
Chapter Six

"Have fun tonight?" Harry asked his girls.

"Bella's a fun person, but she goes on about Edward like it's going out of style." Kate said. "Still, I see what he sees in her."

"Did you check?" Tanya asked.

"Didn't feel a thing." Kate confirmed.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"She's immune to Edward, but not Jasper or Alice, so we wanted to know." Kate said. "She's immune to me too."

"Must be something to do with how your power works." Harry said. "Her mind must have some sort of natural occlumency. It was rare in my original world, but it happened."

"But that's a magical thing." Tanya countered. "This is a supernatural ability, not magical. Like someone born with the ability to read minds, like Edward, or move objects, like telekinesis."

"That is a valid point." Harry allowed. "And I've never tried to read her mind."

"You should try." Kate suggested. "Maybe you'll see if she fantasises about you." she smirked.

"Not something I want to see." Harry said.

"Can you read my mind real quick?" Tanya suggested.

"I don't need to." Harry said. "I saw your panties drop by the door already."

"Then do something about it." Tanya suggested.

Harry grabbed her and Kate's hands and they appeared on the bed. "Deal." he said.

"Read my mind anyway." Tanya requested.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Trust me." Tanya said.

So Harry focussed on her. He was overwhelmed by feelings of protectiveness, lust, awe and most of all, love. He had not expected that. "You love me." he said.

"I do." Tanya said.

"Do me, now." Kate suggested.

Harry did. "You love me too." he said.

"I do." Kate confirmed.

"I don't know if I'm ready to say it." Harry said, honestly. "I mean, we're married in my eyes, but…"

"That's okay." Tanya said, smiling kindly at him. "It's different for us."

"Our kind bond deeply and quickly." Kate said. "Humans need more time."

"I wanted you to know." Tanya continued. "It will help you to lower your walls and let us in."

"And we really want you to love us, too." Kate said.

Harry leaned down and kissed them both. The kisses quickly grew and pretty soon Harry's magic ripped the clothes from all their bodies, sending them in shreds around the bed. "I want you both so badly right now." he said. There was an animal desire in his voice as he claimed them again, one at a time. But this time he seeded them both, before he gave up his position on them.

The ladies had been thoroughly ravaged. He'd not stopped or slowed down during the entire event, no matter how much they screamed in ecstasy. He'd claimed them thoroughly and without reservation, their revealed emotions driving something in him on, to lay his claim.

As he panted and they recovered slowly from their shaking states, Harry's eyes drooped, but he did not fall asleep, till he'd pulled them in and held them protectively in his arms.

When they awoke the next morning, Harry's libido had completely recovered and he was already ready to start again, but he hesitated. "I didn't hurt you girls, did I?" Harry asked. He knew it was a possibility in their current states.

"Harry." Tanya said. "Please do that again?" she pleaded.

"You were an animal." Kate said. "Fuck us like you own us, Harry." she demanded, something more than lust in her eyes. There was a need.

So he did. For four hours the sounds of their passion echoed through the room, after which they almost fell asleep again. Good thing they didn't, because it was almost time for Harry's meeting with Billy. They just had enough time to jump through the shower, and get dressed, before they hurried to the Chevy and left in a hurry. They didn't even see Rosalie and Emmett sitting in the lounge again, looks of awe on their faces. They'd heard everything, when they came out of their room that morning.

"Do you think Harry knows that we could hear into his room?" Rosalie asked.

"No." Emmett said. "But I need to know what he was doing to those women, so that I can do it to you."


Harry knew they wouldn't make it on time if he drove normally, so he took to the sky and flew them to where Billy had suggested.

They landed a short bit away and drove the rest of the way, making it just in time, to see Billy being helped out of a van, by Jacob. Jacob looked different, though. Bigger.

Harry stopped the car and got out first, asking his ladies to wait for the moment. They agreed, but they'd be ready for anything.

"Billy!" Harry greeted. "And Jacob, too. Good to see you again, man."

"Harry." Billy said. His normal good humour seemed suspended at the moment, though.

"You brought them?!" Jacob asked, angrily.

"Chill out, Jacob, what did they ever do to you?" Harry asked.

"What did they do!?" Jacob challenged, his anger flaring.

Harry felt something, though. "Oh, your magic is active." he said. "Cool. Come on then, show me what you've got." he challenged, holding his hand out to the car, to assure the ladies that he knew what he was doing.

"No! Jacob, don't do this." Billy warned quickly.

"It's his fault!" Jacob spat. "He brought more of those bloodsuckers here! He's the reason this is all happening!"

"He didn't know." Billy said. "He didn't do this to you. Calm yourself."

"No!" Jacob exclaimed then. His anger was unleashing something and Harry detected a spike in his body heat.

"Want me to calm him?" Harry asked Billy, conversationally.

It was too late, though. Jacob's body contorted and expanded as a giant wolf burst from him in an explosion of shattered clothing.

"Spirit animals!" Harry said excitedly. "It's been years since I've seen this!"

"Be careful." Billy warned, urgently. "He doesn't have control, yet."

"Oh, calm down you overgrown puppy." Harry said, waving his hand at the animal. The wolf that had been growling, about to attack the person that turned him into this beast, suddenly whined in confusion as the anger dissipated and was replaced by… amusement. In the forest nearby, the other wolves all felt the change in mood and also felt his confusing amusement.

The wolf, Jacob, stood there for a moment, still trying to understand the emotion, before he finally reverted. "How did you do that?" Jacob asked, covering his manhood.

Harry simply lifted his hand and the shredded clothing lifted up and fixed themselves. "Magic." Harry said. "I just cheered you up."

"You said your godfather was a Black?" Billy ventured. Perhaps he learned something from another tribe, or member, that had moved to England.

"Proper British Englishman, I'm afraid." Harry said. "My magic isn't spirit magic. Well, I could use spirit magic, but I don't have any spirits currently watching over me."

"You said you felt magic in me?" Billy asked. Jacob looked at his father quickly, as he'd just finished putting his clothes back on.

"Dormant, I'm afraid." Harry apologised.

"How do you know so much?" Jacob asked. "What are you?"

"Because I'm older than I look." Harry said. "And I'm human, but also more."

"You said that last night." Billy said. "What do you mean, more?"

"How about you answer a few of my questions, first." Harry said. "I've given you enough."

"What did you want to know?" Billy asked.

"What's going on in the tribe?" Harry asked. "How is the fact that there are immortals in town, affecting you?"

"It's not something simple to explain." Billy said. "There's a story that explains it, but I can't tell you. It's a tribal secret."

"Okay, so you just wanted to meet me, to find out what I am?" Harry asked.

"And why you're bringing those monsters to town." Jacob said.

"Well, since we're going tit-for-tat, let me know when you can tell me anything." Harry decided. "I'll be at my house." He turned around and walked back to his car. Before he could get there six giant wolves jumped out of the bushes and ran at him. Harry's ladies were at his side in a split second, baring their fangs and hissing at the attacking wolves. "Calm down ladies. I'm in control here." he said.

