
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 33: Stranger

"Good evening, sweetie." He says.

"Hi.." she replies.

"How about we have our dinner on the balcony tonight?" Allan asked her.

"If that's what you want, then that's fine with me. "she replied.

"Okay, I send the butler to get our dinner. Maybe you can help me settle the table outside?"

"Sure," Althea said, wondering what was with him tonight he was acting strange. They finished setting the table just in time. Then, Allan goes to the kitchen and comes in as he puts the food down.

Allan pulls the chair out for Althea, and she sits down. Then he sat down in his chair as they eat in silence.

That is until he decides to start a conversation with Althea. "So how was your day, sweetie?" he asks.

"Fine, I guess. I read books on my phone, rested a bit, then ate food. Nothing special." She replied.

"Well, don't you think the stars and the sky is beautiful tonight?" she asks him.

"Yes, sweetie, but nothing is more beautiful than you," he says. Althea flushed as she heard his words.

"R-really?" she inquired.

"Yes, sweetie, now that we've finished eating, let's go to bed because I'm tired from work," Allan said.

They put on their pajamas. As they entered the bedroom, he took her hand in his. He draws her closer to him as he does every night, but this time she notices him putting one of his hands inside her pants and leaving it there.

She tried to shake his hand off, but he tightened his grip on her body, letting her know she couldn't get free. Althea decided to sleep as she also needs rest as she slowly drifted to sleep.


Something wet was trailing down Althea's neck. She blinked open her eyes, only to see Allan standing nearby. She pushed him away from her and noticed his face darkening as he fell from the bed.

"I see you're wide awake, sweetie, but I also see you've forgotten about pushing me away," he says.

"Oh my gosh, sorry I...I didn't mean to push you, I just got scared when I felt something on my neck, that's why I might have accidentally pushed you from the bed," Althea stutters, explaining it to him in the hopes that he believes her.

"All right, sweetie, it's okay, but don't push me the next time, and be careful not to irritate me," he says.

"Okay," she says, perplexed by his reaction. "Is that a big deal to him? I get chill when he's angry," she thought to herself.


"Good morning, sweetie, it's time to wake up," Allan said as he roused Althea.

"Good morning," Althea, who was still half asleep, said. "What is all this?" she inquires.

"I was thinking of surprising you with breakfast in bed," he explained.

"Thank you, did you make all of this by yourself?" she inquired.

"Of course, sweetie. "I made all your favorites, hope you like it," he said as he placed the tray on the table, and Althea got out of bed and sat next to him as they ate breakfast in silence.

"Is the food to your liking?" Allan decided to break the silence by asking.

"It is, indeed. I had no idea you could cook," she explains.

"I don't, I just know basic things I learned," he says.

"Well, you did well," she compliments Allan.

"Thank you," he said.


They both got into the bath after dinner and took a shower. Althea was hesitant to shower with him, but she did it anyway. They changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed into bed.

He drew her closer to him as they slept, just like every other night. Tomorrow is a big day for Allan, and he wants everything to go perfectly.


"Sweetie, we've arrived," Allan announces.

"Where exactly are we? All I see is the see around," Althea inquires. He says nothing as he extends his hand to her.

"Come on, I'm taking you on my private yacht," he said as they approached the yacht. When they arrive, they are greeted by a waiter who leads them to their table.

Althea noted that the yacht is decked out with red roses and lovely lights that shine brightly. They sat across from each other in silence while the waiter served their food and poured their wine into their glasses.

He then left them alone. "How do you feel about the food? Is it to your liking?" Allan inquires.

"I haven't tried it yet," Althea replied, picking up a fork and digging into her plate as Allan did the same. After they finished their meal, Allan stood up and left the table, leaving Althea wondering where he was going. He returned to where he had left, but he was not alone, as a violinist had arrived.

"May I have the honor of dancing with you, sweetie?"

Althea was stunned by his unexpected question, but she took his hand anyway as the violinist played the song. As they danced, she realized the violinist was playing her favorite song.

So far, this date has been fantastic. Althea didn't want to ruin the good night, so she made an effort to enjoy it.

After the dance, he returned to their table and pulled a small box from his suit pocket.

"What's this Allan"? She inquired of him.

"This is a gift for you, sweetie," he replied, handing her the box.

