
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 11: Escape

"Althea!" exclaims a voice. She groans and opens her eyes to face an enraged Allan. Her eyes widened and she whimpered, sinking beneath the water. It was bitterly cold, but it was preferable to face him. She then felt movement near her feet and realized he was pulling the plug.

She had nowhere to hide as the water began to drain. She avoided eye contact by looking at the wall to her right. She sneezes and knocks her head on the floor. She sighed and rubbed her snout.

"You are really interesting," Allan says simply. He kneels and picks up her wolf as if it were nothing. He placed her outside the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her. He picked her up again and placed her on the mattress, turning off the bathroom light on his way out.

Allan went to the thermostat as she lay there like a burrito, "The water was freezing, getting a cold would be a hassle," he explains. She looks down and nods. She had a vague feeling that he cared about her, but maybe she was only dreaming. She don't want to hope since she knew that Allan was just using her for his own good.

Allan changed into one of his hoodies and grabbed a car key chain. He left without saying anything, leaving her perplexed.

He didn't have to tell her, but it would be nice. She then shook her semi-wet fur as she unwrapped herself from the burrito. She stared at the chain that bound her to this apartment, desperate for a way out. She looks around and quickly locates the other end of the chain that is attached to the wooden bed. He could've been a little smarter than this, she thinks. The silver chain could not be broken, but the bed could.

She trotted into the kitchen and opened the knife drawer, only to discover it was empty. It was full the other day, "Damn!" she groaned, searching for something sharp everywhere. There was nothing, much to her dismay. She was relieved to hear he is not completely stupid.

He did, after all, kill thousands of people without being caught. "Sh*t, why did I even let him touch me? I'm an idiot!" she said to herself.

Now it is her chance to flee; he won't be as powerful without her. She only needs to get far, far away from him. She swears she will drag this bed if she has to after getting this chain. She will do everything to escape right now, it's her best opportunity to do it now.

She then climbs onto the bed and starts bouncing. She comes to a halt when it honks something that might work better. She got out of bed and looked at the post she was clinging to. She lifted the bed slightly, and the chain fell off the bedpost. She's glad she thought of it now instead of later.

She approaches the front door and jiggles it, which is locked. She flipped the switch and tried again, but this time it was locked. She moves her gaze to the windows. She could make it if she landed correctly three stories up. She walks over to the window and tries, but fails, to open it. They were locked, but she could get in by breaking the window. If she did, she'd have to run fast because someone might notice she had left.

Her heart was racing as she backed away from the window. "Just jump through and land," she tells herself as well as motivating her wolf to do it since she feels like it was afraid of her idea. "Come one we can do it and we will be free." She then began pounding on the window, which shattered on impact. She crashed to the ground and landed hard.

She groans and slowly rises onto her paws. The silver chain trailed behind her. She started running into the dense forest near the apartment complex. All she knew was that when she was hanging over his shoulder, they went East, so she had to go West. She looked up at the rising sun, knowing that it was morning.

She'd been running for about four hours and felt she was getting close to home. Allan took her in his human form, which took some time. So her wolf run was five times faster.

She emerges from the woods, recognizing local businesses.

She was happy to be back in her hometown, but she was also clueless. They had to know she was missing by now. She didn't stay long at Allan's place, but she did leave a lot of blood on her bed. As she recalls that moment, a shiver runs up her spine.

Allan knows that Anthony is her best friend, but his brother was Allan's friend. Even though they haven't seen each other in a long time. He should be fine.

The chain rustled behind her as she walked along the forest's edge. Getting caught up in everything was such a pain. Her leg was tiring from dragging it around for hours; it had to weigh at least fifty pounds. She weighed only 125 pounds.

When she saw the familiar mobile home, her tail began to wag once more. She dashed down the hill, tripping along the way. She then rolled the rest of the way down, slamming into him like a house in agony. She groans, the silver chain now encircling her.

"What the f*ck?" Anthony exclaimed as he slid his back door open. He takes a look around and notices her wolf. As he runs over to her, his eyes widen. "Thea? Oh my god, what happened?" he asks, trying but failing to free her from the chain, his hand burns and he flinched away.

"What's going on?" a voice inquires of Henry. She whines as she tries to roll away but is unable to move. Her muscles were shocked by the silver. Henry looked down at her and laughed. "How did you?" he asked, unable to finish his question due to his laughter.

Anthony glared at his brother, "If you are not going to help, just go away!" he yelled, yanking the chain once more.

Henry, kneeling beside her, shakes his head. "Allan is going to be a furious little one if he finds out this," he predicts as he pulls something from his pocket. She whimpered and averted her gaze. "Here," he says, and she feels the chains slip off her wrist and ankle. She shakes off her chains and hops away. Her body was still weak, but it was getting better.

"How do you know her?" Anthony asks, his arms crossed. He didn't appear to be her loving best friend; instead, he appeared cold toward his brother. She couldn't hold it against him. She'd be resentful if she had a sibling who was a serial killer.

"As you might not know my dear brother, Allan is my ally. He's my Alpha. I am one of his men now. The other day he was showing her off to me and a few other guys," Henry said, pulling out his phone. She growls, yanking the phone from his grasp and smashing it with her jaws. "Smart one, but trust me, he will figure it out sooner," Henry chuckled. She growled back, baring her teeth at him.

"Go away, Henry. You're not wanted here. Not my mother, not my father, and especially not me!" Anthony says, punching his brother in the face. Henry grabs Anthony's fist and twists it.

"When Allan finds out, my dear brother, he will not hesitate to kill you too; have great times," he says, letting go of Anthony's fist. He gets up and walks away.

"I'm sorry Thea, you have to go through this; I will protect you to the ends of the world like I promise," Anthony growls as he turns around to face her. His sad expression made her heart skip a beat.

He always meant what he said, but she doesn't want him to put his life in danger for her sake. He has his entire life ahead of him. This was her battle for survival, her mate.