
Chapter 5


How would she put it, your husband is alive and not dead. No that didn't seem okay to say. Do you think he is alive?. Uggh, how do you tell someone who was recovering from grief that, it was for nothing. "Earth to Lily" She blinked to Clara waving her hand at her face. "When did you come in and what took you so long? " "I just came in and I had an important call. What's up with you?" "Nothing" "You, sure?" Lily opened her mouth to say what she was thinking but thought it was wise to keep quiet. "Yes am sure" "I have an event in a month, I need you to handle all the pastries. It's a big one, can you handle it?" "Of course I can, I need the money to keep the business going. So who is the client?" She took a pen ready to write any useful information she got. Only to see Lily gapping her mouth. What happened in the short hours she left her? If it was any other partner she did rattle the name and finished with the whole thing. But this, this was her friend whose dead husband was the client. Guess miracles do happen and he is a living testimony. "Lily, are you hearing me?" "Yes, yes, I am. I don't know how to say this. Ermm.. If I told you, I say urrhh, if I told you, your husband is the client would you believe me?" "What? sorry to say but are you high? Why would you want to play such cruel joke on me. You know what I went through, am now coming to terms with his death and you tell me this!" Well it's didn't go well, she needed Clara to be opened minded. Sure she understands her point but it's not her fault that he resurrected or whatever happened to him. She stood up to clear her head, she needed to construct her next words carefully or she did break Clara for ever. "Clara, did you ever see his body?" "What?" "We were told the car exploded and he got burn beyond recognition, and they knew it was him because of the plate number and the footage from the street camera." She paused to allow her think. "Yes, why are you telling me something I know already. How does it help?" "Oh Clara, I wish I could say it in a much soothing way, but I can't" "Lily, you are scaring me, what is it?" "Take a seat, there are rumors that the son of Knight Corporations was involved in an accident." She paused to see Clara's reaction, she was seated at the edge of her chair. "According to it, he survived but lost his memories. He only remember permanent ones but lost his recent memories. He can't remember the past five years of his life." "There are a lot of names with knight it.. it" " Hey, babe, I would like to tell you something, don't be mad please" He begged hopping that she would understand why he hid it from her. "I.. I can't promise to be mad but I will try not to" "Guess that okay. Remember when you asked me about my family?" "Yes, you said you would tell me at the right time" She said, the same time he pulled her on his laps. Kissing he neck and inhaling her hair. Today she smelt like strawberries. "No distractions, now spill it" "Okay, my father is the owner of Knight corporations. Am supposed to inherit it but under a condition, I must marry the woman my dad choose. I ran away when he was bent on going on with his plan." "Are you telling me you are a multi billionaire? and you didn't think of telling me?" she was angry, no she was pissed. This was not how he wanted it to go. "I knew you wouldn't want me, your dislike for people like me scared me from telling you. Am sorry, I don't want any secrets between us it's better you hear it from me than someone else." It felt good to come clean to her, but he was worried about her reaction. It was true she couldn't stand rich, arrogant men and if he did tell her this. She was certain they wouldn't be married. "Who is she" "Wait you're not mad right" "Kelvin Kingsley knight you better answer or..." "Sarah Gibson" he blurted out, he wasn't ready in fact, he never wanted to face her wrath. "If what you saying is true, he would never remember me even though his alive." she fell on her knees. This was too much she came to get help not to hear, her husband was alive but he wouldn't know her. She cried for herself, her son who might not know his father and the pain of losing him again. "Am sorry" "When did you see him? " "He just left my office with his friend, Joshua. He is still the same, more handsome but he couldn't remember me. I tried but he couldn't." "I... I need to go" She said drying her tears and smoothing her dress. "Of course, I will let my driver take you home." "Thank you" K was alive? She was happy but sad, would he remember her if he sees her. Or will he see her as a stranger? With those thoughts she went to bed. ** ** ** ** A day ago since she learnt her dead husband had resurrected. Her eyes were puffy evidence of crying. The room was so neat, that you could see you reflection on any item. Still the thought lingered, if he was alive couldn't he come look for her? Granted he lost his memories, but he could get an investigator to look into his path right? She was happy he was alive, angry that no one told her even Lily, only to tell her at this time. Sad, that if the rumors were