
Wife on Demand

Elena was born from the womb of a domestic worker named Ani. Elena's unwanted birth meant that she was denied justice as a child. Elena even had to accept the cunning plans of her two older sisters, Wina and Atika, who were jealous of her beauty. Wina and Atika's plan goes smoothly when Desta forces Elena to marry a foreign man, whose face Elena has never seen, so that Elena will have the status of a wife at a very young age. Will Elena avenge her siblings when she meets Nikos, a husband who refuses to marry her? Is there another cunning plan that Elena and Nikos are unaware of?

DaoistzbAjCQ · Ciudad
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1 Chs

1. An unforgettable night

That night, a new maid named Ani, who worked for a textile businessman in Bandung, had just fallen asleep.

She usually locked her bedroom door when she went to bed, but tonight her roommate, Marni, was still outside.

After putting on her negligee and leggings, Ani began to cover herself with the blanket, a long batik cloth she had brought from the village. She thought that wearing leggings would protect her legs from being bitten by mosquitoes.

What Ani didn't expect was that it wasn't mosquitoes that bit her that night, but her own employer.

Desta entered Ani's room after seeing Marni asleep in the room where the maid was watching television, snoring loudly.

From the first time he saw Ani, Desta had been interested and was always looking for an opportunity to see her and find reasons to make Ani serve him, as the servant Marni had brought to work in her house was very young and had a prettier face than his two wives.

"Sir, why are you in my room?" asked Ani in a stammering voice.

"Don't you know? I am the master of this house," said Desta, walking slowly towards Ani, who was suddenly frightened to see the master, who usually did not speak much in her room. She didn't know if Desta had locked the room or not, but she had to leave immediately.

"Satisfy me tonight Ani!" commanded Desta.

"No, sir!" Ani replied quickly, dodging as Desta approached and tried to pull her hand away.

"Why, what are you afraid of? Madame is on holiday and I need help. Do you know it is your job to help your employer?"

"Ta...but I only work to help the cleaning mum...not the ...."

Ani couldn't finish her sentence as Desta tried to pull her back to her feet at the door. Her face was so pale when she realised that Desta had locked the door.

"Are you looking for this? You can take it after I accept your help," he said, showing her the door key.

"Tu...tuan, please let me out," she said softly.

With one movement Desta was in front of Ani, then she lifted Ani's body lightly, as if she didn't feel the weight of the girl's curvaceous body, then she carried her to the bed and dropped the girl's body hard.

Desta gave Ani no chance to escape. Once the girl was on the bed, Desta immediately covered her body with his.

"No sir, please let me go!" Ani refused and tried to push Desta's chest with both hands.

"I'll give you everything you've never had, as long as you're willing to be my servant," Desta whispered as he tried to unbutton Ani's negligee.

"Sa... I am your servant already, but I don't want to serve you like this," Ani refused in fear.

Unconcerned with the girl's refusal and resistance, Desta buried her head in the hollow of Ani's neck, while the girl's hands continued to try to push Desta away by slapping the man's body on top of her.

The resistance and rejection of a maid made Desta angry. With her body still pressed against Ani, she took the long cloth the girl was using as a blanket to smooth out her plan.

"Please let me go. Tuan already has a wife," Ani continued to rebel, trying to free herself from the embrace of Desta's arms that held her body.

"Just for tonight Ani, if you serve me once you won't get pregnant," Desta seduced as he leaned his head back on the girl's exposed breast as Desta tore off the negligee his servant was wearing.

"No, sir, I've never done it," Ani refused, trying to push Desta's breast back. Her voice grew louder until Desta covered her mouth with his demanding kiss.

Desta, overwhelmed by lust after a week of not being able to channel his biological needs, was even more eager to see the shape of the two large twin mountains that were not even enough in his hands.

Desta no longer listened to Ani's pleas. He could not bear to release his desire because his two wives were on holiday, so Desta ignored his servant's refusal and resistance.

Desta used the long cloth to bind Ani's hands to the bed frame so that she couldn't move, while her legs were spread apart so that she could feel some resistance.

"If you dare to scream, not only will I not be responsible, but your family will also suffer the consequences," Desta threatened as she pulled down Ani's leggings. She had no idea that underneath Ani's tight clothing was a treasure that made her unable to blink and swallow her saliva.

The sound of Ani's screams could not be heard because Desta covered her mouth with the cover of her own core in case Ani screamed and woke the house's inhabitants who were already fast asleep as the rain began to fall.

After removing all the clothes from the girl's body, Desta looked at Ani's body without blinking. The girl's body had sedated him to the point where he was blindfolded.

Desta was so consumed with animal lust that he didn't think about the woman he was with.

The maid, who had only been working for a week in the house of a wealthy family, could only remain silent and cry as her chastity was taken away from her by a man who was respected as a man of Desta's status.

Desta with his lust urges to get his satisfaction no matter if the woman currently under his body is a virgin who has never felt the touch of other objects in her pussy.

The sound of Desta calling out Renata's name was the moment she reached satisfaction through the release that shook her.

Minutes passed and Desta's body remained on Ani's. He ignored the tightness of the girl's body, still tired from his passion and lust.

Desta opened her eyes deliberately, not letting go of her part and remaining in the centre of Ani's body, still feeling the vibration and pinching in the girl's body as she continued to shed tears.

"Are you going to keep crying or will I stay in your body until you can't walk anymore," Desta threatened.

With a pale and frightened face, the girl shook her head, unaware that the movement caused her twin mountains to sway, causing Desta to become agitated again.

"As of tonight, you are my personal servant. No one can enjoy your body but me," Desta whispered as she climbed back onto Ani's body and pumped her body vigorously until Ani's body shook as both of Desta's hands pressed on her chest, not caring that what she was doing was causing Ani pain.