
Will You Keep My Secret?

“I promise, I will keep your secret.” "What secret?" "Well...your relationship with him, I won't tell anyone." Blake and Marissa knew each other since they were young, but one accident cost Blake his chances at being with Marissa. So against his better judgement, in order to be near her, he agreed to be her best friend. Ten years later, using the pressure his family imposed upon him to get married. Blake concocted a plan to enlist Melissa's help. Her role was to play as his wife. Can Blake finally convince Marissa that whatever happened when they were young was just a misunderstanding?

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192 Chs

Cross The Line

"I shall make you remember then…" Blake put her down on the bed and slowly climbed on her, "Where shall we start?"

"Stop it, Blake!" Marissa gulped and pushed his chest.

"I am trying to make you remember…" he said and suddenly took off his shirt.

"Blake!" Marissa started to panic.

"What?" He scoffed and then smiled. "Here…this one…" he pointed at the bite mark that Marissa just made a minute ago, "from just now…and this one…" another bite mark that was redder than the one just now was in between his shoulder and chest, "from last night…remember anything?"

Marissa widened her eyes, trying to recall. She gulped, "Move first…"

"Why should I, this is the best position to make you remember…" Blake was trying to tease her, but he knew deep in his mind that he was at his limit.

"You are heavy…" Marissa furrowed her brows and pushed him again.

"So…do you remember now? This…" Blake pointed at the mark again.