
Wield The Sword Like No Other

"Even in a world filled with beauty, there shall inevitably remain jealousy and betrayal." -Drystan Crius Deveraux One would not typically gaze upon siblings and paint them as sworn enemies - not in the typical world at least. In the world of butterfly people, rivalry for power is common, especially between siblings of the throne. Drystan and Riona are total opposites that are seemingly only related by their thirst for power and freedom. Though, not exactly the typical freedom but rather freedom from each other. They battle night and day for the upper hand, fighting their demons along the way. What happens when Drystan gets his hating hands on an ace card? Will Riona submit or will she fight back with the most blood thirst a queen could ever slay with? Or will she simply lose a friend leaving her heart empty?

From_Another_Realm · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter 7: Drinking tea with the devil

The castle hallways were gloomy after the princess left, as if the walls could foresee the dark dealings about to be signed. Drystan was on the prowl. The sky was dark so he was out to play, but of course, he was always out to play. Riona was the one who hid in the sanctuary of her study or room or the training yard, if felt the urge to show off her skills.

Drystan had other masteries. Lurking and hiding was two of them. He slinked under candlelight to a further side of the castle. There he hoped to find a specific person he wasn't fond of associating with but he swallowed his bitter distaste. He tipped around a corner and there stood the knight, all proud and tall with no boundaries whatsoever.

Vance, Riona's best friend and secret crush, what better target could Drystan have wished for? So he took a step closer, grinning inwardly, his hands clutching a piece of parchment behind his back.

He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of a startled Vance standing post on the West wing. "Evening, Prince Drystan, what brings you here this late hour?" asked the knight politely though Drystan could sense annoyance.

"Good evening, Knight Venetus. How pleasant, I had found you precisely where I predicted," smiled Drystan. Vance sent him a side glance, leaning against the cold wall, his arms folding tightly over his chest while his ears awaited the prince to start blabbering about battle plans. Unusually, the prince started uttering different words. Words that would rise suspicion in anyone that wasn't part of the Butterfly Court. Words such as: "Come join me for a late cup of tea in the kitchens".


Who was Vance to decline the Prince himself? Drystan set two cups between them on the old kitchen table. No one was there to whip up the two teas, so the prince did it himself. To Vance's surprise, Drystan actually knew what he was doing and didn't seem as spoiled as before. Drystan seated himself, motioning to the cup. "My mother taught me to make cinnamon tea. I'm not a fan of Vanilla as the rest of the palace," he shared, then continuing on a different note, "Your father supported your friendship between you and Riona since school, am I correct?"

Vance frowned slightly, his hands reaching for the clay cup before him. His palms wrapped around the heat. "That is correct."

"You were forced to end other relationships as a result?" questioned Drystan.

Vance sat back, arching a brow offended. "Why do you ask? You were forced to end your friendship with Cornell after school. I am sure you understand, so why do you press on this topic?"

Drystan mirrored Vance, his body following the movement and leaning back. His hands opened innocently. "I was just trying to fill in the gaps."

"What gaps are there to fill?"

"Why you left Mercy. She didn't move away as you said. She has always been close while you played with Riona," spoke Drystan, his eyes now serious, "You knew the princess liked you so you used her emotions to gain this position to please your father."

Vance stood at once. "I will not accept your false accusations!"

"There is no need to pretend, Vance," airily chuckled the prince, "Your father is a tough man to please. I would know because so was my father. The only difference is, it wasn't a sibling who stole his admiration, it was Riona."

"Riona earned it," argued Vance, his yaw clenching, anger starting to simmer in his pulse.

"No, Vance, she took it just as easily as she took my right to the throne."

The two were silent, Vance returning to his seat with a sigh. "Yes," he admired, "She did swoop into my life rather swiftly... Mercy didn't move away... I had to tell her to stay away, forced by my father who feared it would have tinted my friendship with Riona..."

"You loved Mercy?" asked Drystan.

"Yes... I consider her my first love..." muttered Vance.

Drystan smiled ever so slightly. He entwined both of his hands. Vance noticed and raised his face, adding, "But I do not hold it against Riona. She had no part of it."

Drystan laughed as a reply, "Oh but she did most certainly. Do you even know what she is capable of? They say one is not relevant to their bloodline but oh how I disagree."

"What do you mean?"

Drystan leaned forward, too close for comfort as he whispered, "You will find out soon enough but what I want you to understand is what I am about to ask of you is for good reason."

Vance looked dumbfounded towards Drystan, yet he listened.

Drystan smirked as he said, "I want you to murder Riona the night of her coronation."

A gasp rushed from the knight's lungs. He stood once more to run with the intent to cry out regicide. Drystan leapt to block the exit. Vance was frantic, grasping at his dagger at his hip, pointing it towards Drysysns throat. "No," he breathed, "I would never betray her like that..."

Drystan took a breath, slumping against the doorway. "It is for the best, Vance."

"How is killing your sister for the best?"

"She is no sister of mine. She is a maggot who wormed her way into the royal family."

"She is no such thing!"

"Think what you like, but do you wish her to sit on the throne and marry you? Why don't you think of how Mercy writes you letters but you never write one back? You hide them under your mattress. You long for her, admit it."

Vance shook his head violently. "I could never," he repeated, his voice hoarse. Drystan stared towards him. He couldn't puzzle together a way to convince Vance so he thought of the next best thing which was to threaten him. "You won't murder the queen? Then I guess your love will have to pay for it since Riona will find out sooner or later. You know Riona is the jealous type, an extreme one at that," he seethed.

Vance glared with glistening eyes. "Riona is understanding, she will be when she finds out," he argued.

"What if this time she's not? She won't ever let you go, Vance."

The knight was quiet. That much was true... Riona was attached to him since they first met.

His eyes wandered around the kitchen. Everything had been set neat for the next day of use. Vegetables had been laid out to chop for stews and the pot hung over a dying fire, left from the current day's work.

The kitchens were a heaven to Vance as a young butterfly. He would play with all kinds of sticks and leaves in the corner while his mother helped the staff. Occasionally, his little hands nicked a biscuit. The old cook would scold him for it but soon after he was offered one to taste. Fond memories were laced in the kitchen... Now all Vance could think of was how disturbing it was for someone to offer such wicked dealings in such an innocent environment.

"Come on, Vance," said Drystan, "It is a fair offer. You kill Riona and I shall offer you freedom. Add your dream cottage to the pile. A horse if you must. Anything to sweeten the deal."

Vance slumped, hands fisting his hair. "What will you tell them? What will you tell them when she's gone?"

"The truth," said Drystan as if it were obvious, "That she had been assassinated."

Vance peered up, asking, "And she would be laid to rest royally?"

A nerve twitched in Drystan's face. He was all in to insult Riona in every way possible but if it were to hand him this deal, he agreed. Drystan revealed the parchment from before and planted it on the table. He took out a quill and tiny needle. "Sign with your own blood and the deal shall be sealed," said Drystan, holding back a grin.

Vance gulped, querying, "In my blood?"

"Why yes. Agreements in blood are respected by me."

"You are aware you are playing with the devil if I sign this?"

"Dear Vance, I am afraid you are the one dealing with the devil if you don't sign," laughed the prince.

Vance dropped his head, shaking it. Tears brimmed in the corners of his eyes. His lips quivered slightly as he murmured, "Alright... Hand me the needle and I shall bind to the contract." Vance knew there would be no way out and Vance knew that signing in blood was a trap which bonded him to obey the prince but he pressed the quill to the parchment anyway.

The devil was grinning but from no other than Drystan's eyes.