
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 48: Caught (UE)

Allan sniffs the air, hoping to recognize the scent. He has a feeling he knows who it is, but he can't put his finger on it. He picked up around his apartment before leaving in search of her scent.

Allan walks down the corridor and out the door, not detecting even a whiff of his mate's scent in the air. His wolf growls, knowing she couldn't hide her scent or she would have done it already. He also doesn't think she's all that smart.

As he struggled to keep his wolf under control, his paws hit the gravel. Someone kidnapped his friend, and he has no idea who it was.

When he gets close to a nearby parking lot, his ears perk up. He didn't pay attention until he noticed whose car it was. He dashes over, clawing at the door.

"Get the fuck off my door, you schipperke," Oliver groans, slamming the door in the face of his yell. He snapped his jaws at him, letting him know he wasn't in a jovial mood. "Well, well, what do you want? I'm working," he says irritably, crossing his arms.

He returns his gaze to him, growling lowly. Oliver huffs and goes into the backseat of his car, where she pulls out some men's clothes. Allan doesn't bother asking why; that's h

his specialty.

"Go put this on," Oliver says as he tosses his clothes on. Allan ducks behind some trees and shifts back, unconcerned about properly putting on his shorts.

He stomps out, towering over his younger sibling. "Where the f*ck is my mate?" he growls, picking him up by his shirt collar.

Oliver's eyes widen as he tries to break free from his grip. If he had anything to do with his friend going missing, he'd kill him. Whether you have family or not. "A-Allan, please-" he exclaims, "I-I don't know what's going on," he adds.

Allan flings himself onto the hit gravel. With the impact, he lets out a small moan of pain. "F*ck!! Then help me find her," he says, his arms crossed. He's wasting time here, but his younger brother could be useful. He is both tech-savvy and cunning.

He rubs his behind, mumbling obscenities at him. "What the hell do you want me to do? She's your mate, sniff her out dumbass!" he exclaims as he leaps to his feet.

"I will gladly destroy you if you refuse to help me," he says, snickering with his arms crossed.

Oliver gulps, nods, and all his arrogance fades. He smiles internally, slightly thankful. If he ever finds Althea. Perhaps he should apologize to him. He despises asking for assistance, but his wolf insists, forcing him to. He is the one who is usually the most obstinate.

Oliver looks down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'll go check your room; that's where she was the last time you saw her, right?" Oliver asks quietly.

He frowned, hating himself for being so sensitive. "Yes, I also gave her a flip phone, but they were left there." Allan's mind wanders, he should check the phone for incoming and outgoing calls.

Okay," he sighs, "but-" his head snaps up. "What does he want now?" he asks. " Growls his wolf.

"You have to answer me one thing," he frowns, his eye twitching with annoyance. " Allan grumbled to himself.

"Do you truly adore her? Do you adore Althea or do you want to exploit her? " Oliver inquires.


Althea raised her head to meet Allan's gaze. Her wolf stood motionless as if she had been for a while. "Allan," she tries to get his attention. He looks over at her, raising an eyebrow as if to inquire.

"I'd like to do some stuff," she says desperately. She doubts he'd believe her, but she'd tease the hell out of him.

His eyes widen slightly, and her wolf remains quiet and uncertain. "What do you mean?" he asks, puzzled. He sounded completely clueless, which surprised her because he is usually confident. Perhaps he had a change of heart? Althea is skeptical.

Althea bites her lips and looks at her folded hand in her lap, "You know, that bizarre pain stuff you like," she blushes deeply and becomes quiet. Sadism, masochism, and some really weird stuff. He enjoys blood in large quantities. The thought of it frightens her, but she is currently unsure.

"What? Althea, I'd never do that to you," he says as he leans in to kiss her on the cheek. Althea moved away, his mouth slightly parted in surprise. "What's the matter, sweetie? Can't handle a little kiss," he chuckles, keeping his distance. Her heart began to race as she became uncomfortable near him. Her wolf was intensely focused on their mate.

"B-But Allan!" she whimpers, moving closer to him because their faces were only inches apart. His face flushes slightly as he shakes. His left eye flutters.

