
Chapter 6

** I'll know what you really are! Wait for me! **

"Acchoo! Not again 🤧! Do I really got sick?"Rein whispered to herself. She suddenly felt a cold chill down her spine 🤐. **What was that ?! Why am I feeling indifferent since morning?😶, something's not right...** she thought to herself while looking around her surroundings in a suspicious manner 🤨. **I should really be careful...🥸** just then her thoughts were interuptted as an unknown person approached her. "Well...Miss? You seem pretty lost?☺️🌝" The unknown person said out of nowhere suprising Rein. "What the f-...😨" She exclaimed out of surprise & seeing an unknown wierd person see backed off her position. "Who are you? What do you want?!💢" Rein shouted. "My... My...😦! Calm down Miss... I'm here for your welfare☺️🌝, this isn't how you treat your well wisher☹️..." the unknown person said with a creepy expression ☺️🌝, his expression was enough to make Rein leave , she just turned around and started to head off. "I'm talking your welfare☺️🌝, you should be behaving better!? Shouldn't you? It's for your own good☺️🌝... Listen...:)" the unknown man followed her behind. Rein had enough of that stalker so she just stopped and thought about confronting him, "Listen! Mister😒... whoever you are... I don't need no well wisher! So please STOP FOLLOWING ME !!!! Or consequences won't be good for you💢☺️!!". "Finally, You stopped over the magic 🪄 of the glistening words that might come in handy for your future ☺️🌝!..." The unknown person was just going with his own tune completely ignoring Rein's words. She just gave a DONE look😑...**That's it !** She thought to herself & took out her phone and dialled 911 but the call auto disconnected & the same man's voice came out of the phone instead, creepy enough to make Rein drop her phone 🤳📱 & complete horror took her 😰😰😰. The man was just standing there with that creepy expression ☺️🌝 while the phone continued to repeat it's word || ItS yOuR WeLfaRE ... ••• iTS yOuR FUtUrE saViOUr••• LiSteNN!!! ||. "Just Stop! JUST STOP THIS!! 🛑😣... Whoever you are! What do you fcuking wanttt!!!😖😫" Rein exclaimed out of horror. "I'm you well wisher☺️🌝, i just want your good ☺️🌝...Now listen patiently ☺️🌝! " the man said while keeping the same expression. Rein couldn't help but just listen to him ...she just simply wanted to get out of the situation as soon as possible, so she just nodded in response.

"Good☺️🌝... Now here's the TIP ☺️:

Better Stay Calm as much as possible,

Better know people around you really care,

Better have good insight on most trustworthy,

But this better tip might not come out BEST and WORTHY...🙂

So, BEWARE trouble is on the way😠!

You can't just RUN away🤫,

Face it with the right WILL🖤,

You'll find all your answers in the FATE OR DESTINY'S WHEEL!🙃💔....

I hope you might've got the point.... I remember you being a great and wonderful girl, You'll live up to that tag☺️🌝. I can't wish you luck but you won't need it☺️🌝. Goodbye~" These were the creepy man's last of words and he just vanished, but that went unnoticed by Rein cause she was already lost in those words and what they meant & why did he said all of those things to her....

Will this be the beginning of more misery for Rein or this would unlock her real path like the Unknown man said !?! ... Too many Questions but the answers can only be found in the upcoming chapters so STAY TUNED!~☺️🌚