She took the box from him and opened it, surprised to find a heart necklace inside.

"It's lovely," she said.

"I purchased it to replace the one you broke. He went over it again. Do you like it? " He inquired.

"Yes, I love it. "She responds.

"Let me put it on you," he said as he moved her hair away from her neck and clasped the necklace around her neck. "Thank you," says Althea.

"I have another surprise for you; come with me; it'll take a while, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it," he says.

He thanked the waiter and violinist for their assistance tonight and then left the yacht with Althea. Allan climbs into his car and begins driving to the location of tonight's final surprise.

"We're here, sweetie," he said, blindfolding her.

"Why? There's no need for that," she explained.

"Well, as part of the surprise, I don't want you to see it, so let me blindfold you and then I'll guide you inside the place," Allan says, covering her eyes with the blindfold.

As she got out of the car, he opened the doors, took her soft hand in his, and led them inside.

"Where are we"? She inquires of him.

"You'll see a few more steps," he said.

"All right," she says again.

"Here we are, you may remove your blindfold," he said, releasing her hand as she removed the blindfold.

Allan smiles at her as he notices the look in her eyes. She said as she turned to face him.

"I..I.t-thank you so much for taking me to the art gallery; I've always wanted to see the works in here," she stuttered, surprised that he had brought her there.

"I thought it would be nice to show you this because I know you love art and painting," he explained.

"This is fantastic, thank you so much," she says gratefully, smiling at him.

"Come, love, let's see all the paintings in here," he said as he entwined their hands and walked around the gallery admiring the works of famous artists.


Two weeks later.

She rests on the bed, gazing out the window at the wooded area beyond. It was foggy today, but it did not rain. She wanted to run outside, but she also wanted to stay here and wait for Allan.

He was back at work, leaving her with nothing to do but sit here alone with her thoughts.

"Perhaps a day out wouldn't be disturbed," she reasoned to herself. She doesn't believe Allan would mind. He is possessive but fair. Her wolf needed to be let out.

Althea wished he'd left her a phone so she could call him. She should talk to him about it, just like what he did about his job.

She then took a deep breath and searched for the best outfit to fit her day out. She chose a puff crop top, high-waisted mom jeans, and army boots that look like rain boots. She wiggles in the mirror, pleased with herself.

She took out a small pocket that Allan had given her the first time they went shopping; it still had some money in it. That day, he gave her some money to spend on whatever she wanted. She felt like a queen and a little spoiled, which she didn't mind. She just wishes he'd save up for a better place to live.

She walked out the door, checking to make sure it wasn't locked behind her because she didn't have any extra keys and couldn't climb through the high-up window. If someone did break into Allan's apartment, she knew she had been anticipating it for quite some time. She then went down the stairs and out of the apartment buildings, beginning to feel the fresh air hit her face as she walked out of the front hallway.

As she began walking down the road and into town, the wind was light and the day was cool. If she remembers, she'll shift on the way back. She has a habit of forgetting things.

An eight drive brought her to the biggest area of town, where she recalled seeing a plaza and a small coffee house. She has to go try some milk tea or coffee, which she prefers.

After twenty minutes of walking silently down the main highway, she came across a small café and then the park. Althea smiled as she decided to eat weren't a café rather than at the coffee shop.

She walked in, the bell above the door ringing as she opened it. "Just sit wherever you want, honey," a courteous waitress says. She nods, sitting in a booth and reading the small papers they place on the table.

There weren't many headlines except for a serial killer tearing people apart limb by limb. It's terrifying to think that someone could do it. They didn't mention the killer's name but referred to him as if everyone already knew who he was.

Althea shakes her head, tossing the paper aside and flipping open the menu. There weren't many, maybe fifteen items, but she didn't mind. She's just looking for something simple, easy, and inexpensive.

"What would you like to order?" the waitress asks, smiling slightly and taking out her notepad.

"Milk tea please," she responds with a smile. They only had one flavor, bubble milk tea, which was fine. British milk tea is my favorite flavor of milk tea because it is so flavorful. "Is that all?" she asks, nodding and writing a few letters down. She then indicated the pancake with whip cream and the chiffon cake. "OK darling, it will be out soon," she says as she writes some more letters. walking away to serve the few remaining customers.