

max the boy who sat next to me had started to laugh "what's up max" I questioned and the thing he said next made me really mad.

"why are you hanging ok ut with that emo freak" I had to fight every muscle in my body not to punch him.

"what are you talking about" I hissed at him, he seem to notice this "dude you should not be hanging out with that freak he's..... really weird.

I swear to God if this class is not shut up and next size seconds I was going to kill him "max...." max backed away when he heard his name.

" What's up James' something wrong that freak Infect you with his weirdness" max said gaining his confidence back.

That was the last straw I punished Max treatment face and he fell back against the chairs I heard the teachers scream at me to go to the office.

I don't know why But I punch felt so good I hated the way use talking about Michael I didn't like her we called me a freak.

Michael's not Michael's my Is my Friend and I would do anything for him even if that means we're in my good boy reputation.

later that day

Suddenly I see Michel burst through the door of the principal's office he seemed out of breath.... He was running 'is he ok' was my first thought.

(I know it has been awhile so here you go)