
Wickedly Betrothed

Why do have to be so evil ?? I scream I wish I could answer that question ..Xavier said coldly as he walked away from the festivities toward the veranda . “Everything happens for a reason ..why it have to be you ?” I screamed as tears streamed down my face . “I’m sorry echo I just wanted to protect you from the harsh realities of this world.”Xavier clinched his fists at the thought her inevitable pain . If that’s the case ...Can you protect me from you ? I snapped as I furiously whipped away the tears shed I can’t do that your my destiny .. we were fated at birth . And you believe what you just said given the fact you lied to my face on a daily basis .i don’t know what to call you Xavier or Blake . Whatever you want to be called I hate you for ... making me care for you .. ———————————- End of excerpt: ——————————- Synopsis: At a young age Echo Delaney realized that life was not all sunshine and rainbows . . When she meets a mysterious man in her hospital lobby . Her analytical and routine life will be turned upside down . After discovering she is the "long-lost princess "of a war stricken land . The only way for the war to end is to marry .echo has to make the ultimate choice she will protect her land or her heart at any and all costs . Even if echo is betrothed at birth to rebellious fae prince Xavier. who wants nothing to do with her or the crown. Once Echo Delaney goes through the outer land portal. leaving her well- planned life and everything she has ever known in the mortal realm. She is thrust into xavier’s world of regal grand balls, sporting events and lavish dinners . cutthroat royal court where lies are abundant ,backstabbing is a norm ,and friendship is semi non existent . With every twist and turn she in this whirl wind if greed , lust, and power.First she has to help Xavier find his half brothers in the mortal realm .which will not be an easy feat due to their rebellious nature. Can she figure out a way to protect her people before her upcoming coronation? Will she live to see her coronation with the all the failed attempts upon her life.will her savior be the one who hurts her more in the end?

Lulugreg · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter one Serendipity

"Dr Delaney come quick" the nurse screamed on the top of her lungs. I unwound my stethoscope from my neck as they pushed in the first casualties from the metro accident.

I wrapped the instrument around my neck as I took off running behind her.. What is the emergency nurses?

A fight is going on in the lobby area! She nearly screamed. we approached " why didn't you call the security or police? I asked she pointed to the scene " family disturbance ..he is your fiance and she 's your sister." I repeated as she stared at me in wonder.

Fiance?? Gavin is finally going to propose I though joyfully. The only sister I have is kamie and oh my gosh.. She would confront gavin in the hospital lobby would she?? Knowing kamie's short hot temper it could be a possibility.

"Kamie no "I screamed as I stopped short at the sight before me. "I have never seem that man in my life "I admitted as the guy in the three-piece suit struck the woman. I tried to get there in time but fate was not on my side.To my surprise the woman was none other than my high school nemesis Ashley Hampton.

Even though I would give anything to see someone beat her down a notch or two this is in just and cruel.

" Stop it this instant"! I commanded"This is a hospital not a bar take your issues outside!"I screamed as they both stared at me in amusement " this is the one they chose for you.. She is weak and plain..i can't believe we share the same blood. " Ashley screamed more at the guy then at me.

" yes your wrong seraphina.. she is a diamond in the rough. She will be a perfect princess and my future queen." the guy screamed back as he started her down. The tension within the room mounted with each second.

"I will just have to kill her as I always desired to."Ashley screamed as finally.the security guards appeared.

"I will make sure upon my last breathe No one will marry you and I'm already betrothed to another." the guy stated as he pushed me out of the way as Ashley came forward. It is apparent that l am Ashley's intended target" they collided as I heard a groan of anguish and pain.

I forcefully pulled them apart as I noticed the blood-soaked dagger within her hand. His blood now soaked the front of his pristine shirt. the shocked look upon the guys pale face. An evil smirk crossed Ashley's feature's" "looks like princes do bleed! I will never go back until I wed a prince." ashely happily stated as the guards pulled her away.

I rushed to the guy his steel grey eye filled with shock as I reached for his arm to steer him towards the emergency room. My intern Dutch ran towards me to help with my newly acquired patient.

" what's your name?" I asked he just stayed silent wincing in pain as I pushed open a empty bed and dropped him onto it. " stay here "

The duth chimmed "I overheard him say his name is blake "

I closed the curtain surrounding the bed for the patients privacy due to the ever most staff. I already knew what the we're whispering about" lovers spat in the lobby ".

I winced at the idea of this could have been avoided before things escalated.

"Doc the security guards are down in bay yep with minor wounds and the culprit got free" my intern and best guy friend jacob" dutch" Malone stated as he handed me the clip boards.

"Let's get drinks after shift and talk about the deets later ok buddy" he said with his flirtatious wink. " only if you bring Sydney with you I miss your other half?" his face morphed at the name of his significant other. " can do and I heard this one is a looker be have echo..or don't that's your choice." he playfully scolded me as I pulled open the curtain to find an empty bed and blood-stained sheet. " he's gone!!" I screamed as everyone rushed to look for my patient. I noticed something interesting he left behind.

Upon the floor was a photo of me and my personal info upon it.. A chill went down my spine..

The first vision I had In year's hit me like a ton of bricks. I fell back a few steps back at the visions intensity

Once again as always I wore an elegant pure white gown. I cupped the unknown guys face upon the veranda of an eminse estate . I gazing into his steel gray eyes I muttered " I will forever love you" we both said simultaneously. Hungrily Sealing our love and future with a kiss.

Our lips touched as the sides of the room exploded into rubble. The guy sheilded me with his body form the falling debris and rocks. " Xavier.."

He slowly got up " run my love and don't look back " is all he said as he took off in the opposite direction towards the blast.

" Xavier!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs

As I jolted back to reality from the vision

the vision after effects were more intense than ever before I felt as if I could taste the reminisces if smoke and heat from the blazing fire. hands shook and tears streamed down my face. " paging Dr Echo Delaney.. " I whipped the tears away and ran towards the opening emergency room door.