true, she would be nothing but a stranger to him. She was tempted to search about him, but what if they were not the same persons? She closed her eyes fighting another flashback "Peaches!" "Peaches? babe I can't get them, it raining heavily. I will be... " "Gosh, how are you my husband, ahh! " "Hey babe, are what is it hold on I will be... " "You son of ahh!, the baby is coming you idiot" "What, now! Oh my God, am...am this" "Stop panicking, are you the one having contractions? No, so drive safe and come meet me. We can make it on time to the hospital, the contraction just started." She said calmly, Lord was she freaking out within. "Okay, drive safe, am calm, am calm, am gonna be a dad!"He chuckled. "Yes you're" She smiled at the taught of seeing mini K. "I will call the ambulance, will meet you at the hospital. Don't want to take any chance." "Alright, let me pack my bag." "Babe, you doing great I love you" "I ahh!" "Deep breath, deep breath" "Okay, I love you too" She smiled weakly at the phone. That was it, after three hours of labor she finally gave birth to Aaron Kelvin Knight. He had black mop of hair like his father, with those sea blue eyes. Still something felt off, he was not yet at the hospital. Unable to call him she was exhausted, blaming the rain for him being late. If only she knew, she would have made him stay at home. The memory came with grief, she thought she had shed all out. She screamed, till her voice was hoarse. Another flashback It was warm outside, they decided to have a stroll on the busy streets if Sun city. Basking in the last rays of the sun as it set, leaving the streets with it's golden light. "Babe, if the baby was a girl what would you name her." He asked. "Jessica, and if he was a boy?" She asked, looking at a family snapping pictures, she robbed her hand against her baby bump, soon she would have that. "He will be called, Aaron, after my grandfather" The sound of her phone, brought her back. She easily found it on her lamp stand. The caller ID showed Alicia, she passed her hand through her hair to look presentable, before clicking answer. "Wow, what happened to you?" Alicia asked, looking closely at her phone. "Nothing" "Yeah sure, you looked liked you had tea with a hurricane" "Alicia..." "Have you taken your bath at all?" "No" "Go have your shower and eat I guess you haven't eaten too." She instructed. "Aaron wants to speak with you." She said and ended the call. Guess she had to look presentable for her son. (An hour later) She couldn't stomach anything, she settled for tea and some biscuits. She looked at her summer dress, it had sunflowers at the bottom, she placed the video call. "Now, I know you, what happened to you?" "It's a long story" "I have time" "Where is Aaron?" She said changing the topic. "Am here mama, I missed you" He pouted. "Same here buddy, how was your day? " And they spent the next 30 minutes, catching up. "Goodnight don't stress Aunt Alicia" "Yes mama, oh mama" "Yes honey" "Joshua's father is coming to take me out, we are going to the museum. Can I go?" "Yes you may" She smiled at him. "Yeah, thank you mama, I love you" He said blowing her a kiss and went to bed. "Now spill, what happened to you?" "Can you pretend you never saw me like that?" "Nope can't do, spill" "Hmm, remember I told you I would be seeing Lily today" "Yeah" "I met her, we finished everything and I even met James" "And?" "Gosh, relax am collecting my thoughts, brace yourself for my next words" She said sitting at the edge of her chair looking at Alicia carefully. "Am waiting anytime, for you to talk, cause you look like a statue right now" "Oh sorry, K my husband... I do I say it... " She stood up and began to pace" "Yeah, may his soul rest in peace is in heaven. Wait was she mean?"Alicia asked her chips long forgotten. "Nah" she said waving he hand. "Then what did she do?" "She told me that Kelvin was alive" she finally said, it sounded silly but she hopped deep down it was true. "Hahahahahaha.. that a good one. Wait you are serious, how" "I don't know!" "She told you that without evidence" Alicia asked typing on her laptop. "Yes" "And you believe her" "Why would she lie?" "Good question" "What are you doing? I just told you this and you are on your laptop." "Oh snap" "Did you do any research on it" "No, I didn't have the heart to" "I think you should, Lily was right" She quickly took her laptop and searched for Kelvin Knight. After a minute of browsing through the lot she found and article on him. CELEBRITY GOSSIP . The son of Knight Corporation, was back after mysteriously disappearing for five years. He is now the new CEO of the company. However our source tells us that he just recovered from a coma and had lost five years worth memories. So if you meet him don't be angry if you have to reintroduce yourself. Thankfully he is still the hottest bachelor in town. She closed the laptop, she couldn't read anymore. It was true he was alive, what would she do now. She looked at her screen, Alicia had ended the call already. If he was alive with no memories of her, should she look for him or let him go?