Harry lifted his hand and the wolves stopped in their tracks, before being lifted bodily into the air and hovering there. "Return to your human forms or I will make it so you never can again." he threatened. They did not revert. "Very well. I warned you." he said.

"They can't!" Jacob exclaimed. "They're angry. It's not as simple as just choosing to change."

"You did." Harry pointed out.

"You calmed me down." Jacob said.

"Oh, right." Harry said. Pretty soon six naked men and boys were hanging in the air, trying to cover their bits as best they could. Harry set them down and conjured some pants for them. "Get dressed and then go away. I have no time to play pet-the-puppy with half-trained skin-walkers."

"Harry, wait!" Billy said, as Harry started walking to his car again, with his ladies smirking by his side. They stopped and Harry looked back at the man. "You are not our enemy." he said, before sighing. "The change happens because the spirits feel the presence of the cold ones and awaken the wolves."

"That wasn't such a long story." Harry pointed out.

"I still can't tell you much." Billy said. "It's still something I can't mention in front of them, even if the council decide I can tell you." he said indicating Harry's ladies.

"Well, since your wolves decided to attack our mate, we'll not allow him near you without us." Tanya countered.

"He came here under a banner of peace." Kate agreed. "You broke your word to him."

"I never said I controlled the wolves." Billy said.

"Wasn't 'peaceful' implied when we met you here, out of respect for your wishes and not setting foot on your land?" Tanya asked.

"She's right." Billy said, looking at one of the men, probably the eldest of them. "You broke our agreement. They didn't attack us."

"He knows too much!" the man yelled back. "He knows about the spirits! He knows about the wolves! He can't be allowed to go back and tell the bloodsuckers!"

"He knew we had magic, because he has magic." Billy said. "You should have let them go in peace. We could have met again, after I conferred with the elders."

"The Cullens obviously broke our agreement!" the same man said. "They must have told him!"

"The Cullens didn't tell us shit." Harry countered. "My ladies, no, my wives didn't even know, or they would have told me. They consider the Cullens family and they didn't tell them."

"You can say what you want. The Cullens broke the treaty. We'll kill them for that." the man said.

Harry's eyes grew flinty, as he focussed on the man and his power fell on him. The man was pressed flat on the ground in an instant. "The Cullens are my friends. Threaten them, in my presence, at your own peril. If so much as one of them dies by your hands or fangs, or claws, I swear by the spirits, I will rip your wolves from your souls and replace them with earthworms."

The man was desperately trying to lift himself, but he couldn't withstand the immense pressure on him. "What… are you?" he asked.

"I am Harry Potter, magic user of the highest degree, saviour of billions, liberator of the oppressed, and protector of the weak. I stand between those who suffer and those who would use them. I have been given the right to play judge, jury and executioner, by powers beyond your mortal comprehension. My word is law. My verdict, final." Harry said dangerously. "What I am, is Judgement. Final and uncompromising."

"Please… don't kill him." Billy all but begged. "He's just a rash youth. He speaks from a place of fear and anger."

Harry considered it for a while, until his ladies took his hands. "Don't kill him for being an idiot. His elder is right. Let him go." Tanya said.

Harry's temper calmed and so did the pressure on the man, who rolled over and breathed heavily for a bit.

"Be grateful to your elder for his wise words, and to my wife, for pleading for your life." Harry said, before he turned back to Billy. "Next time we meet, will be in a place of my choosing, with my wives by my side. That is not something I will compromise on."

As they walked back to the car, Harry yelled over his shoulder. "Keep your dogs on a leash until they calm down, or I'll be forced to neuter them."

Then they left, vanishing from sight.

"What did you bring to us Billy?" Sam asked, as he finally got up off the ground.

"He was already here." Billy said. "And he was friendly, until your pack decided to attack him!"

"He was just walking to his car." Jacob pointed out, also not really understanding.

"Don't question my decisions!" Sam snapped. "I am alpha!"

Jacob said nothing, but looked down, not making eye-contact.

"He's right to question this decision." Billy said. "You may have made us a worse enemy than the cold ones ever were." He understood why his son gave up being the Alpha, which was his birth right. He wasn't ready for it. He'd bet he regretted the decision now, though. "He could know more about our lost culture than we even know to question."

"He called us spirit animals." one of the other, younger boys said. "Like he's seen other kinds."

"We might never find out, if he decides Sam is the one to judge us by." yet another boy said.

"Harry was very understanding, when he found out about us." Billy said. "Maybe he can be persuaded to forgive your attack. I'll go see him myself."

"We can't let-" Sam started.

"You're not my Alpha!" Billy exclaimed. "And I am still your elder! You don't tell me what to do, do you understand me Sam Uley?" he asked.

Sam growled and turned around. He didn't want to lose his temper. Not now. Not after what he could have unleashed on the tribe.

"And if I hear you're planning on attacking the Cullens, I'll warn them myself!" Billy called after him. "We can't afford to make things worse."

"How could it get worse?" Jacob asked. He didn't know it then, but the universe had decided to take that as a challenge, as someone received a report that the Denali coven had moved to Forks Washington, to join the Cullens.


Harry and his wives didn't take long to get home. He transported them directly there. Harry climbed out of the car and marched into the house. He needed to get cleaned up again. He suddenly felt dirty.

He was just in the shower, when his ladies joined him. They were all over him, the moment they were through the door. They'd not even removed their clothing.

"What's gotten into you?" Harry asked.

"You're so powerful." Tanya whispered as she kissed his chest, running her hands all over him, as Kate kneeled in front of him and started worshiping his manhood. "You called yourself Judgment. You made them look like fleas. You have not turned me on as much as I am, right now."

Kate broke her stride for a moment. "First you claim us and ravage us like a beast. Then you treated powerful beasts like whining dogs, like they were lower than dirt." Then she moaned, before continuing again, with renewed vigour.

"You do realise that we will not be satisfied until you have claimed us again." Tanya said in a husky tone.

"I was not expecting this-" Harry said, but was interrupted by Tanya claiming his mouth.

It was several minutes, during which the ladies tore their clothing from their bodies, so that they could press themselves to Harry, before she let him up for air. "Don't talk." Tanya commanded. "Fuck."

And Harry did, his frustration with his actions driving him to be harsher on his ladies than he normally would be, but they didn't show an ounce of anything but pleasure at his ministrations. When he was finally done, they had made it to bed. He was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and his ladies were near catatonic with pleasure. When Harry fell asleep from pure exhaustion, they were right there with him, glad for the ability to do so, for the simple pleasure of waking up with him in the morning and seeing his happy smile at them being there with him.


They only awoke in the early hours of the morning, having slept right through. Harry knew he'd not prepared food for the guests, as he should have, but he also knew they could technically go days, weeks without food. He didn't know that Emmett and Rosalie had seen him march in, looking furious. Tanya had had the forethought to tell them that dinner would not be happening, as they intended to have their man to themselves that evening.

"Good morning, husband." Tanya said.

"Very good morning." Kate agreed. "I think I'm still riding the high from last night's passion."

