
its been awhile

I was in a state of shock and I could not believe who was in front of me "umm hey Michael... heh it's been a while" said James as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I laughed "yeah it has" I seen James face change from uncomfortable to a relaxed state with a calming smile.

James had tightened up again and the he spoke "c-can I sit" i quickly freaked out going into panic mode trying to summon a reply.

"Y-yes please umm I mean sure... uh go ahead" I stuttered, James started to laugh "what are you laughing at" I yelled angrily.

James went into a surprised state with a vary dumb look on his face "WHAT" I said louder he broke out laughing again.

I am not going to lie I did love his smile it was so kind and it fits his face so well I mean how can you be so perfect.

James's p.o.v

I was laughing so hard at Michael because he had puffed out his cheeks and was making a face that just made my heart sore.

I had felt so bad about leaving him without saying a word I bet he was vary confused on my actions the other day.

"it's just I missed you... AND I'm sorry" i said trying to cover up what I said the before, Michael smiled at me and I had a warm feeling in my heart.

"I missed you to" Michael had said but then his smile turned into confusion "what do you have. to be sorry about" he added.

I had a frown on my face "I was a complete jerk and I ignored you" I had said sheepishly, Michael's face had turned into a surprise state.

"your sorry.... you have nothing to be sorry about I was just being weird I'm surprised your even talking to me most people would have ran by now, you have nothing to be sorry for I should be thanking you" Michael ranted.

I laughed at this he started to laugh soon to "God we are so dumb, all I have ever done was make stupid jokes and try mu best to fit In. but now whe mb I'm hanging with I do not have to work about looking cool" I said still laughing.

Michael's face in complete shock "wait your not trying to look cool when your around me" Michael said eyes wide open.

"yeah why" I said in a curious voice "God why are you like this... if this is you not being cool I dont want to see you trying to be cool" Michael laughed.

me and Michael had talked though lunch not daring to touch what the school had called food, we had got some people looking strangely at us as we talked.

the bell rang I said goodbye to Michael and then I walked in to my 4 period and sat down at my desk and wait for class to start.

a kid next to me had tapped on my shoulder I look over to see my 'friend' max "ohh hey max....."

hey guy sorry I have been gone so long I have had a lot of test these past few weeks so I hope you for give me.