
introductory Chapter 5.5

Azatoth, Azatoth is a Mythos creature that resides in the center of the darkness between the realms that Windah has created. Currently, Windah was drawing all the evil auras from each of Windah's Avatars, so that, all creatures would no longer do the bad things they had done in previous times and history. "This is better, so that you no longer commit sins." Windah said. "Okay!" The four core entities Windah had created shouted emphatically. And so, Windah bun's hand reached out to the four of them who had bowed before Windah. As one could see, a dark aura had spread over Windah's hand, and the darkness traveled all the way to the storage bag. However, without realizing it, the figure (Ilham-Compo) had ignorantly made her figure into two entities. Windah knew that, but ignored it. After 5 minutes of absorbing the evil energy, "This way it's done" said Windah.

However, suddenly black smoke poured out of the room that Windah had made specifically for the withdrawal of the aura of darkness. Again Windah realized it, of the future that would happen, but again and again Windah ignored it. The smoke cleared from around them. Then, the warning bell from Ilham-Comps (Windah's Computer God). That there was an entity with total darkness exceeding the criteria, which was 689%, where the normal limit was 100%. "You guys handle it" said Windah to the ruler of the Realm, Kurniawan, Ilham-Compo, and Ilham the Snake.

With that, they quickly headed to the reality panel that God Windah or Ilham-Comps was doing. Ilham-Comps could not argue, because Windah's words were absolute, as if their bodies were being controlled. "We must do this quickly." After being in the presence of the creature, they realized that it was,,,,,,. AZATOTH. "Damn, what kind of creature is that? Is he asleep?" Ilham-Compo said. "Yes" replied Kurniawan. "I'LL GO!" Ilham the Snake shouted at full speed, the scope was already in a different dimension, between their existence and Azatoth's existence. But Ilham the Snake was able to break through. "Better not be rash" Kurniawan muttered with an expressionless face. However, the vibration of the dimensional rupture made Azatoth wake up from his dream and open his eyes. And, those eyes opened clearly, the figure of Ilham the Snake was just a speck of dust from Azatoth's large circle. "Ah? Wasn't that small?". Without realizing it, the entire reality that had existed in Windah's realm and fiction had been destroyed, instantly presenting the existence of that realm to 0 or Emptiness. Without leaving a word or the last word of Kurniawan and Ilham-Compo, they have been destroyed. Only the last word of Ilham the Snake remained.

Windah's computer screen looked black, because the realm was gone. "Grrrrr" Windah was angry for not being rash, "Superiors shouldn't be pretentious, stupid creatures". The flakes of emotion that Windah had let out came out of Windah's soul, and entered the reality panel. Instantly, the dim light of the void came into view, and there was a grinning head, a bald spot, a slack mouth, and eyes that opened slightly. He was an entity that was accidentally created and temporary, he was, Windatoth!, The entity created from the emotional splinters of Windah so Azatoth was created, the other splinters were stored in Windah's storage realm, because it was too dangerous to create other threatening creatures. "Windatoth?!" Ilham-Comps shouted. Windah noticed, and just looked at the computer screen.

The creature was clearly huge, a size that was 1:1 with Azatoth's size, because of that form, an imitation of Azatoth itself. Azatoth's eyes bulged even more, and unleashed a powerful attack of destruction, but, it all failed. (Glass of fiction) Windatoth had created, just by targeting any 1 entity, it would become a fiction. Azatoth's fictional glass shattered, just like you are creating a fiction/comic, but the screen of your cell phone has cracked and shattered, causing the cell phone to shut down. So with Windatoth. Azatoth is a fictional creature that has not been stored or accessed from this realm. Therefore, the glass shattered and Azatoth disappeared from the Realm of Darkness. Continued