"Good morning ladies." Harry said. "I'm sorry I was so demanding last night."

"Do not apologise for that." Tanya said. "I've not been so dominated in all my life and I fear I might need you to do so again, one day."

"You know I loved it." Kate said, simply. "When I remember last night, I feel like I could climax just from the memory. Will you do that again? Will you use me to vent yourself? Make me submit, and take everything?" She shuddered. If she was human, she'd be blushing with excitement.

"I love you." Tanya said, moving to his mouth and kissing him. "And I love what you did."

"I love you too." Kate said. "But I also lust after you, constantly. If I was a mortal and they could smell it, the others would think I was a bitch in heat."

"I love you two too." Harry said, in sudden realisation. "When did that happen?" he asked.

"Last night." Tanya said. "You said it as you fell asleep."

"I wanted to say it back, but your magic took us into your sleep with you, before I could." Kate agreed.

"I've only known you for a very short time, though." Harry said, in confusion.

"Maybe it's your magic?" Tanya ventured. "We are who and what we are, but you are also more than just a human."

Harry wasn't certain that was it, but he'd look into it later. He didn't mind feeling this way. It was the best feeling to have for someone, after all. "Let's call it magic, then." Harry decided. "Magic wanted our pairing, so it made it so."

Harry was fully awake, but he wasn't in the same state as the previous morning. His ladies did not complain about his inattention, considering the fact that he'd basically spent the large majority of the previous day making them his bitches and doing things to them that still excited them to just remember.

He got up and checked his phone, to see he had a couple of concerned messages from the Cullens, but also assuring him that he was not expected to cook for them every day. They were very well fed as it was. Emmett mentioned something about talking to him about the sounds coming from his bedroom.

"Damn." Harry said. Tanya and Kate were instantly there and looking at the message over his shoulder.

"Does your room not have the same protections as the rest of the house?" Tanya asked. They'd all noticed that they couldn't hear each other, when they were not in each other's sight, in certain rooms.

"It normally does." Harry agreed. "When I want to call to someone though, or hear what might be going on in my bedroom, when I'm not in it, I can deactivate that. I think I must have done that at some point, and forgot to switch it back on."

"I don't mind." Kate said. "They should know you own us in the bedroom." she said, with a mischievous little smile.

"I think I'd prefer not to have to talk about it, though." Harry said. "Emmett will be unbearable."

"No doubt he's already been talking about it." Tanya sighed.

"Not if he knows what's good for him." Harry countered, as they walked from the room.

"I didn't let him tell anyone." Rosalie said, from the lounge. They tended to spend a lot of time there, just talking and enjoying being away from the family.

"Thank you Rosalie." Harry said. "And good morning to you both."

"Morning, stud." Rosalie mocked.

"Aren't you supposed to be the sensible one?" Harry asked.

"I'm only a woman, Harry." Rosalie joked.

"And Harry is not just a man." Kate said.

"He's our man." Tanya agreed, pressing into her man's side.

"Our mate." Kate agreed, copying Tanya.

"Our husband." Tanya finished. Her leg had moved forward and pressed softly into Harry's upper thigh, while Kate pressed his hand to her abdomen. He was imagining what that looked like, but he knew it was impressive, when Emmett said nothing, but smiled and nodded, respectfully.

"You will have to explain how that happened." Rosalie decided.

"Harry was bestowed the power to claim wives, in another world." Tanya said.

"We still don't know the whole story, but from the sounds of it, he had a harem of wives, which he claimed and married for political reasons. When new alliances were formed, he'd need to expand on it." Kate said. "Something about keeping the peace, by bringing many cultures together into one household, maybe?"

"That's actually pretty accurate." Harry said, smiling at Kate. "Okay, so, do you think the others would mind if we did breakfast today, instead of dinner?"

"Of course not." Emmett said, excitedly. "We're the only ones that eat breakfast with you and they've been feeling left out."

"I'm thinking waffles and syrup." Harry decided. "With some bacon or fruit on the side."

"I'll let them know." Rosalie volunteered. "How long do you need?"

"Probably about thirty minutes, to make enough?" Harry said.

"Okay." Rosalie said, as her fingers typed a very quick message.

"Excited to go to school today?" Emmett asked. "Having all those girls lust after you again will bother Edward." he smirked.

"I didn't really think about that." Harry admitted. He would be going back to school, so his routine would need to change. "I'll have to spend tonight working on something I recently thought about, so that we can adjust to the change in my schedule." he decided.

"Anything we can do?" Tanya asked.

"I'll need someone to test what I make." Harry said. "If you ladies wouldn't mind, I would appreciate that."

"What are you making?" Emmett asked.

"A new idea for a way to prepare food." Harry said. "If it works, it will allow Esme to make food for you, when I'm not available. How did that turn out, by the way?"

"As good as a mother's home cooking, with a dash of Harry's patented style and flavour." Rosalie said. "She was very proud."

"I'm glad she got to do that for you." Harry said with a soft smile.

"Alice went and bought all the kitchenware you have and the kitchen may need an expansion soon." Emmett said.

"My kitchen is my pride and joy." Harry said. He always kept it perfectly clean, so that he could make whatever he fancied, whenever the mood struck. A clean, organised and well stocked kitchen was a chef's best friend.

"Your domains are the kitchen and the bedroom, Harry." Tanya said.

"Maybe we could-" Kate started.

"Not in the kitchen." Harry said with finality. He knew where her mind had gone. "It's sacred."

Kate shivered at the tone of command in his voice and smiled challengingly at him, but his firm gaze didn't waver and she shivered again, pulling into him again. "Of course, husband." she said meekly.

"Dude." Emmett said. "You and I will have to talk about what exactly happens in your bedroom. Just us bro's."

"I can give you tips, if you want, but I'll not be giving you specifics." Harry said. "Private stuff is supposed to be private. What did you guys do? Just hang out in the lounge, listening?"

"We may have come out of our room once or twice." Emmett admitted. "Rosalie wouldn't let me listen for more than a minute, before she dragged me back to the room."

"That's also supposed to be private." Rosalie said, slapping his arm. "But I guess it's only fair, considering I did listen too. You sound like a very skilled lover. I wouldn't mind you giving Emmett some pointers, not that he needs it, of course. It's just…"

"Your mates sounded like you were breaking them with pleasure." Emmett agreed.

"He broke us in and claimed us." Tanya agreed. "He is more than a skilled lover. In that bedroom, he's a god."

"Of wild, kinky, mind-blowing ecstasy." Kate agreed. "If I were a mortal, I'd likely be dead. How do you do that to us?"

"It's the magic." Harry said. "Let me show you." he said, as he removed his arms from Tanya and Kate's arms. He placed them on their backs and travelled down to their perfect posteriors, where he took a moment to appreciate them again. Then his magic travelled to very specific locations.

"Oh!" Kate exclaimed as she pulled into Harry and kissed him deeply, her pelvis pressing into Harry as she shook in an instant climax.

