
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 44: Alpha Renz

Her head rested on Allan's chest as he slept soundly, not even snoring. She couldn't figure out who that person was after yesterday's brief conversation. Allan is good at keeping secrets, but she is also good at discovering them.

"Go to bed, sweetie," mumbles Allan, half asleep. He could tell her wolf was agitated because she was overthinking the situation. He pats her head and returns to sleep soundly.

She smiles and shuts her eyes, drifting off to sleep with the strangest of fantasies. Althea woke up the next morning, still on top of a sleeping Allan. She pokes his face and rolls her eyes. His hand catches up and grabs her arm before her finger tries to touch his face. "Nuh nuh," he sings, opening one eye, "no contact," raising an eyebrow. "But I thought you wanted me all over you," she says, partially asleep. Her voice was smoother than it would be when she was awake.

"I mean, you can keep poking a lot lower...," Allan smirks, trailing off teasingly.

She grabs her arm away from him, saying she doesn't want any more of this. He laughs at her reaction, "So pure," he remarks as he stands up.

She tries to get away from Allan, but he pulls her back into his chest. Neither she nor he says anything. Last night was probably some of the best sleep she'd gotten since birth. That is a long time.

She slowly rolled off of Allan after another fifteen minutes, not wanting to hurt any fractured ribs that were still healing. "I need to go food shopping today," Allan says as he gets out of bed. She noticed he wasn't wearing anything other than boxers. At the very least, those were present.

"Don't break your promise, Althea," he says as he puts on ripped jeans and a hoodie and grabs his wallet.

She nods, remembering her promise. Plus, she's not going to get very far. "Right here," Allan says.

"If someone knocks on the door or even if you have a bad feeling that something is going to happen, call me. Being my mate isn't exactly safe, I'm pretty sure you remember-" he laughs, "never mind."

Allan walks away, locking the door from the inside only. He's letting them go as if he's testing her. She will not, she simply cannot.

Even if she could, she promised, and they'd be going around in circles. She runs away from him, and he finds her and takes her back. It's an endless circle.

As the room fell silent, she decided to turn on the television because she was bored. The television screen abruptly goes black. She sighs while frowning. She assumed a plug had come loose or something.

"Hello," said a man's voice, who sounded to be in his twenties. She turned to look at the television and saw a face that looked familiar, but she couldn't tell it.

"This is not a public newscast, Althea my sweetheart; in fact, you're the only one watching," he says, grinning.

Her eyes widen as she realizes something is seriously wrong. She takes out her flip phone and tries to call Allan, but it doesn't work; it won't turn on. "F*ck! That jerk forgot to charge my phone!" she exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid, my sweetheart; I'm not here to hurt or kill you or bring you back to the government command center; I'm only here to ask some few questions," he said, clicking his tongue every few words. She uttered a low roar, refusing to talk to him.

She has no idea who he is or what he desires. "Don't worry, I can hear you, and I'll answer any concerns you have at the end," he smiled.

She huffed, pulling her duvet over her head. They most likely had surveillance cameras on hand. "Question number one," the man starts. "How did you acquire all of those injuries?" he asks solemnly.

She gave him a surprised look, whether he could believe it or not. "Rogue attack," she responds faintly, not wishing to reveal too much. She didn't want Allan to be convicted of false abusive behavior, even though he had done so in the past. Thus far, so good.

He nods, "Guards!" he exclaims, leaning back in his comfortable office chair. At least four members march over to salute and kowtow to him. She bit her lower lip, unable to believe her eyes. "Guards only did that with alphas. Which alpha is this guy? I can see why he'd come to us," her wolf explained.

"Go find the pack of rogues who potentially harm this little girl," she cringed, it was over, "No need, they're all dead," she spoke up, slightly beginning to regret it because the discussion was about to continue.

He returns his attention to her and gestures to the guards to wait. "And why is that?" he asks, keeping a serious face, but she can see him simply attempting not to smile.

"You already know, and you pretty much know so much more than I do," she says as she slams her arms down on the bed. "Somewhat right you are," he says with a smile.

"Who are you?" she asks, becoming overly concerned. She had to know because it was like a seriously lacking puzzle piece. It may be a long shot, but could this be the man who murdered Allan's parents? The enigmatic sibling. That would be ridiculous because it would imply Allan has some Alpha blood.

"Me? I'm Alpha Renz; you may know me as the man who murdered Allan's biological parents, and I'm also the man behind the killings in the last two decades that put Allan in prison; that was all me. Poor him, he was just so naive and innocent at the time," he says wickedly. Her jaw dropped; she was right in her theory that this man killed his mate's parents, and what was more shocking to her was that all this time Allan wasn't the true murderer. "I felt bad for our mate because he had been misunderstood and framed for a crime he didn't even commit," her wolf said.

"You might be starting to wonder what I want from you, baby girl. I want Ace dead, plain and simple, but I don't want to hurt you. You're a lady, after all," he says as the screen fades to an ad break.

She let out a huge breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. She takes out the smartphone again and checks to see if it works. Her fingers type at the rate of sound as she enters Allan's phone number from a sticker note along with her mattress.

"What the hell is going on, Althea? Your wolf is freaking out!" Allan exclaims over the phone, having probably just arrived at the supermarket.

"Alpha Renz... he talked to me—" she hears a loud screech at the other side of the phone, "Where? Did he hurt you!? F*cking tell me-!"

"No, He was on the television," she paused briefly, "and he wants you to be dead," she cried quietly.

Her gut had a wrenching sensation that made her feel awful. She assumes this is the test, the test to see if she truly loves Allan.