
Handsome beyond humanly possible

Liara stood there for several minutes. She just stood still like a statue while she suppressed the desire to cry. What was she supposed to do? Obey like pets do?


Oh! Helplessness and fury were something terrible! She wanted to unleash her rage and destroy something. But she couldn't afford to let herself go.

And so, she who had never considered herself weak now felt helpless. Who would have imagined it? The feared Red Witch was cornered. Liara felt as distressed and helpless as an ant floating on a leaf in the middle of the sea.

Could she kill them all in exchange for her freedom? Good Gods! Liara was quick to erase such thoughts from her mind. No, never that. Liara had only killed monsters. Only monsters, and she only did so, once she learned that making them faint or unconscious would not end the war. She had learned this the hard way. She learned that, in a war, actions and choices had consequences. Sometimes terrible ones. Liara closed her eyes and her thoughts to that part of her past that still burned. Then she moved her legs.

In any case, was it possible to kill an immortal? She suddenly thought.

Oh, Gods! Not wanting to think about anything else, Liara rubbed a hand over her face and entered the room. She threw herself on the bed and tried to forget everything.

Some time later Liara felt a soft knock on her door.

"Please, come in!" She said, raising her voice.

Instantly a group of maids entered the room. They were all tall and pretty, with dark hair and eyes that varied between a shade of gray and sky blue. They brought a rolling rack with several pale-colored outfits.

"Miss Liara." One of the maids came forward. This one seemed to be perhaps more mature than the others. She could be about twenty-six years old in the man's world. "We have come to assist you with your preparations."

While the maid in charge was saying this, the others were rummaging around at the dressing table, taking out combs, hair accessories, and jewelry. Liara noticed there was no makeup anywhere. Well, she could not help but think that: even if she didn't particularly like makeup, considering cosmetics as something low was quite foolish.

In any case, getting back to the topic in question Liara wondered what she should do next. Refuse the invitation outright, just to make a point? Liara thought about it for a few moments. And she nodded to the maid as she brooded within her.

While the maids prepared her bath and chose her outfit, Liara decided to give it one last chance. She would go to the dinner and, as the civilized person she was, she would try talking with the Prince. Yes, Liara trusted she could come to terms with the supreme Angis.

And feeling somehow satisfied with her resolution, she enjoyed her bath. She even relaxed in the bathtub's warm water which gave off a delicious aroma. The truth was, she had never taken such a luxurious bath in her life.

Once dry, she put on her underwear. Then Liara dressed in a kimono and walked to the bedroom. The maids were waiting for her with the chosen dress. It was a beautiful mermaid-cut design that hugged her waist like a glove and left her shoulders visible. The color was a soft sky blue which perfectly complemented the delicate and exquisite design. Finally, the maids braided her long hair and placed a delicate tiara on her head.

"The lady looks exquisite." The admired declaration came from a young maiden with an innocent face. "You look just like the goddess of…" The maid said and then she covered her mouth. But it was too late.

"Do you have gods?"

"Yes, my lady." The older maid responded, lowering her head and excusing herself. "If you allow me, I will guide you to the banquet hall."

"Do I remind you of any particular Goddes?"

None of the young maids responded. The silence was becoming uncomfortable when the older maid answered:

"Your hair, my lady," The older maid said as she invited Liara to follow her with a soft and feminine gesture. "It is just the color with which the hair of the Goddess of Love is represented."

"Ah…" For some reason, Liara thought it was better not to ask anything more. Thus, she followed the older maid through an immaculate hallway of white tiles and cream walls to a large pair of silver doors.

"Here it is." Said the maid.

"Thank you," Liara smiled at her. "May I know your name?"

"It's Lessa, my lady. Sorry for the late introduction. You can call me Lessa."

"Thank you, Lessa." Then Liara entered the room, which was huge. And in that extensive and luxurious banquet room, the first thing that met her gaze was a pair of eyes of an impossible turquoise shade.

It was as if his gaze had magnetism. Liara thought as she approached the supreme Angis. And one had to see how handsome he was.

He had stodded as soon as she had appeared through the door. And he had remained looking at her impassively like a gallant statue. Standing there, in his fine white and blue suit, he looked like a prince from a fairy tale. That was the first time she was truly impacted by the beauty of the Angis' image.

Well, he is handsome beyond what is humanly possible. - Liara thought as she reached the long table. - So what? That has nothing to do with me.

She just had to negotiate her freedom.