****** *****

It was settled, she had arrived with the first flight back home. She missed Aaron already, his laughter was adorable. "Mama!"He screamed running as fast as his legs could take him. She bent to his level with arms open wide, they hugged forgetting everything around them. "Yeah, I don't deserve a hug cause am allergic to them. So I wouldn't get angry if he hugs you all day." "Oh, Li come for a hug I can't forget you" she said opening one arm, Aaron was on the other. "Nope, am good don't need it" "Come on, you know you want it, warm hugs are the best, little step at a time." Clara was grateful she had a friend like Li, who would move heaven and earth just for her. "Can't breath" "Sorry" "We are going to Uncle Ben ice-cream shop" "Really, can I order any type of ice-cream I want?. Aaron asked, thinking of the flavors he hadn't tried. "Yes, but not much wouldn't want you hyper now would we" She said tickling his sides. "N.. no ma..haha mama" he said laughing hysterically. "Good, am sure Elizabeth would be there, so you could play" They walked to her car, Aaron was placed in his seat with his seat belt in place. The drive was only thirty minutes. The silence was comfortable each in their own world, the radio filled the silence. "Is that little Aaron"Ben asked. He was in his late forties, with a little pot belly. He had a kind smile. "Am not little uncle Ben" Aaron replied, while been assisted out of the car by his mother. "Really and how old are you?" He raised his five fingers, saying he was two. Everyone laughed at his gesture, but he wasn't bothered. "Right, to what do I owe this visit" He asked, leading them to their favorite booth at the far corner. "Nothing, I crave some ice-cream and Aaron been bugging me about Elizabeth." "Really" he said looking at the little guy with amusement. "Uncle Ben, mama said I can take any flavor I want. Can I try the chochlat please." He said giving him puppy eyes. "It chocolate my buy, come Elizabeth is at the back, let's go say hi." "What flavor would you like ladies" He said as an after thought. The shop was not busy, summer had just started. The place wasn't called Sun city for nothing. "Our usual" Alicia replied. "Damn, that guy is gorgeous, his tan the right place. Oh my gosh is he coming here." she said picking the Menu pretending to read. "No he is not, I think he is here with his girlfriend, you stop reading an upside down menu" "Can't believe he is taken" I think I need a little sun" "I wish I had your color, I wouldn't think of sunbathing. Isn't there a cream I could use"

"Stop, you are beautiful just the way you are. See you've got big brown eyes on you small narrow nose. Thick brunette hair, and your baby face, don't get me on your body" "Enough, someone would think you checking me out" she said, taking a scoop on her ice cream. "It's true, look at my curly hair, can't count how many combs have broken." "Yeah, says the person whose hair defies gravity." they both laughed. "At the right time, you will meet him" "I hope it will be soon like Kelvin and you" "Yes" she began scooping her melting ice-cream. "Speaking of him what are you planning?" "I don't know, have been asking myself that since I arrived but I up blank" "Don't stress, you will come up with something, you always do" "Yeah" "It must be hard on him, since he is the number one bachelor he would have ladies coming after him. All have a chance even the rejected ones" "That's it, you are a genius" "Of course I am, I knew what I was saying. What actually did I say right" "All have a chance now" "And?" "I can get a chance to talk with him, maybe when he sees me he will remember." Ideas were forming in her head, she needed to get to him without suspicion. "And how do you plan on getting your chance" "I know the right person" "Who?" "What is it with questions from you today?" she asked checking her contact list. "Curiosity my dear friend, so who are you calling?" "James Rogers" "The James, like the obsessed James, him?" "Yes, and he is over me" "Glad to hear, cause if he tries anything funny am kicking his ass." She huffed. "Hi, James it's me Clara. Yes, I still have your contact. Erm can we meet, I need your help. Sure tomorrow at Plaza hotle the restaurant, mhm okay. Thank you." She finished the call smiling. "How does he come into this." "He is Kelvin's best friend, if there is someone K would believe it will be James" "If you say so, I need to try the new flavor Ben created" "Please, hope you haven't taught Aaron to have a sweet tooth" she said. "Nope, we never came here when went on your trip, neither did we go on marathon ice cream" she said covering her mouth realising her slip. Alicia Mary White, Please don't tell me you actually did that? " Clara was upset and Alicia knew it, it wasn't her fault he was adorable and polite. How could she refuse his request, besides she was his godmother. "No, the last part was an exaggeration. We only have three different flavors" "I swear" she lifted her hands in surrender. "Hmm, I know you are doing your best. But he is a child too much sugar isn't good for him." She tried to reason with her. "I know, an I forgiven?" she asked nervously. "I could never be angry with you. Let go see what Aaron has been doing."She said leaving the both with Alicia following behind. She was determined to spend as much time with her son before she leaves again. She would be damned if he spent all day playing without her being involved. Tomorrow was the meeting, she hoped it turns out to her favour. She was going to claim her man, when she said "till death do us part." She meant it.

