
Wild Space Adventures

Lord_Kaine · Ciencia y ficción
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21 Chs

Chapter XIV

The latest generation shuttle, gleaming with a thousand lights, came out of space-time space.

"I can't believe they let us take that shuttle!" »

Abby announced, fidgeting happily in her chair. Sariah could only nod to him, still focused on piloting the small spacecraft. She too had been surprised by this unplanned vacation. Fairly serious damage had been detected on the Protée, and it had been put in "dry dock" for some time for repair. Sariah, the captain of the ship had assumed that it was this material necessity, which allowed them to take leave... As for the trip offered with access to the shuttle, it was just the icing on the cake to reward Abby for having contributed to research on the drug PPS (the first sexual sin).

"Say, Abby promise me you won't be spending all of our holidays trying and trying, okay!" »

Abby smiled shyly as she was caught on boarding trying to load mobile lab equipment onto the shuttle.

"I'm not used to the idea of a vacation. It's the longest period of free time I've ever had. I swear to you that I will spend my time lazing around and sunbathing on the beach..."

Sariah had programmed their Ardalon destination into the small spacecraft's computer system. It was a small planet ignored by many living beings in the universe, it had never been deeply involved in the great moments of the history of its galaxy. Located in the Minos Cluster, and more precisely in the Shesharile system, Adarlon was the only interesting planet, at least for Humans.

"I've never been on Ardalon!

- Like many people answered Sariah. It is a heavenly world, one of the jewels of the universe.

.. Colonization made it a playground for the ultra-rich. Ardalon is known to be one of the most photographed but least visited planets... The surroundings of the planet have not been much explored and this world is too far for most people. According to my checks, the autopilot indicates that we should arrive in about twelve hours... Let's try to rest! »

Six hours later... A vague sensation of dizziness woke Sariah, followed quickly by the vibrating hum of the inertial dampers.

She rushed to the computer control console to check what she already knew. Their shuttle was entering a recessed atmosphere, it couldn't be Ardalon, to make matters worse, the autopilot refused to disengage...

Abby woke up, roused from her sleep by her captain's curses. She saw her friend's worried look.

" Where are we ?"

Sariah, her eyes riveted on the control screen, replied:

"The autopilot is stuck, giving me coordinates, but I have no idea what planet it is or where it is. I will try to regain control of the piloting"

Abby nodded, doing a quick job of the navigation interface in front of her. After a brief moment, she announced:

"We are a bit lucky. It is a colonial planet and our current trajectory takes us right there... Apparently near one of the few populated centers...

- I feel like... one, but come!

- The planet is colonized mainly by the Hoojib, small creatures the size of a dwarf, they have telepathic abilities and feed on pure energy. The Hoojibs are said to have lived quietly on their world and sourced most of their energy from a gigantic crystalline network that occupies a large underground cavern that helps stabilize the telluric forces of Arbra.

The leaders of the Alliance decided to maintain the coordinates of Arbra under cover of military secrecy to avoid disturbing the tranquility of the planet and to prohibit any approach or overflight. Their incredible talent for absorbing energy could turn out to be a deadly secret weapon. »

Sariah watched the screens scanning the planet's soil, she couldn't see an ideal place to make an emergency landing. The shuttle shook violently as they entered deeper into the atmosphere. The small spacecraft suddenly tipped to the right, the emergency sirens went off, signaling the loss of their starboard engine. The girls somehow kept their balance as the shuttle fell into a hole.

Luckily, the shock of losing the bionic reactor had unlocked the autopilot. Sariah rushed to the manual controls to take control of the ship. \

"See if you can give more power to the maneuvering thrusters!" »

She ordered Abby. She was trying to straighten their path. Abby's hands were working at full speed on the control buttons.

That's it! "See if you can give more power to the maneuvering thrusters!" The ship immediately got back into line, Sariah corrected the list, but without the right main engine, they fell more than they flew. They strapped themselves tightly to their padded seats.

"We will not survive such an impact! »

The ground was approaching at high speed, when suddenly, the nose of the aircraft reared up, its speed decreased rapidly, as if a giant hand had seized the spacecraft.... The shock with the ground was still important. ..

Abby woke up in the crash foam, and took off her safety straps, she didn't have a scratch. Sariah regained consciousness shortly after, she too was unharmed. But she cursed that she hadn't been able to prevent the crash of the shuttle that had been entrusted to her.

Besides, they were on the wrong planet, in the wrong sector, inside the wreckage of a tens of millions of dollars' shuttle, with the nearest civilization probably miles from their point of impact.

