
Chapter 7

To Friendship

Kelvin pov He has been up since 2:00am, those green eyes and voices where gave him night mares, ending with him tumbling in a car. He hasn't had the night mare for a while. So why start now, he needed a strong coffee to stay awake if he went back it would be worse. Of all days he was to go to work, he had to dream today. He had texted James that he would be taking break from work. He looked at the time at it read six o'clock. For four hours he had been up, was considering going to see his therapist maybe she could help. "Kelvin be a darling and let us in" James voice came from the intercom. He spilled his coffee on his palm, a very steaming coffee. He seeped his hand in cold water, cursing James with every colourful word he knew. "Let them in" he told his security. James will be receiving a punch when he arrives, what did he mean by we. Urh, in his next life he would never choose James as his best friend. "Why is here dark?" Like the normal James, he never knock. "Good morning to you too" "Why are you at my house at this ungodly hour?" "Are you drunk kelvin?" "What?" "Clara, be careful let me open the curtains, it seems some people hate light. Erm, a quick question Kelvin, did you by chance got bitten by a vampire?" He didn't get any reply but rather spoon on his head. "Ouch, okay that's a no" Kelvin closed his eyes to the brightness that flooded the living room. "Why do I ever find you in a mess?" he huffed. "Why did you bring her, isn't she suppose to be at work when am not there?" he asked. "You are going to be working from home, you need someone with you. I can't man, I love but I can't baby sit you." "She is? " "Yes" "What am I like five" "Anyways, I need your signature on those documents, she will scan them to me." "You never listen" The air was suddenly filled with music. James pick the phone up. "It not mine" "Then whose" They both looked at Clara who was fishing for her phone in her big bag. "Would you get it already" "Sorry, excuse me" he said picking up the phone. "Kelvin, I know you had the night mare again considering the bags under your eyes. I care about you bro, stop stressing allow her to help you work. You have nothing to loose, I have a meeting at ten, at the other side of town, call me if you need anything" They had a bro hug, and he left. He sighed and went to look for Clara. He followed her voice to the balcony. His favorite spot, it over looked the garden. She was still on phone, he didn't mean to eavesdrop. "Mama, when will you be back?" he heard a small voice, maybe her son. "Soon baby, I have to go, l love you." He quickly left to the living room before he would be caught. She came few minutes later. "James is gone right" He nodded. "Do you mind I open the rest curtains? " "Help yourself " He followed her movement to the window. The sun ray made her caramel skin to glow, her hair was in a pony. He noticed every few second she would put a stray strand of her curly hair behind her ears. He assumed she would be 5'5, compared to his 6'3. She was short, but cute he wondered how she would feel when hugged. Oh, gosh what was wrong with him first it was kiss and now hug. Lord help him, his eyes wonder back to her, finding her stuck between the sofa. He quickly pushed the other sofa, giving her more room. "Thank you, I really have to slim down" he heard her mutter. Why would she want that. He loved her this way, firm ass to hold and. Wish, where did that come from. "Your hand! What happened?" When did she come this close, she was searching her bag for something. "It none of you business" he snatched his hand from her. "It is? " "I can't deal with another James, bring those documents let me read through" "No, you would let me apply this cream on your palm and then have breakfast." Who was she to order him around, all his employees feared him. He was fuming he took predatory steps to her. He was glad for Evey step he took forward, she took same backwards. It continued till her back hit the wall and he trapped her, with his hands at her side" "Now, you listen, you do as a say, or you could kiss this job goodbye. Don't ever defy me again." He whispered to her. She smelt like lavender and coconut. He unconsciously inhaled her scent. For a split second he was tempted to kiss her neck. Like flash he left her and stormed to his room, nothing better than a cold shower would calm him. She stood in shock, what has gotten him this angry. Granted she openly defied him, but he shouldn't have reacted that way. He smelt heavenly when he came close to her, she was tempted to run her hand through his soft hair. With the way things was going, it would take a long time to win him over. ****** ****** ******* He had been upstairs for two hours, what was he doing? After he stormed off, Clara decided it was time to start work. His fridge was fully stock she took the ingredients to prepare breakfast, humming her favorite song. She served breakfast with his file next to it. She had been waiting by it for thirty minutes, she gave up and ate her fruit salad. She heard his foot step, but decided to ignore him. She wasn't affected by his stunt, it just made him look hot. "Didn't know you're now my cook" He said sitting on the head chair. The dinning table had four chairs, the top was made of grey marbles, on designed metal legs. The chairs were designed like letter 'S'. "I am talented Mr knight." "You need to be, as my assistant I wouldn't want less. Hope this food taste great, I hate my money going waste" She was proud of her cooking skills, that's why she runs a restaurant and a bakery. Even he loved her food, the thought made her sad. "How did you know I love my toast sliced diagonally?" Because I know you, "James told me" she said instead with a tight smile. "Why are you eating that?" he pointed at her fruit salad with distaste. "Nothing, I feel for them" "At this hour, well I would think you are trying to reduce your weight" "Are you calling me fat?" "What? no no" "Then?" "Forget it, do what ever you like" That's how breakfast went in total silence. "Follow to my office" She cleared the dishes and obediently followed him. He strides were fast, she had to jog to keep up. He opened the door to his office. The walls were painted ash, she noticed few art painting in frames hanged on the was, two shelves stocked with books and a small mirror hanged on the wall. "This is not a museum, take a sit" his voice brought he back. She smiled sheepishly and sat. He sat across her, studying her twirling his pen as he did. "Do you know this work will take most of your time?" "Yes I know" "How do you intend to do it when you have a child?" Was this a second interview, she thought. "My son is with his grandparents, I am free to fulfill every task required of me." "Good, since you claim to be talented, congratulations on being my cook. You will have to move in, I travel slot, you will accompany me as my chef, assistant and any other position I will require of you, will that be okay by you?" "Yes" "Good, the cleaning staff comes on three times a week. I have a lost of numbers you have to memorize. Here is the number of my event planner, you only have to supervise. That will be all, kindly bring the files I need to go through them." She gave him the file but had tonnes of questions to ask. Like does he see a therapist, what should she do when he had a crisis. James said it was a serious thing and she had to watch his health. "Excuse Me Mr knight" "Kelvin, Mr knight makes me feel old" "Okay, Mr.kni...Kevin, are you on any medication? She had to know right, he looked at her without saying anything. "Why the question?" "Ermm be.. because James told me" "Really, he and his big mouth" "Since you brought it up, yes I am. On the list I gave you, you would see my therapist and personal doctor. Am sure he told you I have amnesia." she nodded in response. "Right, I sometimes have crisis, but it hasn't happened for a while." "Am supposed to be on break, but I have a lot to do, and lastly I do forget certain things so if I ask you to redo something don't get pissed." he said, rubbing his neck, looking everywhere but her. "Wow that's a lot to take in" "Indeed" "That will be all, you can explore the house. The house if you like, and I know we started on the wrong foot, but since we will be working together. We have to be friends, can we have a fresh start, miss Clara Hudson?" "Of course we can Mr knight." "Kelvin" "Yes, to friendship Kelvin" They shook hands. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face, she couldn't help but perform a happy dance outside the office. She had to tell Lily, after she had checked up on Aaron first.