Tanya moaned, and hid her face in his chest, also pressing into him as her nethers burned with pleasure at his command. The power he had over them excited her, but she wasn't like Kate. She wouldn't appreciate him doing this in front of just anyone. She knew he trusted the Cullens, and she knew the two before them had heard this and more, but still.

It lasted only a couple of seconds, but they were both shaking as they stood there, with Harry still groping their rear ends.

"Dude!" Emmett exclaimed again.

"Sorry, Emmett." Harry said. "I can't teach you that. I can only do that because they are willing and because I claimed them. It's actually demonic sex magic." It was a form of magic he'd learned about in a world other than his own. A world with demonic entities. A half-succubus had shown him many a wonderful thing. She'd been unable to feed from him, like she could with normal men, but had really appreciated finally being able to have sex and enjoying it without her succubus side forcing her hand and making her devour his life energy.

"That's cheating." Rosalie said, a touch of envy in her voice.

"He's ours." Tanya said, possessively.

"And we're his." Kate agreed. She was still pressing into him, until Tanya gave her a look and they both pulled away.

"Demonic sex magic?" Emmett asked, his grin almost splitting his face.

Harry finally pulled away, and started walking to his kitchen. "I had the misfortune of attracting a half-succubus a couple thousand years ago. She tried seducing me and feeding from me, but I was immune. She decided to keep me for a while, so that she could experience things that her kind seldom could. In return, she taught me what she knew."

"Awesome." Emmett said.

"No wonder you're so good." Tanya murmured, as they followed.

"Did you know that the sisters in our coven were the inspiration for stories about the succubus, in this world?" Kate murmured.

"Really?" Harry asked. "That's very interesting, but I can see why."

"It started with Irina, though." Tanya admitted.

"Does that make you an incubus?" Kate asked. "Having their magic and everything?"

"Magic is magic." Harry said. "It's the application and sometimes the method of the application that puts it in one category or another." He focussed his power and said in his girl's heads, 'When I claimed you yesterday morning, I laced what I put in you with magic, which allowed me to do what I just did and allows me to do what I'm doing now.'

"You can speak in our heads?" Kate asked, shocked.

"If I want to discuss secrets." Harry said. "It's just another form of the mind arts, with a trick or two thrown in. I can't hear you as easily, because it's not that directed. You need very organized minds to be able to control that and let nothing else, like your desires, seep through."

"Still, we could train." Tanya said, excitedly. Their man could do anything it seemed. "I want to be able to do this with you, Harry."

"Could you speak in my head, like that?" Emmett asked.

"Ugh, no!" Harry exclaimed. "Not like that."

"He'd need to bed you first." Kate explained.

"I was trying to keep that secret." Harry pointed out, slightly sternly, as Emmett's face fell into a grimace as his mind gave him an unwanted picture.

"I'm sorry." Kate said, meekly, a thrill running up her spine.

"She'll keep making mistakes, so that you talk to her like that." Tanya guessed.

"Then do something else." Harry said. "My secrets… Our secrets are not meant to be used for your kinky control games."

"Yes, husband." Kate said, smirking, but also nodding in agreement.

Harry set to work then. Rosalie and Emmett were asked to leave the kitchen, so that Tanya and Kate could help Harry with breakfast. They'd not asked, but Harry understood why they wanted to be there, so he didn't mind sharing. No doubt they'd not mind cooking for him one-day, so learning from him would be where they'd start.

They learned the secret of where he got the blood and showed only smiles at him showing them his process. Esme joined them halfway into the cooking.

"Good morning, Potters." Esme said.

"Good morning, Esme." Harry said, smiling over at her.

"Potters." Tanya said, considering it. "Tanya Potter." she added. "I like that."

"According to the grapevine, you're all married, so it only makes sense." Esme agreed. "I'm assuming your wives know the secret?"

"That they do." Harry agreed. "They wanted to help."

"Well, I'll not hold it against them." Esme said, as she rolled up her sleeves and went to fetch the spare apron Harry kept for her. "I'm still sous-chef, so stand back and watch, ladies." she said.

Harry smiled at her, but allowed her to start assisting after seeing what he was doing. She soon took over making the waffles themselves, while Harry started making some fresh fruit and cutting them up to add to the plates. He'd already made some syrup and the drinks and once they were finished, all four of them started carrying out everything. Harry had his own food already dished up, as he normally did, to keep his normal food separated.

They walked to the pool house, where Alice had apparently decided they'd be having breakfast. She'd set places and everyone took their normal seats.

"Today, we're having waffles and fruit, with syrup. The drink options are Coffee and tea, with some juice for those of you who wish to try that." Harry said. "Enjoy." he finished, as he picked up his utensils.

"A moment, if I may?" Carlisle asked before anyone could dig in. "It has come to my attention that there's been a change in your relationship?" he asked Harry and the ladies.

"We're married." Harry agreed.

"We didn't even get to have a party, or anything!" Alice fumed.

"We do dinner parties anyway." Harry pointed out. "Marrying my ladies is what felt right for me, for the commitment we were already making. We didn't need a ceremony or reception, because the only people that mattered to the proceedings were there."

"We don't matter?" Alice asked, belligerently.

"Don't try making this into something it's not." Harry chided. "You know what I meant."

"Anyway." Carlisle interjected. "I was hoping to make a toast. To a long and happy marriage. May you have all of time to enjoy the commitment you have made." He lifted his glass of orange juice.

"To a long and happy marriage." the rest intoned, lifting their various beverages.

Once they'd taken sips, they started on breakfast.

"We're still arranging a party." Alice said, tartly. "And you can't stop me."

Harry smiled at Alice. "I'd not expect you to be anyone but who you are." he said. "Go nuts. Just, run the plans by the ladies, okay? It's their occasion too."

"Of course." Alice said, her beautiful smile finally returning to her face.

"I'm sorry I missed dinner last night." Harry said.

"What was going on?" Eleazar asked.

"The Quileute tribe have a history with the Cullens I didn't know about." Harry said. "I wanted to find out what was going on, because Billy Black, an elder of the tribe, mentioned something to me after dinner on Saturday."

"Ah." Carlisle said uncomfortably. "We can't really talk about that. All we can say is that we have a treaty with them."

"I think I understand." Harry said. With the revelations from the previous day, Harry could put things together easily enough. Fortunately he didn't have such limitations. "On one of the worlds I went to, I met a race of people who had a connection to their great spirits. They could allow their people to take the forms of animals, to protect themselves and as a form of gift from the animal spirits.

"The local tribe has something like that. Unfortunately, bringing all of you together here, has had the side-effect of having their animals becoming active. It seems that, here, they only activate for defensive purposes, and especially against their ancient enemy, the cold ones." Harry said.

"Vampires." Laurent said.

"Indeed." Harry said.

"Harry went to talk to them peacefully, but when they refused him answers, after he gave them some, he decided to turn and leave." Tanya said.

"They attacked him." Kate growled.

"What?!" Eleazar exclaimed. "Did you insult them, or break the rules of the talks in some way?"

"He just turned and walked to the car." Kate said.

"Did you kill any of them?" Carlisle asked.