Althea's wolf mentally whimpers as he observes his actions. "Is there something wrong?" All inquires, moving her hair away from her neck. Nothing happened when his fingers brushed against her mark. Nothing.

"What the hell," she grumbled, her eyes flitting. She stepped back, sniffing the air, which bore no resemblance to Allan. "Get away from me!" she screams, terrified. Her hands grip the couch as she bounces back onto the ground.

Allan stands up with a worried expression on his face. "Althea, what's wrong?" he asks, trying to get closer to her. He tries and fails to grab her hand.

Her heart is racing as she tries to grab the coat hanger for self-defense. "Get away from me! You're not Allan! You're not my mate!" she screams, terrified. He wouldn't pass up an opportunity to annoy her, and that touch just confirmed it. Althea is aware that it appears crude, but she doesn't anticipate much else from him.

Althea became interested in how it was done. How did she come to believe it was Allan? She then takes a closer look at the man, noticing some minor differences she would have overlooked in a hurry. Some of his tattoos were out of place or not in the right place. She can't blame herself, but she will admit to being duped.

The guy raises an eyebrow, "No, I'm not, but I sure as hell got a lot of money to do this," he snickers as he pulls out his phone. She remained motionless, unsure what to do; he didn't appear aggressive, but most people would kill for money.

"I don't care about you," he says with a British accent, returning his gaze to her. His mood appeared to have drastically overhauled. She thinks it makes sense.

He enters some digits and dials a number, not even looking at her. Althea frowns as she moves closer to the door on the opposite side of the room. He didn't seem to care as much as she expected. She guessed Alpha Renz hired him since she remembered that conversation on the TV before she left with him, it caught her off guard, and now she was here.

"Oh, Renz- Well, no," she heard a shout on the other end of the phone, he was mad, "She discovered who I was pretty quickly- No, she left," he says, glancing at her. She reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it, curious to see what he would do.

Fortunately, he didn't give her another look. Althea throws open the door and walks out into the open air. She wasn't yet free; you never know when someone's intentions will change. That is what concerns her. She is still unable to run properly. She could be easily taken down in her current state.

"Hey-" she stops and slowly turns around, "West, there's a village," he says, finished with his phone conversation. She intellectually thanks him with a nod. She just hopes it wasn't a trap, because she doesn't know where else to go. It's time to take the chance.

She began walking west, occasionally looking up at the high sun to ensure she wasn't losing light. As time passed, the sun began to set behind her, casting longer shadows and darkening the sky. There were no clouds to reflect the nice colors.

Althea hoped she didn't end up going the wrong way when she heard the sound of a car.

"A road, a road!" her wolf exclaims as she dashes towards the sound.

Her feet come to a halt when she feels the hard pavement beneath her bare feet. A car zooms by, blowing her hair into her face. She hasn't felt this good in a long time.

She then straightens her hair, noticing something in the corner of her eyes. She turns her body to look at it, but all she sees is nothing. Not again, a shiver runs down my spine. She does not want any more problems. She wants to be done with it all. She doesn't want Allan anymore; she doesn't care.

Althea sits on the black pavement, taking a long breath and attempting to relax. "Woooooo!" she exclaims, her nose colliding with someone else's. Her eyes widen as she falls backward, hitting her head on the hard ground.

"You ran away from my beta, too bad he is a great liar!" he says, crossing his arms and grinning. "What a pretty little thing trying to escape and pull away, only to end up unsuccessful," he grabs her arm and pulls her up so their bodies make contact.

He just grips her tighter, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, and you're supposed to submit to an Alpha," he says in her ear. Althea frowns, "I will not submit to you," she says solemnly. She felt no fear for a brief moment, but it quickly vanished.

"But you sure would to Allan, I'm hardly any better than him. You can trust me, honey, I'm different from him," Alpha Renz chuckles, brushing noses with her.

Her eyes widen, "No, he is completely different from you!" She had no evidence to back up her theory other than her preference for Allan.

He rolls his eyes, "Really my beautiful doll—" he cuts himself off by kissing her softly.

He pulls away, grinning, as tears stream down her face as she feels hopeless. "but too bad Allan truly broke you."