
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Will life always be like this

This word is a simple one, you wake up go to work eat go home sleep repeat. but me I liked to do things differently, honestly I'm not the only one. We the people with boredom consuming us escape to a different world, the world of VR, better known as virtual reality.

It's a amazing place with limited feeling, but what is the point in having a 100% feeling when you can't explore different worlds and kill mythical beasts.

In VR you only have about 15% to 30% feeling but that doesn't matter. you're mind is 100% developed into the game, your adrenaline will go wild, your head will ache, don't worry you will feel pain but it's only 30% and some said that was to much. to me it was more then enough for me to escape my reality.

I am a 23 year old woman, I'm 5,10 with red hair and blue eyes my name is faith. I have no last name I never knew my parents and didn't care, a nice woman took care of me till I was 18. I live in New York City now, work from 5am to 1pm working a desk job pushing papers all day following orders to get my check and go home

but all days are not that simple,I have a boss that likes me, but I never really cared about relationships after I had a dumped my boyfriend after our 3 year relationship. it wasn't because I didn't love him any more but because I fell in love with VR and I never felt the same after that.

My boss always made my life harder because I refused to go out with him multiple times he just doesn't understand the words I'm saying I guess. so on my way home that day he tried to pick me up in his new sports car but I'm not impressed by money or fancy.

So I looked him in the eyes and said "FUCK OFF YOU UGLY PIG, I QUIT AND BEFORE YOU ASK ITS YOU'RE FALT" I took a deep breath to calm myself while he's stunned by my word "now please leave me alone" I turned to get on my bus to go home to my favorite game SAVIORS OF THE NEW WORD.

This game anyone could play but not advised for everyone, this game is gory, violent, and had plenty of foul language and so much more then reality could ever offer.

so of course I would spend most my time and money there. When I finally get home I took a shower and put on my pjs. Then I walk over to my bed and see my VR rig, it was not at all the best but to me it was my word. I had the cheapest and I never had enough to buy the best but It didn't matter.

I laid down on my bed, putting on what looks like motorcycle helmet and I'm finally In. my avatar Sil, in this game you can be whatever you want. I'm a elf with the power to control plants and I'm very skilled with bows and daggers I'm a assassin type hero.

if you can say that in this game every player has to make a "hero" I say it like this because you are not a hero or at least don't have to be. there's PvP in this game and when you die you restarted back to level 0 and in a game that takes hours on hours of grind time to level, this game feels like it takes your soul when you die and the one who kills you gets all your loot and some xp from the kill. so you can't imagine how many player killers there are and I'm no exception.

In a game where murder is common place, where if you had no skills you will be reset back to 0. I probably know what your thinking can't a level 1000 just bully a little level 100 and you are wrong. you can't pvp with anyone that is not in your level range for example a level 20 can't have a Duel with a level 10 but a level 15 is a different story you can only be 5 levels lower or higher then your opponent. Skills are the most important thing in this game a level 15 can be much stronger then a level 20 because of how much time they have practicing their skills, you level up by killing monsters but you get skills by practice and trying out new things.

Every hero has to start at level 0 and we have not found a level cap. every time a player passes level 10,000 there's either a event we're all the current high levels gang up and attack him or he solos a high rank dungeon. Why you ask? so one player doesn't have to much power.

There was once a player level 10,000 name was the iron blooded night that went into the highest level dungeon and never came out and we never seen his level drop to level 0 on the leaderboards so every one thought that he raged quite when he died. But me, i always thought that he got locked in that dungeon to never be seen again.

When a player is making a character you could pick from hundreds of thousands, what feels like millions of different options. you could be a deformed monster if you wanted to, or you could have dragons arms and tiger legs.

It didn't matter but a lot of people stuck to the original like pure dragon or half beast. when you made your character you played a tutorial to show you how to make skills and perfect them.

it was relatively simple for me it's all about having a open mind about what your doing and when you complete the tutorial everything changes. You get thrown into a world of monsters and players your level, so pvp is aloud and you can't leave this death match until you reach level 10.

that's when the real game starts you get put on a random world with monsters and other players your level, if you die here back to the death match where you have to get back to level 10 to get back.

After you get to level 25 on this world you go to the next, each planet you must level up 25 times before the next. After 4 planets your level 100 and this is we're the game stops helping you. You go out in to the Galaxy killing and leveling as much as you please, saving the npc,s for experience.

Before I reached level 100 I've already died over 30 times going back to level 0. but that never stopped me I didn't care about being the best or strongest I just wanted to fight and kill everything and everyone In my path, that's we're I got the title the elf that dances with death.