"Nobody died, but Harry was very angry." Tanya said. "He almost crushed one of them, like the insect he is, when he threatened to send the pack to attack the Cullens."

"He said that you had broken the treaty and told someone." Kate said.

"I obviously have other sources, and you never broke your word." Harry said. "I may have been a little dramatic about it."

"He controlled the situation completely without moving a step." Kate shuddered at the memory. It was clear she was not scared.

"He said-" Tanya started.

"Let's not go telling secrets, Tanya." Harry chided. "I don't want that known about me. Not with my friends. I like the way they treat me now."

"Of course." Tanya smiled at him. "You're so humble sometimes."

"Anyway." Harry said. "They know I have powerful magic. They know I know about the spirits. They will want to talk to me again."

"We will go with you." Eleazar decided. "If they had numbers, when you showed up, just to talk, you will have the same, when the time comes." There were nods all around the table, at that.

"I don't think it will be necessary, but Tanya and Kate will be with me." Harry said.

"They know they cannot stand against Harry." Kate said. "The entire pack was treated like misbehaving puppies."

"They will likely send fewer next time, just to ensure you don't feel threatened." Tanya agreed. "They know you like and respect Billy, so I think he'll be there as well."

"He'd better be able to talk, then." Kate said. "Harry was very forthcoming. They refused to confirm or share anything, besides what Harry could likely figure out on his own."

"They are likely just worried, because you have befriended all of us." Eleazar said, looking thoughtful.

"He also called us his wives." Tanya allowed. It did make sense to think he was an enemy, with how many vampires he counted among his friends and especially with having claimed immortal brides.

"I'd like to join you." Carlisle said. "We have a history with the Quileute tribe. Maybe I can help, somehow?"

"I'd not decline such an offer." Harry allowed. "I do think that if there are too many of us, it will likely be seen as a sign of aggression."

"You only had us with you and they still attacked." Kate pointed out.

"He is a human." Edward said. "Didn't they already break the treaty, by attacking him?"

"Chances are, they were just trying to stop me from leaving." Harry confessed. "I don't doubt those hot-heads wouldn't have attacked my ladies, though. They have very little control, as far as I can tell."

"The mongrels should know their place." Tanya fumed.

"Why were you so angry, when you got home, if you had it all under control?" Rosalie asked.

"I was frustrated." Harry said. "I said some things in anger, which I wish I hadn't. Then I almost killed a man, just because he was being an idiot."

"He was threatening your friends." Tanya said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Your actions were justified."

"Still." Harry said. "I normally have more control than that." There was a small part of his mind that told him that he'd started caring for these people and that that was the natural response. Anger in defence of loved ones. Family.

The meal was finished pretty soon, but there was still about an hour left before school, so they all chatted amiably, discussing past experiences and current affairs. Alice had drawn Rosalie, Tanya and Kate aside to discuss wedding plans. Even though they were already married in Harry's eyes, it had been pointed out that there was no legal documentation or official records. He wondered how that worked, since immortals couldn't really be on any system, or they might be found out.


When time for school came, Harry was about to take his bike, but he found Emmett and Rosalie waiting for him, along with Kate.

"Hey, what are all of you doing here?" Harry asked them.

"We're going to school together." Emmett said.

"We are living here now." Rosalie said.

"When did that become official?" Harry asked. He didn't have a problem with it, really, but he'd still like to know these things.

"We asked your wives." Rosalie said. "They were under the impression that we already lived here, so they didn't mind."

Harry smiled at that. There were women running his house now, it seemed. He liked it. "And you, Kate?"

"I'm a transfer student." Kate said easily. "Carlisle pulled some strings."

"Well, that's news to me." Harry admitted.

"It was a surprise." Tanya said, as she joined them from the stairway. "I can't pass for a high school girl, unfortunately."

"Can't you?" Harry asked as he went to kiss her. When he pulled away, Tanya looked younger.

"Tanya!" Kate exclaimed.

"What?" Tanya asked.

"Your face!" Kate said.

Tanya took out her phone and looked at her reflection. "How did you do that?" she asked Harry, incredulously.

"Same way I do most things." Harry said, brushing his hands through his hair, turning it brown and lengthening it, till it was as long as Kate's. "Magic." he said.

"You must never let Alice find out." Emmett warned, even as he smiled.

"She'll be asking you for make-overs, along with your fashion sessions." Rosalie agreed.

"And I will love adding that to the list." Alice said from the stairs.

"Oops." Emmett said.

"It's either temporary, or an illusion." Harry said, as his hair returned to normal.

"Why is that?" Tanya asked, as she scooted Harry to the car. They really had to leave, or they'd be late.

"Magic works like heat." Harry said. "It's an energy that dissipates naturally over time, if more heat is not supplied."

"So it's like a form of radiation." Rosalie clarified.

"Basically, yes." Harry shrugged. "There are some things that counteract the temporary nature, like certain runes, which circulates energy, or enchantments that add a permanent function, like my car's flight and stealth." His ladies' rings had the circulation function already, to keep them soft to the touch while they slept with him.

"We can read up on that in the library, when you come home." Tanya said. "I'll keep the bed warm for you." she said as she winked at him. She intended to spend some alone time with him if Kate could spend school time with him.

"Goodbye, honey." Harry played along, as the garage opened and he started moving the Chevy. Alice, Jasper and Edward took off just before they reached them and led the way.

As they drove, Harry noticed that Kate was sitting strategically, so that he could see into her button-up top. He could see she was wearing a bra, but it was pulled away, so that he could see the whole of one beautiful breast. She noticed him looking and smirked. School would be fun.

School did turn out to be fun. Kate delighted in speaking down to any young lady that dared look at her man, and on every other occasion, she'd either flash Harry, rub up against him, make all sorts of innuendoes and once, even pulled him into an empty classroom, to get him all frustrated and then walked off with him having to wait for his libido to subside.

He got her back, of course, by nudging the magic inside her to make her have to control herself in the middle of class, all of which they shared, somehow. Not that Harry understood it, since he knew some of those classes had been full.

When lunch came, Harry pulled out the standard lunchbox and produced one for the others to share, like he'd begun doing. It was mostly just temporary. Things like fries or finger snacks. Emmett ended up eating more than the others combined, but that was also standard at this point. He justified it by saying he was the biggest. He should have the biggest appetite.

During this lunch, however, Kate staked her claim, by sitting on Harry's lap and kissing him full on the mouth, to some cat-calls and whistling. Of course, that just got one of the supervising teacher's attention. They were asked to refrain from public displays of affection, and broke apart. Kate still held his hand, though. The teacher didn't seem to either notice, or didn't want to argue anymore and carried on with their duties.

"Trying to get Harry suspended again?" Emmett asked, with a smirk.

"If I wanted him out of this school, I'd simply seduce him, have him fuck me on the principle's desk and let him walk in on us." Kate said, with a wicked smirk.

"I wouldn't object, except for the walking in on us part." Harry allowed, smirking right back and tickling Kate's belly-button, from the inside.

