
Why is it so hard to be a supporting role?

*Current schedule: 1 chapter per day. * System: "Are you willing to sign a contract with me? If you refuse, your soul will reincarnate." MC: "If I lost my memories, am I still me? I accept." System: "There is low-tier, mid-tier and high-tier worlds, you can only access low-tier now." MC: "What is the difference?" System: "The amount of destruction." MC: (o_o) System: "Let's focus on low-tier. Low-tier is split into beginning, intermediate and advance." MC: "It is still differentiate by the amount of destruction." System: "How do you know?" MC: (-_-') System: "(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ. Not entirely. It is differentiate by the scientific progress. More progress is more destructive. Your world is rather advanced in the low-tier." MC: "So don't tell me beginning is caveman and intermediate is middle age?" System: "You're half-right, intermediate starts at iron age." MC: 눈_눈 System: "Since are a beginner you can only do supporting roles." MC: "So when can I be the male lead?" System: "It largely depends on luck after you graduate from your beginner status." MC: "Fine, ML is hard anyway. So, How do I do that?" System: "You need to complete 110 low-tier worlds. You have to spend about 10 - 100 years in each world, that in a thousand to ten thousand years with no failure." MC: "I think the role of ML is not for me." System: "Supporting role is way easier." MC: "So, where I start?" System: "Caveman of course." MC: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Anonymreader · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: What about a soulmate?

"But I heard that I can find a soulmate that will follow me in different worlds. Is that possible for me?"

System: "Forget about it. It's impossible for you."

"(눈_눈). Why?"

"Just understand that systems are created by different gods. Love God created a lot of systems, that's why there are so many tasks on love and help with true love."

"So, it's just the Love God's personal hobby?""Yeah. So forget about finding a soul mate. You can either live alone until your role due death time or find a different lover in each world."

"What if I mean another host? Will we be able to travel together?"

"It's such a small probability that it is nearly impossible. Your galaxy is rather small, it can only have low-tier worlds and mid-tier worlds. Imagine the center as a mass that radiate a special energy that determines the grow of a world. The closer to the center, the higher the grade of the world. Your world is in the middle, neither close nor far, so it can only be advanced low-tier. If you count the number of solar systems in the galaxy where a world can be born, there are about billions of worlds."

"What is the probability of a host from another system?"

"I don't know. Theoretically, it depends on grade of the highest world, but it is impossible to be higher than ten thousand. So, at most 0.001 percent. Not even a percent. The probability of choosing the same world is even lower, not to mention meeting each other."

"So, it must be fate if we are able to meet?"

"(¬_¬). Seriously. Do you know that beginner hosts don't have a physical form? Not to mention that nothing can be mentioned about systems in the world. Sure, there are transmigration and reborn, but they are different. How would you know that the other is a host?

"There most be some flaws right? Is there a platform for hosts to communication with each other?"

"Well, sorry to say that, but I don't think that you can notice them even if there were flaws. And you don't even have a plot. Good luck with that. There is no platform available for beginners."

"Fine. So what do I get by travelling through worlds?"

"The chance to become god."

"(○□○). What?!"

To be continued...