pages of her notebook, when Lee Hwan appeared quietly by her side of the court.

"May I have a seat here? Can I join you?" Lee Hwan shyly asked permission from Mari. Mari stared at him intently, then pointed her hand at the seat as a sign of approval. Lee Hwan, somewhat hesitant, asked Mari if she could help him with their English subject. Mari, somehow doubtful then, looked at him with a curious stare. "Why not ask the teachers if they accept tutorials you can afford, can you not?" Lee Hwan, somewhat embarrassed, "I have one at home, but it's different when I have someone my age whom I can relate and talk to openly, giving me suggestions or making our conversations at ease. That way, I can easily absorb and understand what we are talking about in English, making outright corrections in my speech and sentence constructions without being embarrassed when corrected." he humbly explained. Mari laughed softly, then nudged Lee Hwan by his elbow. "You're not kidding me, are you? You think I can be of big help when I am not qualified as a tutor." And that started their acquaintance.

"Lee Hwan Chul would always wait for Mari by the stairs coming from their classroom. He always walks her to her hideaway, both reading a book. Hwan Chul puts his earphone on Mari to listen to music as they read books. All these became their routine every day of the week until they became close as friends. Hwan Chul tells her everything about him, and the same with Mari. They became more at ease together, joking, making fun of each other, singing the songs Hwan Chul collected on his cellphone, sometimes seeing Hwan Chul dancing with the music, pulling Mari to dance. They spent many happy moments together as the days went on.

I am adding to this chapter about Gabrielle’s past with Hwan Chul, Han Hyun-Ki’s brother, to bring light to their relationship. Please continue reading.

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