Kate straightened and shook for a moment, before relaxing again, but with a bit of a vacancy and hunger in her eyes.

"Do you have to do that in the cafeteria?" Bella complained. Edward had whispered something in her ear and he'd likely told her what was going on the first time that happened in class. None of the other immortals addressed it, so Edward was likely careful in how he phrased it.

"My Kate likes being punished for bad behaviour." Harry said. "She teases me, I tease right back." he said, as he squeezed one of Kate's nipples with his power, but lightly.

Kate actually let out a yelp that time and her hand went to cover her chest. "That's not fair." she objected. "You don't have to move to touch me, but everyone will see if I do it."

"Harry." Alice said with a small smile, but also shaking her head. "You'll make her steal you from school, before the day is out, if you continue doing that."

"The car is right outside, and we have yet to christen it." Kate agreed. "With how the back-seat expands, you know Tanya and I will want to join the mile-high club with you as well."

"Aww, man!" Emmett whined. "We won't be able to do that! Harry has to drive."

"We can always keep him distracted." Kate offered. "But we're still the first, so you'll have to wait."

"Could we stop talking about sex?" Bella whispered but loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. She was blushing furiously and the look in her eyes told him she was both embarrassed and turned on.

"Getting frustrated, Bella?" Emmett asked. "Edward not giving you enough attention?"

"I just hit him with the magic yesterday." Harry said. "I'm assuming he's still withholding, like a virgin before prom night?"

"That's private." Edward said, sternly.

"Is it, though?" Harry asked. "I don't have your senses and I can pick up that she's frustrated. Take it from someone with a lot of experience. You don't want to leave your girlfriend frustrated. That leads to mistakes, misunderstandings and unhappiness in general."

"Happy wife, happy life." Kate agreed.

"It's none of your business." Edward insisted. Harry was sure that if he could, he'd be blushing too.

"Fine, fine." Harry allowed. "But do us all a favour, and do something, if not it. There are alternatives which you could both likely enjoy responsibly."

"That's what I said." Bella murmured, not caring that the others could hear, in her frustration.

"See what I mean?" Harry said. "I haven't known Bella for a long time, but I know she used to be much more controlled than that."

Bella was not making eye-contact with anyone now.

"What is it with contact with you that makes sex come up so often?" Alice asked, curiously.

"Empathic resonance? Something to do with the use of succubus magic? Plain old teenage hormones?" Harry asked. "I don't know, take your pick. My sex life is great. If theirs was, we'd not be talking about it so much."

"He's got a point." Kate said. "Bang her already. You know she'll survive with Harry's magic on you."

Emmett soon joined in the teasing, but the ladies eventually calmed the situation down and got them off of the subject.

"I was wondering." Jasper said. "You mentioned earlier about empathic resonance? What does that mean?"

"If many people in the room experience an emotion, the others could be swept up as well." Harry said simply. "For example, if a large group in the cafeteria were to spontaneously burst out laughing," there was a giggle from off to the side, "chances are other people will join in." Some more giggles and a guffaw and then more laughter as more people started laughing. Pretty soon the entire hall was laughing.

Harry smiled. "I only did about half of that." he said, indicating the hall behind him.

Jasper was smiling too, despite himself. The laughter and good cheer was contagious. "Very well done." he complimented, as he chuckled.

"Being an empath means you could do something like this too, doesn't it?" Harry asked. His magic had long since stopped, but the children were now all just spurring each other on. Somewhere there was a hysterical laugh, as someone wanted to but couldn't stop laughing. "Try bringing them down again. I've stopped doing my thing." he requested.

"These are a lot of people." Jasper said, dubiously.

"Do what I did." Harry suggested. "Focus on those who are laughing the loudest first."

Jasper still looked dubious, but his smile faded as he focussed on being calm. It was more difficult than normal, since there was still a lot of laughter and it was affecting him. He finally managed to calm a few of the people down, and pretty soon the laughter died down to chuckles and giggles and then there was just excited chatting as everyone tried to figure out how the laughter had started.

"Well done, Jasper." Harry said. "Mine was done with magic, so it can do the same thing for everyone, but you had to focus individually and work against a standing effect that was trying to affect you. That takes some focus, even for me, given the right circumstances."

"Thank you, Harry." Jasper said. "Maybe I can train with you on this, to gain more control."

"Sure thing Jasper." Harry said.

"So, empathic resonance is a kind of magic, or energy?" Bella asked. If this was something people could do and it was a power…

"Empathy is something all people possess." Harry said. "Well, unless you're a psycho. Anyway, how this worked has to do more with the fact that we're all basically human. We hear someone laughing and we turn around to look where someone is having fun. We want to be happy, so we seek it out. Five people crying won't make another five cry, for example. Nobody wants to be sad. You might approach such a person and try to help them, though. That's empathy."

"I know what empathy is." Bella said. "But that affected even Jasper. It has to be something more."

"It really wasn't." Harry said. "Empathic resonance, on the other hand, is if you're sad and someone starts crying, you might join in, because it's what the mood is telling you. It's telling you it's okay to cry. Laughter and happiness is just easier for people, because most people strive for it."

"Where did you learn that?" Edward asked.

"Succubus." Harry said. "She knew all kinds of tricks. She even had this lust-aura thing. When she was feeling hungry, she could start a full-blown orgy and take her pick, while everyone was naked and distracted."

"And we're back on sex." Emmett smirked.

"Jasper brought it up." Harry defended himself.

"I did?" Jasper asked.

"I was saying empathic resonance could be why sex was coming up all the time." Harry said. "We're all happily having sex, so the two people who aren't drew our attention and we focussed on them."

"Do you know any other tricks with emotions?" Edward asked, trying for a change again.

"Sure." Harry said, calming both Bella and Edward down with a look and some power. "Now we can talk about sex as much as we want, because you two chilled out."

"I do feel calmer." Bella admitted.

"Sex is great." Emmett said, trying to see her reaction.

"Sure." Bella agreed. "Can't wait to try it."

"That's just wrong." Emmett sulked.

"I think I might like this magic best." Bella decided. "Go on, talk about sex now. I can handle it."

Kate took that as a challenge and led her off to whisper something in her ear where the vampires wouldn't be able to hear. Edward just sat there calmly watching them. It took Kate all of a minute to break Bella's calm. She came walking up to Harry with a furious blush on her face and asked. "Just, do the calming thing again, please?" she pleaded.

Harry complied and Bella sighed in relief this time. "Your bedroom escapades are apparently too much for your own magic to counter."

"She told you?" Rosalie asked, interestedly.

"She made me promise to keep it secret." Bella said apologetically.

Kate sat down next to Harry with a smirk on her face. "What did you tell her?" Harry asked.

"Read my thoughts and I'll show you." Kate challenged.

"Not again, please." Edward asked. He'd been able to follow along, through Kate's mind.

"Fine." Kate said. "I just described to her how our Sunday morning went, what I felt and what you did. That was enough."

"Sunday was pretty wild." Harry agreed.

"I didn't even get to what you did after your meeting." Kate said, shuddering.