They discussed the possibilities they had. Communications on board the ship were down, as well as everything else it seemed. In a few hours, the sun would turn the shuttle into a giant convection oven. Suddenly, a knock sounded against the hull, cutting off their conversation.

Disillusioned, Sariah pressed the door opening button, miraculously, it opened with a long whistle. The end of the big ramp got buried in the sand. A puff of hot, fiery air hit the two young girls head-on. They went down, the sand was hot. Person !!

Beating a retreat, they returned to the cockpit. Along the way, they armed themselves with laser guns.

" There was no one !

- We should go back and see...

- Hold on ! Did you hear that noise? It's like a click! »

Behind them in the darkness, a small creature was heading towards the two Earthlings. The insect

Spider-like alien pricked Sariah in the calf, injecting her with a dose of a powerful sedative.

"Be careful Sariah!! What is that thing ? »

Saying this, Abby shot the retreating arthropod, exploding its abdomen. She didn't see the one jumping behind her. She was wearing only a strip of fabric crossed over her breasts, the insect planted its mandibles in the flesh of her shoulder. A moment later; the two young girls were unconscious on the ground, several other creatures came out of the shadows and approached menacingly. A long time later Sariah regained consciousness, her legs were tied and her hands tied behind her back. She looked around, apprehensively realizing that she and Abby were locked in some kind of cell with thick carpeting.

They were on their knees bare as worms. Their thighs were wide open.

"Abby, wake up.... Abby!!- Ouuuuiiiiii, oh my god....What happened?" Where are we ?

- I don't know, I don't remember anything! Except we were attacked by spiders... and woke up here!

- Why are we naked, and why are we tied up?

- I fear that we are going through the worst things! That's why we have to find a way to escape. »

Suddenly in their heads resounded a telepathic voice.

"+++You are here because you have violated our intergalactic space, and it is strictly forbidden by convention... So we ''sucked'' the energy of your device to land it on our planet. We want to know if you have warlike instincts and why you defied the ban... Who's the boss +++?

- It's me, intergalactic captain Sariah, we are Earthlings and we mean no harm.... We were leaving for Ardalon...

- +++ No harm? So why kill one of our envoys? +++

- He pricked me and injected a liquid...

- +++ That's not a reason, we wanted to capture you without violence... But we don't believe you... Many have come like you to try to steal our technology! So admit it... If not... +++

- Otherwise what... You can tell us, I have nothing else to tell you... it's the truth, it's only an unfortunate combination of circumstances...

- +++ You r !!! But we are not savages, pretty Earthling... But we will eventually know your secrets, even the most hidden ones... +++ »

The two young girls were analyzing the options they might have to escape, for the moment there were not many. Abby saw something moving in the corner of the room.

"Look Sariah, there is a creature over there!! »

She slowly moved towards Sariah. It was a kind of reptile on four short webbed legs, it was green in color, measuring

about 40 cm high. It had a fairly long neck of about thirty-five centimeters, with a diameter of 8 or centimeters.

"Shit, shit...he's coming at me

- Crazy the camp... Dirty beast!! »

The surreal creature approached Sariah, carefully assessing possible danger. She examined him with the heat sensor located at the end of his long neck. The little monster quickly located that sariah's sex was the young woman's main source of heat.

"What is he doing between my thighs? Abby, help me!!

- I can't, I'm tied!! »

Without warning, the rigid proboscis entered the open pussy, stretching the inner labia to the maximum. Sariah felt the huge bulge reach the bottom of her vaginal cavity, it felt hot and rough. She screamed in surprise...

"Abby, did he enter my pussy?"

- Ohhhhhh shit.... ouiiiiii!! »

The appendix wasn't moving, Sariah was looking at Abby in despair. Slowly, he began to move back and forth, Sariah did not find it unpleasant. He came out of her vagina and the flared end in the shape of a suction cup came to rest on her clitoris, a gentle suction made the young girl's little button gorge itself with blood. She felt her pussy lubricate. The creature must have felt it, he thrust his cylinder into her throbbing pussy again, the now well lubricated appendage moving freely in her vagina and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Abby looked at her friend in amazement and was unable to say anything reassuring to her. Several minutes passed, the creature was constantly changing position and slowly moving back and forth with its huge bulge inside Sariah's pussy. This one noticed that her nipples swelled involuntarily with the undesirable but undeniable pleasure that the big cock of the creature gave her.

Abby heard with surprise the moan of ecstasy that escaped her friend's lips... Sariah leaned back as if to facilitate the insertion of the huge green trunk. In addition to fully offering her sex to the intruder, she became more and more excited with each penetration. After a while, she moaned loudly without stopping. Abby looked at him in amazement and felt a little relief. At least the monster wasn't hurting her friend, quite the contrary. She would have liked to be in his place...

