
the Orphanage

Michael's p.o.v

I have lived my hole life in an orphanage, which was only 11 years but I always felt alone like I was doomed until to day.

whta happened today you ask well I got adopted, today was the day I stop getting bullied today was the day I have a real smile on my face today is the day I get adopted.

I could not help but smile all day, my face was starting to hurt form all the times I do not smile, when I went to meet the parents that were going to be adopting me.

I walked in to see a woman with a big smile on her face I had no idea why but all I wanted to right now was hug her.

the woman opened her arms i ran into them with the biggest smile i had ever had on my face, her warm comforting arms just made me relax.

"well arnt you to the perfect fit" the person who ran the orphanage said with a smile "mhm" the woman I was hugging hummed pulling me in closer.

a thought had popped into my head I did not even know her name "excuse me what's you name" I questioned.

"ohh honey you can just call me mom" the woman chirped "ok... m-mom" I stuttered, I had never called anyone that so it felt weird.

"...well only a bit more paper work and he is yours trixie" the man hummed "ohh right sorry let's do this" my new mother stuttered.

later that day

the papers were signed and I was in her car "honey what's your name"she hummed "ohh I'm sorry my name is Michael" I mumbled.

(sorry for it being so short I have school puls I have 4 other story's i have been working on)