"Oh, come on!" Edward complained. Apparently her remembering was enough to disturb him out of his own calm.


When school finished, Harry was so damn worked up, he took the car stealth, and disappeared home. Emmett and Rosalie had only barely had time to jump in.

Kate's punishment for working him up so much, was that Harry and Tanya spent their greeting time first. Then he dragged her in, ripped her underwear off, while she was still fully dressed, pushed her over a table and proceeded to vent his remaining frustration until she was screaming in ecstasy. Twice. By the time he was done with her she was a giggling mumbling stuttering mess of twitching happiness.

Then he took Tanya again and proceeded to do the same. She did not complain, either, when he used his magic to stimulate her into a near-constant state of climax. The whole thing was done in under an hour, but they'd never felt so thoroughly fucked. And they loved it. While Tanya preferred a calmer and more intimate time, she was not opposed to seeing and feeling her mate's passion, when they mated.

Kate was just lying there in awe. Her body still twitched and shook. Her mind had reached a new level of nirvana and her skirt was now sopping wet. When he flopped down next to her, for a quick rest, she smiled and squealed in delight, as she threw an arm around Harry, to press herself against him as hard as she knew she could.

Tanya had not said one word to him before he took her to the bedroom. Her only words since then had been exclamations in the heat of the passion. As he lay next to her, now, she joined Kate in cuddling with him.

"What brought that on?" Tanya asked.

"Kate's been tempting me all day." Harry said. "Seriously, she did things I could get expelled for."

"Gave him a rub or two, during biology." Kate said, smirking.

"And flashed me every chance she got and rubbed up against me!" Harry said. "You know how much I like your butts, but placing my hand on your ass, under the skirt, as we walked through the halls was too much. Anyone could see!"

"I know!" Kate agreed. "That's half the fun!" she laughed, even as she took his hand and placed it firmly on her rear end. "I also love when you touch me." she bit her lip, as he instantly started fondling her perfect posterior, lifting the material to feel her more directly, his other hand making it to Tanya's as well.

"Feel free to appreciate any part of my body, Harry." Tanya said. "It's yours."

"We should kick Emmett and Rosalie out, so that we can walk around naked." Kate decided. "This is Harry's house. If he likes what we look and feel like, he shouldn't have to wait until we're alone, so he can appreciate it."

"I'm not the one who officially gave them a room." Harry countered.

"Sorry." Tanya said.

"No, I like that you did that. This is your house now, too." Harry said. "What did you do today?" he asked Tanya.

"I spent some time with Esme. Then I went to the library to look through your books." Tanya said. "I didn't touch anything that looked old and I didn't go in the magical section." she said, when Harry looked sharply at her.

"How did you get in?" Harry asked.

"I asked the house to take me to the library." Tanya shrugged. "The stairs went up this time."

"And it just made the stairs for you?" Harry asked. "I'm not upset, I'm just shocked. This is a first."

"Maybe your house just likes us." Kate said. She'd try going somewhere on her own too.

"Maybe." Harry conceded, before he smiled at Tanya, to assure her he was fine. "What did you end up reading?"

"Some folklore from a world that apparently worshipped dragons?" Tanya asked.

"Ah, that world." Harry said, nodding. "They had some interesting customs. I once had to get the wool from the nostril of a kind of bison, before they would allow me to take part in a festival that apparently celebrated the second time a dragon pooped."

"Really, poop?" Kate asked.

"Well, in their world they believed they were considered less than fleas compared to the 'mighty dragon'." Harry said. "In their folklore, the continents are formed when a dragon has a bowel movement. The metaphor there being that we're only worthy of consisting on a dragon's shit."

"Did you ever see any dragons?" Tanya asked.

"Not in that world." Harry chuckled.

"So, you have seen dragons?" Tanya clarified.

"Oh, yeah." Harry said. "Plenty. Had one as a pet once, actually."

"Could you show us?" Kate asked.

Harry closed his eyes, concentrated for a bit and then held up his hand. On his palm, grew a figurine of a dragon. It had horns, a wide, long snout and a very large wingspan. It was all green with golden specks running down its sides. It had large rear legs and shorter forearms with sharp looking claws.

"This is what Rex looked like." Harry said fondly. "He was a sweetheart."

"He looks vicious." Tanya countered.

"How big was he?" Kate asked.

Harry looked at the figure in his hands. "That big."

"But that's small!" Tanya objected.

"I didn't say he was big." Harry defended. "Most large dragons are angry, territorial things. Rex was only imposing to mice. Which was probably a good thing because he preferred to eat spiders."

"Show us something else?" Kate requested.

"I have to go do research, ladies." Harry said. "How about, after dinner we go for a swim, and I'll see if I can still summon water fairies?"

"Deal." Tanya said instantly. As Harry got up and got dressed, the ladies turned to each other and said. "Fairies." at the same time, before squealing and hurrying to get dressed.

Kate did lament the torn piece of cloth that used to be her current favourite panties, by virtue of the fact that it's the ones Harry had spent the most time admiring her ass in. She was about to turn to him to ask that he fix them, when they reformed on their own. She looked at Harry and noticed him smirking. It seemed he liked those ones, too. Kate then proceeded to find something other than her wet and messy skirt to wear. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but she loved the smell of her and Harry on them.

They all trooped into the library, so that Harry could find the missing part for his current plans to help the vampires he called friends.

As luck would have it, it took him all of two minutes to find it. Harry didn't complain about his luck, since it was bound to happen on occasion. He quickly memorised the parts he needed, before they left again. They went directly to the runes workshop and Harry started working. This part wasn't as simple. He needed to remember inclusion and exclusion, as necessary, and then a way to moderate actual mass exchange… It was complicated. He had the bare-bones of what he needed by the time he went down to make food.

He found Esme already waiting for him. "Hi Esme."

"Hello, Harry dear." Esme said warmly. "Tanya, Kate." she greeted them as well.

Harry went to the fridge to see what he wanted. He didn't have a lot, so he decided to go for an old favourite. Emmett would love it.

Harry quickly got to work, telling Esme what he intended and the processes involved as they started prepping. By the time the guests arrived, they walked out with Nachos, fresh dips and extras, with a few pitchers of margarita.

"We're having Nachos." Harry announced.

"Ooh, I like themed parties." Alice said. "We should have worn ponchos and sombreros."

"Yes, let's be racist about it while we're at it." Harry mocked.

"I'm just saying." Alice said. "We could do something more, you know? This is the first time you're making us Mexican and I'm feeling like giving the proper respect to the meal."

"Then just enjoy the meal, dear." Esme suggested. She didn't necessarily disagree with the idea of theme parties, but Alice's suggestion had been a little on the nose.

"If my current project works out, you'll be able to eat whatever you feel like, within reason." Harry said.

"Really?" Emmett asked.

"If, it works out." Harry agreed. "And I'm not telling so don't even ask."

Emmett didn't stay miffed for long, because he was looking at a large plate of Nachos with all kinds of sides and it was all covered in melted cheese. "Awesome." he said.