But after I got that title I started to get noticed by everybody. It's vary rare that anyone under level 200 gets title. a title stays with you even after death and sometimes gives you a boost next time you get reset as it did for me.

when I died for the 35th time I released I was leveling quicker then the others and that gave me time to focus on my skills. The elf sil was a name that quickly started to spread, because of my skills and how quickly i was leveling.


When faith quit her job she was level 250 and now she felt like she can let the game take all her time. she never really cared about the out side world, even if there was a killer in her neighborhood she wouldn't care.

So now with all the time in the world she was grinding levels nonstop not being stopped by anyone and killing every monster and player in her way.

With all the killing she's done got her a nickname from the other players the elf shadow elf. Faith thought this was a fitting name for a assassin it only took her a week to make it to level 1000 making everyone look her way either with respect or spite.

Faith was very unhealthy this pass week just eating, using the bathroom then back to VR. This continued for a whole 2 months she finally reached level 10,000 a world record, she still felt like it would have been quicker if it didn't take so long to level.

So everyone in the game knew Faith's character like she was a god among the rest. she decided to solo the high rank dungeon, the same one that the iron blooded night went in.

as she was approaching the dungeon she was stopped by group of hundreds of thousands of players greeted her giving her luck to past the dungeon nobody else had.

She felt immense amount of pride looking at all these people and all she could say before entering dungeon with her fist raised high and her back to the people "thank you for being my stepping stones so i can reach so high" then she was gone to the depths of the demon god dungeon.

She was clearing The dungeon like every other one she's done in the past, but after what felt like weeks of killing monsters she finally reaching boss room.

Right next to the boss door was a rest room so she decided to take a break to leave the VR world for just a moment before defeating the boss. after a 10 minute break to eat some ramen and back to the boss fight.

This boss is the strongest boss in the whole game this boss was a demon god with a giant long sword bigger then 12ft long and 6ft wide it looked like it could Cleves skyscrapers in half.

but faith wasn't scared if anything she was ecstatic about the fight that was about to happen with her max level gear and her bow on her back, daggers on her waist with a potion pouch with her she was ready.

Drinking a speed and strength potion she dashed at the demon god, her opponent was no amateur though. the great demon God swung his mighty sword and you could hear the wind cutting as he swung.

she ducked under the swing and prepared to rip out the demon gods kidneys with her daggers in hand. but before she could, she got kicked straight in the face at lightning fast speed launching her a crossed the battlefield

This did not slow her down in the slightest, putting away her daggers and pulled out her bow with three arrow shooting them directly at the demon God chest, neck and head.

he was not prepared for his enemy to be so agile so he could only block two out of the three arrows. with a arrow in his chest he looked were his opponent was, but she was no longer there feeling the wind on his back he tried to turn around but before he could his tendons on legs were cut, This did not stop him from throwing a powerful punch in faiths stomach, with no time to dodge she was forced to take a hit.

her health was already down to half from two blows from this mighty beast. drinking healing potions and regeneration potion before the next encounter. she was back up to 80% health.

the demon was slowly regenerating health while she had her distance. she decided to try her magic capturing the demon God with giant tree roots as she shot arrows constantly toward him. the demon God was captured however the roots only slowing him down for fraction of a second, before busting out with another swing of his mighty sword, she felt like death was right in front of her so she decided to use her trump card.

she was sunk straight into the ground avoiding the mighty strike appearing behind the demon with daggers in both his kidneys, with all her strength she pushed up making two giant slashes in a demon God sides making him scream in pain.

but before she could do all the damage she was sent flying by getting backhanded by the demon. "Dammit how is he sending me flying like this constantly without hesitation!" She muttered before putting away her dagger pulling out her bow sending 3 shots at the demon gods back as he fell to one knee dodging two of the arrows.

but one was sinking straight into his back making him scream in agony from all the damage he's taken, with this chance she decided to put all her strength into her legs putting her bow back onto her back, going straight for head of the demon with the speed and strength potion still active she got to him in a second with both her daggers in hand she cleanly cut off the demon gods head.

(Congratulations player for completing the game) faith was still shaking from the battle and seeing these words directly in front of her she couldn't help but smile ear to ear. while she was panting out of breath she decided to see how much Health she had left and she realized she was down to 3/5ths of her original health that boss dose 1500 damage per hit almost. while she was waiting to see what the game will do next she suddenly blacked out.

(Authors note: sorry if this chapter was hard to read first time making a novel)