And the inevitable happened, when the creature injected her seed, Sariah reached an orgasm, which she tried to hide from her friend. But her body hid nothing, wild spasms made her body tremble, her open mouth gasped for air, her eyes rolled back with pleasure, her chest stretched back...

"She had, a fucking orgasm thought Abby"

As Sariah's orgasm subsided, the creature stepped back and removed its appendage from the young Earthling's sex. When she had completely recovered from her unbridled enjoyment, the two girls analyzed this surreal moment, trying to understand the ins and outs.

"The creature fucked me Abby!" This hideous monster fucked me! Why did he do this?

- I don't know maybe they are experimenting with us, as we would with them if we were in their place...

- Good, more experiences for me, we have to run away from here. Can you move your hands? It looks like mine are stuck in some kind of sticky but solid paste! »

Two hours later the creature returned, but this time it was no longer alone...

"Damn, she's coming back...

"And she's not alone..."

One small monster moved towards Sariah and the other towards Abby.

"He's getting closer to me...Help me, Sariah...Tell him to leave me!!"

But, for no apparent reason, the little reptile that had approached Abby swerved towards Sariah.

"Oooooohhhhh, he penetrated me... He makes me wet again..."

The second passed behind her. He found another uninteresting opening and decided to explore it. The creature thrust its swollen, rigid trunk into sariah's anus. The young woman who was trying to face the pole that was invading her pussy, screamed at the unexpected intrusion.

"Shit... Sariah the second is sodomizing you...!" »

Sariah had her mouth wide open in a silent cry. The flexible appendix sank further and further into her ass. The pain mingled with an inexplicable pleasure that ran through her body. The creature lodged in her pussy writhed and squirmed as it pushed his penetration deep into her vaginal canal. She remembered her previous orgasm and feared that it would happen again with even more force in front of Abby... This one watched in amazement as these little monsters fucked Sariah, the moans coming out of her mouth proved that she felt a immense pleasure.

She still didn't understand why they were doing this to Sariah and not her, his

sex began to be soaked, her breasts became hard, her nipples were erect. Seeing her friend getting fucked like this excited her to the point...

"Hey!!! The two zigotos... Is there not one who would like to take care of me? »

The two little reptilians ejaculated at the same time and Sariah then exploded in an indescribable ecstasy, her whole upper body stretched back, writhed, her shoulders twitched, huge tremors came from her pussy like flashes of pleasure and radiated up to her face, her head nodded from left to right... Under the force of the orgasm, her wrists broke the bonds that bound them, but she didn't even realize it... She began to knead her breasts become hard as wood and pull on her fully erect nipples.

"Sariah, Abby yelled your arms are free!! »

The creatures withdrew their appendages as the girl sank back on her heels in delicious exhaustion. They disappeared through a trapdoor in the steel wall.

"They left, how are you, Sariah?

- I think yes ! What's going on Abby? Why do they only fuck me?

- I'm sorry, I don't know! But you saw your hands are free now, see if you can untie your legs...

- No, look I can't, this material is really too hard, I don't know how I managed to untie my wrists!

- It happened while... while... you were cumming! »

The telepathic voice echoed in their heads again.

« +++ Well... We see that you have a lot of questions. We will give you some explanations! Our little friends serve as transmitters. To put it simply, we have implanted some kind of bionic nanochips in their spermatozoa. When they ejaculate, they are dispersed in your vagina, your orgasm facilitates their dispersion, rush of blood, dilation of your membranes, your tissues, etc. They make their way more easily to your brain, where they can connect to strategic regions of your subconscious and transmit the information it contains to us. +++

- Why did you do it twice on me, asked Sariah?

- +++ The first time, you resisted and we lacked information, that's why we repeated the operation with two transmitters... And then we learned who your friend Abby was . A well-known biologist... Who has worked on a product, a drug that is of great interest to us in the context of what you have just undergone, with such a product injected into our patients we could obtain many more things, and that would make handling even more pleasant !! Abby, are you ready to give us the results of your work... We watched the film you had in your luggage, it is very eloquent... +++

- No, no I can't, it's top secret... I signed a non-disclosure clause...

- +++ Well, well then we will have to use the '' big '' means... +++ »

Abby's hands were also freed from all shackles, she heard a hiss behind her, she turned her head, a huge green creature the same as the previous ones, but this one was as tall as a dog and headed straight at her, gently swinging her more than monstrous trunk....

To be continued...