As meals went, it wasn't overly complicated. It seemed it was enjoyed, though. The margaritas were also a big winner. Emmett had once again proclaimed it was his new favourite.

After dinner, the guests decided to stay for some unknown reason and everyone moved into the pool room.

"You ladies tell the guests what I told you?" Harry asked his ladies.

"But it's fairies Harry. Fairies!" Kate objected.

"We seldom see the light side of the supernatural world." Tanya said. "If you can do it, I think all of us would appreciate it."

Harry looked sternly at them for a few moments, before it broke and he developed a smile for them. "Fair enough. Who could stay angry at you angels." he said.

They both smiled widely at him for the compliment and took him by the hands, leading him to the room where the others had gathered.

They were all sitting around and chatting and Edward playing bartender again, with what was left of the vampire-friendly drink.

Harry concentrated and his clothes melted away and turned into a bathing suit. He walked to the stairs into the pool and broke the water gently, trying not to disturb the surface as he slowly moved in. Then he moved himself to the centre of the pool, holding himself in place with his magic. He closed his eyes and started to hum, using his magic to attract and empower the benign creatures, as the vibrations of his voice seemed to make the water of the pool vibrate. It was one note in his normal speaking tone, but he hummed until his breath was done and then he took a deep breath and hummed again, but in a slightly higher pitch.

This time, however, there was a small chorus, in what sounded like a tiny voice as one and then more voices joined Harry's note. Harry held it as long as he could, before he needed another breath. When he started humming the same note again, the voices joined him instantly and the water started moving, like there were fish just under the surface, but not breaking the water.

Harry kept the note, even as a tiny head poked out of the water, seeming to be made of water itself, and looked at Harry curiously. It moved closer, coming out of the water as it did so and reached out a hand to touch his cheek. Harry smiled even as his eyes stayed closed and he kept the note.

The tiny figure let go of Harry, and dived back into the water. When Harry repeated the note again, there was a sudden explosion as hundreds of tiny winged creatures shot out of the water and flew around the pool house, all humming the same tone as Harry. They looked at the inhabitants of the room and flew around them, inspecting everything in the room. Just before Harry's note ended, they all flew back into the water. Harry took another deep breath and hummed again.

The creatures flew out of the water again and continued their inspection of the people and sniffing at the drinks. The vampires watched in awe as these creatures of legend, creatures they didn't even know existed themselves, flew about, and played with each other. Every time Harry's note was about to end, there was a rush to get back in the water. Then they would come out again at the note.

After about ten minutes, Harry's tone changed to the deeper tone again and the fairies didn't fly far from the water at all this time. One of them placed a hand on Harry's other cheek and disappeared into the water, for the last time. Harry opened his eyes and swam to the side to get out.

"That was amazing!" Alice exclaimed. "Just… Amazing!"

"What was that Harry?" Carlisle asked.

"Fairies don't live in this or any dimension." Harry said. "There's some place they go, which is connected to everything, but they can only appear to people if certain requirements are met."

"Still water, a sustained note and magic, I'm guessing?" Rosalie asked.

"The surface of the water is a portal to them." Harry said. "Still is better. They prefer that, as it makes the note easier to hear. The note itself creates a kind of connection for them. They use it to interact with the world. To become physical. They hum the note as well, because they need it. The vibration of the water of the pool is their way back. The magic helps them know that I know what they are and how to protect them if they decide to take the invitation, as well as sustains them. They love magic."

"Protect them?" Esme asked.

"If I stopped humming while they were out, they would lose their form and it would hurt them, possibly cutting them off from returning where they came from." Harry said.

"So your first note was deeper, to let them know that you'll be opening the door." Carlisle said. "Then you repeated the other note and they sang along, to see how long you could maintain it and to get the frequency right. Then that first one told you that they'd come though, and the last one told you it's safe to stop."

"You kept your eyes closed so that they knew you weren't waiting for them to be out of the water and hurt them or capture them or something, right?" Tanya speculated.

"That's about the gist of it." Harry said. "How many were there?"

"Hundreds." Alice said, a sound of wonder in her voice. "They flew right up to us and waved and sniffed our drinks and stuff."

Tanya was suddenly hugging Harry. "Thank you. That was beautiful." she whispered. She wished she could cry. She wanted to cry.

"Do they come to just anyone with magic and the right knowledge?" Kate asked.

"There are a few more conditions." Harry allowed. "While I'm not giving you everything, there's also the fact that the sun's not out."

"Evaporation." Carlisle mused. "Does being enclosed also help?"

"Likely." Harry agreed. "Yes, anything that might disturb their forms, like sun and wind, does affect their likelihood of taking the invitation."

"Can you summon other fairies?" Tanya asked, looking up at him.

"Possibly." Harry said, smiling down at her. "But not tonight. The other conditions are not met."

"What others are there?" Irina asked. She'd been very quiet.

"A few." Harry said mysteriously. "But, I'll leave that as a surprise."

The guests all thanked Harry for showing the fairies, most of the females hugging Harry. When they had left, Harry was not quite in the mood for sex, so instead, he switched on his massive television and sat back to watch something in the lounge, with his ladies curled up to his sides. Emmett and Rosalie actually joined them. It felt nice to just hang out and watch the same story unfold. Harry conjured pop-corn for himself and the others, which they could actually share, since it was nothing anyway, even though it was a little bland for Harry, to accommodate their strong senses of taste and smell. Strange how making something with blood, somehow counteracts that. Maybe it was a vampire thing?

After the movie was done, Harry stretched out. "Okay, people, I'm going to bed. Thanks for the company." he said as he got up. His ladies made to get up, but Harry said, "Don't get up on my account ladies. You're more than welcome to join me when and if you want to. I'm only going to sleep."

"We like sleeping with you, Harry." Tanya said. "I like waking up with you. Unless, you don't want us to?"

"Oh, no. Not at all." Harry said. "I just realised the other day that you are used to not needing sleep at all, so I was just wondering."

"We go with you." Kate said.

"Goodnight, Harry." Rosalie called after them.

"Do you think he's still working on making us human?" Emmett asked.

"I think he's trying to give us everything humans have and then he'll see if we still want to be human." Rosalie said.

"Do you?" Emmett asked.

"I want options." Rosalie said. "If he can give us everything he thinks he can and babies, along with a safe future, then no. I'll stay what I am and watch over my family. Raise children, send them to school, see them fall in love, get married, have children of their own and then I'll offer them our life."

"Never needing to see our family die." Emmett said, with a nod. "When do you want to start?"

"As soon as we know we can protect the children, when they leave home." Rosalie said.

"They?" Emmett asked.

"I want two boys and a girl. I don't really care which order, but I would like an older brother for the other two." Rosalie said.

"Three children." Emmett mused. "Me, a father. That will take some getting used to."

"Just wait until you realise you'll also be on diaper duty, or when your daughter brings a boy home." Rosalie said.

"What boy?" Emmett asked, with a frown. "She'll bring home a man, when she's old enough to marry. No sooner." He smiled then, already seeing it. "I can't wait."