**** **** ****** ******

It was really happening, after two years she was going to see the man, she thought was dead. She was nervous and excited. "Relax Clara, you know him" James said unbuckling his seat belt. They where in Kelvin's private jet, he was rich and she never enjoyed the wealth till today. "I did know him, what if he has changed, am not complaining but he was to be dead and now his living it's not something I can take without reacting." She said tapping her feet. "True, but please stop it you will dig a whole which will cause our death because we are thousands of feet in the air. Care for some snacks?" He said bringing a tray with different cupcake. "No, I can stomach anything, but I do have a question" "Ask away" "How come you are flying in his private jet?" "Am his partner and best friend, I got the right to travel in style." "Really" "No, just kidding, I brought the jet because of you." "Me?" "If we should fly a commercial plane, he would know of your arrival before you get there. Questions will be asked and perhaps you might end up being my girlfriend in those rumors" He couldn't help but chuckle after saying the last part. "Oh" "Yeah, I need to take my power nap. Please don't dig a hole yet, I got plans to fulfill can't die on them" with that said he whistled to his cabin. She didn't believe him when he told her they would be traveling the next day. Her mind travelled to Aaron, she missed him badly. It took everything in her not to bring him, he would do good with his her parents. Life definitely was full of surprises, if anything the meeting went well. Flash back "Ever the beautiful lady" James got up to welcome her, giving her side kisses. The restaurant beautiful, with art work of known artist hug on the wall, the chandelier hug above rich mahogany tables covered in the most expensive table clothe. The designer didn't spear money in decorating the place.Hence a place for the rich, famous celebrities and any body at the top ladder. "You are not bad yourself" she replied getting herself settled. "Wine or food" "Wine please" He waved his hand beckoning a waiter at the corner of the VIP section they were. "You finest wine please" "I was planning on contacting you before your call" He paused allowing the waiter to set the wine glasses down and left. "Great minds think alike" She said twirling the wine. "For once we are on the same page, you called regarding Kelvin right" "Yes, how did you know?" "Since I met you at Lily's place, I placed the dots together. Am glad he married you" he said smiling at her. If she hadn't swallowed the wine in her mouth, she would have choked on it. "How did you know?" "As Kelvin best friend, he tells me everything. Everything except you, he was determined to keep you a secret till he sorted things with his parents. Which he planning to do before he "died". When I heard if his accident I was devastated, I don't know how he got to Green land. But doctors said he might not make it. A year later he woke up, only to forget his name and everything. It was hard visiting him at a stranger, we have to rebound. He was a mess, but slowly he progressed. Then a year later, calls me and tell him his entire life story, but there was gap" "The memories of where he was for the past five years" "I take it that you read about him, he couldn't remember leaving the country. He tried but couldn't, he ran into crisis" "Why did he run into crisis." "Interested in food now?" He asked, it was too early to consume much wine. "No am good" he shook her head. "Then let's continue this in the garden" "They have a garden we could go to? " "No, but as the owner sure I can go wherever I please." "You own this hotel? " "Yes, you should see the one Kelvin built this does not come close" he said linking Their arm as they walked out to the garden. "He never told me, Kelvin never liked flaunting his wealth." They got to the garden, it was a small garden with flowers around it had a bench under an apple tree. "Back to my story, I decided to investigate further. I wanted to tell him, but I needed evidence to convince him. That was how I found out about you and your son, and understood why he kept you hidden. No offense." "Non taken, why" "hmm, how do I put it, Kelvin mum, has a thing against blacks. She never want to have anything to do with them. And seeing you are one my guess was Kelvin need to plan well before he introduced you to her. " "Wow, poor Kelvin, did you ever tell him he was married." "I did and it didn't end well" "What happened? " "I got punched on the face, he never believed me. That is why I need you. He is over working himself, he try to hide it but he feels helpless of not remembering everything. Some times he remembers but it fades." "How can I help, cause I called you for the same reason" "Which is? " "To get closer to him, perhaps he might remember." "Great, we are on the same page. I will introduce you to him as his PA, you will do his stuff, like cooking, answering calls. In short you will be his PA and cook. hopefully he will remember if he sees you more often." End of flashback. That's how she got into the jet, she had less than an hour to meet her Kelvin. She was uncertain how she would react, hopefully she doesn't faint.