
~Chapter 2~ "The Night show"

Update: sorry for like the month wait, I have been busy


(Contains cussing and Abuse)

Background: You and Wilbur begin too seem closer, Tubbo and Ranboo seem to distance themselves from you, as you start to worry. Everything was normal "Until.."

Read more to find out what happens ;)


As Wilbur is downstairs yelling at the women, you go up to his office and see it as very messy. You pull out your phone connecting your air pods, you begin cleaning his office. Once you clean the desk off you see a file labeled "Wilbur's don't open" you don't listen and you open it, a bunch of papers fall out. You pick them up and look at them, you notice that the picture are criminals and drug attics. You hear someone and put the file away as possible and hurry from the desk. Wilbur walks in and hugs you tight apologizing for what happen. He kisses your forehead and starts going through his files. You walk out the building and start heading home, you walk into a dark alley and after a minute everything is black, you get scared and text Wilbur "Help address is *******" As soon as you send it someone grabs you and you pass out...

~Once you wake up~

*Outfit: ( https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsoxy.com%2Fblogs%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2FFishnet-Outfits-Ideas-8.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsoxy.com%2Fblogs%2Ffishnet-outfit-ideas%2F&tbnid=TBhx4U7zfUYPTM&vet=12ahUKEwiho7_H8qH7AhVsgY4IHfbsDJQQMygJegUIARDCAg..i&docid=IZenaLyAMeAKnM&w=600&h=600&q=fishnet%20stockings%20outfit%20ideas&ved=2ahUKEwiho7_H8qH7AhVsgY4IHfbsDJQQMygJegUIARDCAg )

You wake up and you look down, you see a man who has no shirt, and only jean shorts, You scream and say "LET ME GO" he comes up to you and says "That's not how I work cutie, he runs his hands down you and kisses you, as you start to cry.

~Wilbur POV~

He sees the text and runs to the address but your no where to be found, he receives a text and it says "Come find her you have a week.." Wilbur starts crying, He tries to track the phone but it says system fails. He runs back to the house explain to everyone as the start to try and find you..

~Back with y/n~

Your left alone in the room left with scars and bruises from the unknown man. You untie yourself and its hard to walk, but you make it over to a table with a phone. You text Wilbur and send him a website to track your phone. You hear the unknown man coming down the stairs, You try and hurry back to the chair but he grabs you and smacks your face leaving a red mark soon to be a bruise, He rips the plaid jacket off you and kisses you saying "Now be a good girl for me" You start crying as he ties you from your hands dangling. The man disappears and you hear a knock on a window from the room. You look over and see Tommy. You start crying more as tommy crawls threw the window untying you, you fall to the floor un-able to walk. You and Tommy sneak upstairs picking the lock, You both see Wilbur punching the shit out the man and you yell "WILBUR!" crying, Wilbur runs to you and pulls you close putting his jacket on you, "sh... sh.. your safe now" You kiss him crying as he picks you up and tommy kills the unknown man as you 3 walk home. You then realize that Tubbo and Ranboo didn't come..